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MATLAB implementation of Distillation Column, Y-X plots, McAbe Thiele's Model

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%Replace these with input commands later!

x_top = 0.8; x_bottom = 0.2; x_feed = 0.5; reflux_ratio = 3; boilup_ratio = 4;

%x_top = input("The top composition value (zd): "); %x_bottom = input("The bottom composition value (zw): "); %x_feed = input("The feed composition value (zf): "); %reflux_ratio = input("The reflux ratio (R): "); %boilup_ratio = input("The boilup ratio (S): ");

% Will assume number of moles of feed = 1, since our results aren't % dependent on that.

Tc_prop=537.32; %K Pc_prop= 51.78; %bar

Tc_water = 647.3; %K Pc_water = 220.9; %bar

global R; R = 0.0832; (0.0821(in L.atm/mol.K)1.01325(bar/atm)) global a_water; a_water = ((27/64)(RTc_water)^2)/(Pc_water); %L^^2 global b_water; b_water = (RTc_water)/(8Pc_water); %L/mol global a_prop; a_prop = ((27/64)(RTc_prop)^2)/(Pc_prop); %L^^2 global b_prop; b_prop = (RTc_prop)/(8*Pc_prop); %L/mol global A12; A12 = 2.576; %ln(gamma_inf) for propane global A21; A21 = 1.201; %ln(gamma_inf) for water

B=1441.629; C=-74.299; A=4.87601;

P = 1; %bar

x_vec = [0: 0.02: 1]; y_vec = [];

for i = 1:length(x_vec) x = x_vec(i); y = calc_y_from_x(x, 'p', P); y_vec = [y_vec, y]; end;

ylim([0, 1]);

hold on plot(x_vec, y_vec); plot(x_vec, x_vec, 'r');

%Point of intersection of the 3 lines - feel line & the 2 operating lines x_intersection = (boilup_ratio*x_top + (reflux_ratio +1)*x_bottom)/(boilup_ratio + reflux_ratio + 1); y_intersection = ((boilup_ratio + 1)x_top + reflux_ratiox_bottom)/(boilup_ratio + reflux_ratio + 1);

top_line = @(x) (reflux_ratio*x + x_top)/(reflux_ratio + 1); bottom_line = @(x) ((boilup_ratio+1)x - x_bottom)/(boilup_ratio); %feed_line = @(x) (x_feedx + 1)/(x_feed-1);

%m_feed = x_feed/(x_feed- 1); %x_intersection = fsolve(@(x) (P*(m_feedx - x_feed(m_feed-1))) - xexp(A12/(1+ (A12x/(A21*(1-x))))^2), x_feed) %y_intersection = feed_line(x)

x_top_range = [x_intersection, x_top]; x_bottom_range = [x_bottom, x_intersection]; %feed_range = [min(x_intersection, x_feed), max(x_intersection, x_feed)];

fplot(top_line, x_top_range); fplot(bottom_line, x_bottom_range); %fplot(feed_line, feed_range)

%Starting point of the iterations (McAbe Thiele) count = 0; x_val = x_top; y_val = x_top; %It'll be x_top only, btw!! Can use that itself directly!!

%y_from_x = @(x) exp(A12/(1+ (A12x/(A21(1-x)))^2))x/P ; %x_from_y = @(x, y) Py/exp(A12/(1+ (A12x/(A21(1-x)))^2));

%solve_for_hori_inter = @(x) Py_val - xexp(A12/(1+ (A12x/(A21(1-x))))^2); %solve_for_vert_inter = @(y) y - (reflux_ratio*x_new + x_top)/(reflux_ratio + 1)

%Horizontal line => y = fixed, x = changing x_intersections = []; y_intersections = [];

x_new = x_val; y_new = y_val;

while(x_new >= x_bottom) solve_for_hori_inter = @(x) Py_val - xexp(A12/(1+ (A12x/(A21(1-x))))^2); x_new = fsolve(solve_for_hori_inter, x_val) line([x_new, x_val], [y_new, y_new]);

x_val = x_new;

if(x_new > x_intersection)
    y_new = (reflux_ratio*x_new + x_top)/(reflux_ratio + 1);
    y_new = ((boilup_ratio+1)*x_new - x_bottom)/(boilup_ratio);

count = count + 1;
line([x_new, x_new], [y_val, y_new])
y_val = y_new;

% plot(x_new, y_val, '') % plot(x_new, y_new, '')

%Ignore the below line... %x_new = fsolve(x_from_y(x_val, y_val), x_val) %This gave a velue of x_new = -1.7114e-09 :(( Pretty wrong



%figure; % To generate the next diagram in a new plot window

min_trays = 0; x_val = x_top; y_val = x_top; x_new = x_top; y_new = x_top;

while(x_new >= x_bottom) solve_for_hori_inter = @(x) Py_val - xexp(A12/(1+ (A12x/(A21(1-x))))^2); x_new = fsolve(solve_for_hori_inter, x_val) line([x_new, x_val], [y_new, y_new], 'LineStyle','-.', 'Color','g');

x_val = x_new;

y_new = x_new;

min_trays = min_trays + 1;
line([x_new, x_new], [y_val, y_new], 'LineStyle','-.', 'Color','g')
y_val = y_new;

% plot(x_new, y_val, '') % plot(x_new, y_new, '')

%Ignore the below line... %x_new = fsolve(x_from_y(x_val, y_val), x_val) %This gave a velue of x_new = -1.7114e-09 :(( Pretty wrong



function y = calc_y_from_x(x, subs, P) %subs = 'p' or 'w'. P = Total pressure %fuga_liq_array = find_fuga_liq(P, x, 'p') [gamma1, gamma2] = find_gamma(x, subs);

% y = fuga_liq_arraygamma1x/P; if(subs == 'p') y = gamma1x/P; elseif(subs == 'w') y = gamma2x/P; else error("The substance isn't 'p' or 'w'. Kindly correct it."); end


function [fuga_liq_array] = find_fuga_liq(P, n, subs) global R a_prop b_prop a_water b_water

%A, B, C = Antoine's coeff. parameters
fuga_coeff_array = [];
fuga_liq_array = [];

% temp_range = 350:1:353;

% for i = 1:length(temp_range) % T = temp_range(i)

    T = 400;
    if(subs == 'p')
        a = a_prop;
        b = b_prop;
    elseif(subs == 'w')
        a = a_water;
        b = b_water;
        error("The substance isn't 'p' or 'w'. Kindly correct it.");

        P_sat = 10^(A - (B./(T + C)))
        express = [1, -n.*(b+R.*T/P_sat), (n.^2)*(a/P_sat), -(n.^3)*(a*b)/P_sat];
        V = roots(express)
        vol = min(V(V>0)) %Liquid volume at given conds.
        Z = P_sat*vol/(n*R.*T)
        fuga_coeff = (vol/(Z*(vol-n*b)))*exp(n*b/(vol - n*b) - 2*a*n/(vol*R.*T))
        fuga_coeff_array = [fuga_coeff_array, fuga_coeff];
% This is the fugacity coefficient (phi_i_sat) at T, P_sat
        Poyntingfactor = exp((vol*(P-P_sat))/(n*R.*T));
        fuga_liq = P_sat*fuga_coeff*Poyntingfactor
        fuga_liq_array = [fuga_liq_array, fuga_liq];

% end end

function [gamma1, gamma2] = find_gamma(x, subs) %Code: 'p' for propane (1) and 'w' for water (2) global A12 A21;

if(subs == 'p')
    x1 = x;
    x2 = 1-x;
elseif(subs == 'w')
    x1 = 1-x;
    x2 = x;
    error("The substance isn't 'p' or 'w'. Kindly correct it.");

ln_gamma1 = A12/(1+ (A12*x1/(A21*x2)))^2;
ln_gamma2 = A21/(1+ (A21*x2/(A12*x1)))^2;

%Both of the next 2 lines should be uncommented only if gamma_i is reqd
%not ln(gamma_i)
 gamma1 = exp(ln_gamma1);
 gamma2 = exp(ln_gamma2);


function find_phi(T, P, n, subs) %n is the number of moles, it could be one of xi's or yi's %Note that a, b are not values, but function handles
global R a_prop b_prop a_water b_water;

if(subs == 'p')
    ai = a_prop;
    bi = b_prop;
    y_prop = n; %Remember, total moles = 1 
elseif(subs == 'w')
    ai = a_water;
    bi = b_water;
    y_prop = 1 - n;  %Remember, total moles = 1 
    error("The substance isn't 'p' or 'w'. Kindly correct it.");

eqn = [P, -n*(P*bi+R*T), ai, -ai*bi];
V = roots(eqn);
Vg = max(V);

%f = @(v) ((1/(v-n*b) + b*n/(v-n*b)^2 - 2*a*n/(v*R*T)) - 1/v);
%ln_phi = int(f, vg, inf) - ln(P*vg/(n*R*T));  %Note that the latter term has only vg, and not v.

b = @(y_prop) y_prop*b_prop + (1-y_prop)*b_water;
a = @(y_prop) (y_prop*sqrt(a_prop) + (1-y_prop)*sqrt(a_water))^2;

ln_phi = @(y_prop) log(Vg/(Vg-n*b(y_prop))) + bi/(Vg-n*b(y_prop)) - log(P*Vg/(n*R*T)) -2*sqrt(ai)*(sqrt(a(y_prop)))/(R*T);
%Note: if not converging well, use (y_prop*sqrt(a_prop) +
%(1-y_prop)*sqrt(a_water)) in place of the last term sqrt(a).

% soln = fzero(ln_phi, 0); %fzero wouldn't work at all, actually (we don't need to drive a, b, ln_phi to 0). %Something else is reqd. Tried fsolve, but didn't quite work... Also, constraint on y_prop to be %between 0 and 1 is reqd, I think...



MATLAB implementation of Distillation Column, Y-X plots, McAbe Thiele's Model






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