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A simple Form Abstraction layer

1 Creating forms

First create a class extending SunnyFlail\Forms\Form\FormElement class. It must implement method IFormElement::build.

use SunnyFlail\Forms\Form\FormElement;
use SunnyFlail\Forms\Interfaces\IFormBuilder;

class ConcreteForm extends FormElement

    public function build(IFormBuilder $builder)


1.1 Adding Fields

Inside the IFormElement::build method invoke IFormBuilder::add, providing the field you want to add as an argument. You can chain this method.

$builder->add(new InputField('text'));

1.2 Configuring form

Inside the `` method you can change properties
(Mandatory) string $formName - Name of the form - prefix which will be provided to form's field names
`string $formMethod` - HTTP method which this form will use (defaults to GET)
`string $buttonText` - Text which will be shown inside the submit button
`array $attributes` - Atttributes to be provided to the form Element
`array buttonAttributes` - Attributes provided to submit button Element of the form
`IElement[] $topElements`- Array of objects implementing `SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement` interface - Elements to be printed before all fields
`IElement[] $middleElements` - Array of objects implementing `SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement` interface - Elements to be printed before after fields, before button
`IElement[] $bottomElements` - Array of objects implementing `SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement` interface - Elements to be printed after submit button
`string|null $classFQCN` - FQCN of (Plain Old Php Object) class to which this form will resolve to, resolves to array if this is null
`bool $useHtmlValidation` - Should this form use Html Validation (defaults to true)
`bool $withFiles` If set to true sets the enctype (encoding type) to multipart/form-data

2 Using forms

2.1 Creating builder

First you need to create a global copy of form builder

$objectCreator = new SunnyFlail\ObjectCreator\ObjectCreator();
$valueMapper = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Mappers\ValueMapper($objectCreator);
$valueProviderFactory = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Providers\ProviderFactory();

$builder = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Form\FormBuilder($valueMapper, $valueProviderFactory);

2.2 Building form

Then invoke IFormBuilder::buildForm method providing form FQCN as first argument, and optionally object/array to scrape values from as second.
This returns a copy of Builder so prepare another variable for it

$concreteFormBuilder = $builder->buildForm(ConcreteForm::class);

2.3 Processing user input

To process user provided data invoke IFormBuilder::processForm using a object implementing Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface interface as an argument
This will return a bool indicating whether form got valid values

if ($concreteFormBuilder->processForm($request)) {

2.4 Getting values

To get values scraped from form elements use IFormBuilder::getProcessedData

$values = $concreteFormBuilder->getProcessedData();

2.5 Adding errors

To add en error to form use IFormBuilder::addError

$concreteFormBuilder->addError('An error occurred!');

2.6 Rendering form

You can either just stringify (eg. echo $concreteFormBuilder;) the form OR manually render all of the fields.
To render the form manually, first you need to get a copy of Form by calling IFormBuilder::accessForm
To get HTML form tag attributes call IFormElement::getHTMLAttributes
To get an associative array of fields call IFormElement::getFields
To get Fields Input element call IField::getInputElement
To get Fields Label element call IField::getLabelElement
Those methods may return an IElement OR and array of them
If an error occured you can get the error element with IField::getErrorElement

3 Available fields

3.1 InputField

This is representation of <input type="(...)">

$input = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Fields\InputField();

Input field constructor takes parameters:

string $name - Name of the field
string $type - Field type
bool $required- Whether this field must be filled
bool $rememberValue - Whether this field should retain provided value of error
IConstraint[] $constraints - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\Constraints\Interfaces\IConstraint interface
array $errorMessages - Array of strings, keys must be numeric strings, '-1' is for no value error, positive keys are for failed constraint errors
IElement[] $topElements- Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before label
IElement[] $middleElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before input
IElement[] $bottomElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before error
array $inputAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to input Element
array $containerAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to wrapper Element
array $errorAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to error Element
?string $labelText - Text to be shown inside label, if unset it shows the field name
array $labelAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to label Element

3.2 EmailField

This is representation of <input type="email">

$input = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Fields\EmailField();

Email field constructor takes parameters
string $name - Name of the field
bool $required- Whether this field must be filled
bool $rememberValue - Whether this field should retain provided value of error
array $errorMessages - Array of strings, keys must be numeric strings, '-1' is for no value error, positive keys are for failed constraint errors
IElement[] $topElements- Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before label
IElement[] $middleElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before input
IElement[] $bottomElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before error
array $inputAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to input Element
array $containerAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to wrapper Element
array $errorAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to error Element
?string $labelText - Text to be shown inside label, if unset it shows the field name
array $labelAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to label Element

3.3 PasswordField

This is representation of <input type="password">

$input = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Fields\PasswordField();

This field introduces Peeper - a button which, when coupled with appriopriate JS, shows the password provided to the field

Password field constructor takes parameters:

string $name - Name of the field
bool $required- Whether this field must be filled
bool $rememberValue - Whether this field should retain provided value of error
IConstraint[] $constraints - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\Constraints\Interfaces\IConstraint interface
array $errorMessages - Array of strings, keys must be numeric strings, '-1' is for no value error, positive keys are for failed constraint errors
IElement[] $topElements- Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before label
IElement[] $middleElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before input
IElement[] $bottomElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before error
bool $withPeeper - Whether this field should be rendered with an peeper
array $inputAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to input Element
array $peeperAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to peeper Element
array $containerAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to wrapper Element
array $errorAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to error Element
?string $labelText - Text to be shown inside label, if unset it shows the field name
array $labelAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to label Element

3.4 TextAreaField

This is representation of <textarea></textarea>

$input = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Fields\TextAreaField();

TextArea field constructor takes parameters:

string $name - Name of the field
bool $required- Whether this field must be filled
bool $rememberValue - Whether this field should retain provided value of error
IConstraint[] $constraints - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\Constraints\Interfaces\IConstraint interface
array $errorMessages - Array of strings, keys must be numeric strings, '-1' is for no value error, positive keys are for failed constraint errors
IElement[] $topElements- Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before label
IElement[] $middleElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before input
IElement[] $bottomElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before error
array $inputAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to input Element
array $containerAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to wrapper Element
array $errorAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to error Element
?string $labelText - Text to be shown inside label, if unset it shows the field name
array $labelAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to label Element

3.5 SelectField

This is representation of <select>(...)</select>

$input = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Fields\SelectField();

Select field constructor takes parameters:

string $name - Name of the field
array $options - Options to render - bool $required- Whether this field must be filled
bool $rememberValue - Whether this field should retain provided value of error
bool $multiple - Should this field allow multiple values
bool $useIntristicValues - Should this only check for values provided in $options parameter or should accept any value matching provided constraints
IConstraint[] $constraints - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\Constraints\Interfaces\IConstraint interface
array $errorMessages - Array of strings, keys must be numeric strings, '-1' is for no value error, positive keys are for failed constraint errors
IElement[] $topElements- Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before label
IElement[] $middleElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before input
IElement[] $bottomElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before error
array $inputAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to input Element
array $containerAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to wrapper Element
array $errorAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to error Element
?string $labelText - Text to be shown inside label, if unset it shows the field name
array $optionAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to option Element
array $labelAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to label Element

3.6 CheckBoxGroupField

This is representation of a group of <input type="checkbox">

$input = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Fields\CheckBoxGroupField();

Checkbox field constructor takes parameters:

string $name - Name of the field
array $options - Options to render - bool $required- Whether this field must be filled
bool $rememberValue - Whether this field should retain provided value of error
bool $multiple - Should this field allow multiple values
bool $useIntristicValues - Should this only check for values provided in $options parameter or should accept any value matching provided constraints
IConstraint[] $constraints - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\Constraints\Interfaces\IConstraint interface
array $errorMessages - Array of strings, keys must be numeric strings, '-1' is for no value error, positive keys are for failed constraint errors
array $inputAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to input Element
array $containerAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to wrapper Element
array $errorAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to error Element
array $labelAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to label Element

3.7 RadioGroupField

This is representation of a group of <input type="radio">

$input = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Fields\RadioGroupField();

Radio field constructor takes parameters:

string $name - Name of the field
array $options - Options to render - bool $required- Whether this field must be filled
bool $rememberValue - Whether this field should retain provided value of error
bool $useIntristicValues - Should this only check for values provided in $options parameter or should accept any value matching provided constraints
IConstraint[] $constraints - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\Constraints\Interfaces\IConstraint interface
array $errorMessages - Array of strings, keys must be numeric strings, '-1' is for no value error, positive keys are for failed constraint errors
array $inputAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to input Element
array $containerAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to wrapper Element
array $errorAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to error Element
array $labelAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to label Element

3.8 RepeatedInputField

A field containing two fields whose values must be the same

$input = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Fields\RepeatedInputField();

Repeated field constructor takes parameters:

IInputField $field - First field
IInputField $repeatedField - Repeated field
string $missmatchError - Message to be displayed on error

3.9 ClassMappedField

A group of fields whose values will be mapped to an Plain Old Php Object

$input = new SunnyFlail\Forms\Fields\ClassMappedField();

Class mapping field constructor takes parameters:

string $fieldName - Name of the field
string $classFQCN - Class name
IField ...$fields - Fields with names defaulting to Class property names

3.10 FileUploadField

This is representation of <input type="file">

File upload field constructor takes parameters:

string $name - Name of the field
bool $required- Whether this field must be filled
bool $multiple - Should this field allow multiple values
IFileConstraint[] $constraints - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\Constraints\Interfaces\IFileConstraint interface
IElement[] $topElements- Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before label
IElement[] $middleElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before input
IElement[] $bottomElements - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\HtmlAbstraction\Interfaces\IElement interface - Elements to be printed before error
array $errorMessages - Array of strings, keys must be numeric strings, '-1' is for no value error, positive keys are for failed constraint errors
array $inputAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to input Element
array $containerAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to wrapper Element
array $errorAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to error Element
?string $labelText - Text to be shown inside label, if unset it shows the field name
array $labelAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to label Element
bool $terminateOnError - Whether http upload error of one of the files should make this field invalid

3.11 FileUploadGroupField [from version ^1.3]

A group of file upload fields

File upload field constructor takes parameters:

string $name - Name of the field
int $inputCount - How many inputs should this render - must be at least 1, if set to 1 this fields multiple property is set to false
int $required- Minimal number of required files
IFileConstraint[] $constraints - Array of objects implementing SunnyFlail\Constraints\Interfaces\IFileConstraint interface
array $errorMessages - Array of strings, keys must be numeric strings, '-1' is for no value error, positive keys are for failed constraint errors
string[] $labelTexts - Text to be shown inside label, If set must be an incremental array with same amout of keys as set in $inputCount, otherwise shows numbers
array $inputAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to input Element
array $containerAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to wrapper Element
array $errorAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to error Element
array $labelAttributes - Array of html attributes to be provided to label Element
bool $terminateOnError - Whether http upload error of one of the files should make this field invalid


I need to add an IFormBuilder::getRawValues which would return an associative array of raw values provided to fields


A simple abstraction layer over HTTP forms







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