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Implementation of the provider for the combined selection
SaleSelectionCombinedV2 archive provider
onsite, online


This provider name is implemented by the class SuperOffice.CRM.ArchiveLists.Archive.SaleSelectionCombinedProviderV2 inside NetServer's SODatabase assembly.

Implementation of the provider for the combined selection

Supported Entities

Name Description
"sale" Sale

Supported Columns

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
getAllRows bool GetAll: Get all rows of archive - use with care, you may be fetching the whole database
getNoRows bool GetNone: Do not get any rows from the archive
completed bool Completed: Displays a checkbox showing if an appointment is completed x
icon listAny Category: Displays the icon for an activity type x
date date Date: Displays start date of a follow-up / sale date of a sale x
time None Time: Time
type listAny Type: Displays the type of an activity x
recordType string Record type : Shows the record type x
text positiveString Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item x
associateId associate ID: Displays the login ID of the associate who owns the activity. x
contactId listAny Company ID: Database ID of company x
personId listAny Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row x
projectId listAny Project ID: Database ID of project record x
saleId int Sale ID: The database ID of the sale record x
userGroup userGroup User group : The user group that owns the record x
who None Who: Contact and/or company
updatedBy associate Updated by: The user who last updated the data x
updatedByFullName associate Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data x
updatedDate date Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. x
registeredBy associate Registered by: The user who registered the data x
registeredByFullName associate Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data x
registeredDate date Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. x
currencyId int Currency ID: The currency list item ID x
currency listAny Currency: The currency of the sale x
credited listAny Credited: The user to be credited with the sale x
lossReason listAny Reason (lost: The reason for losing the sale x
source listAny Source: The source (lead) of the sale x
competitor listAny Competitor: The competitor who won the sale x
heading stringorPK Sale: The name of the sale x
amount decimal Amount: The gross sales total x
amountWeighted decimal Weighted amount: Virtual field calculated from amount * probability percent. x
earning decimal Profit: Gross profit (gross sales total - cost) for the sale x
earningPercent decimal Profit as % : The profit as a percentage of the gross sales total x
probPercent int Probability as %: Probability as % x
originalStage listAny Stage: Displays the stage of the sale x
stage listAny Stage: Displays the stage of the sale x
saleStatus listAny Status: The status of the sale - open, lost or sold x
stageRank None Stage rank: Rank of the sale stage in the stage list x
saleType listAny Sale type: Sale type, from list x
nextDueDate date Next activity: Date for next activity for a sale, updated live from the sale's activities x
reopenDate date Reopen date: Displays the reopen date for the sale x
stalledComment listAny Reason (stalled: The reason the sale has been stalled x
saleTypeCategory listAny Sale type category: Sale type category x
soldReason listAny Reason (sold: Reason (sold) x
saleNumber string Number: Number x
hasStakeholders bool Has stakeholders: Does this sale have stakeholders enabled x
hasQuote bool Has quote?: Does the sale have a quote attached? x
hasGuide bool Guided: Does this sale have a Sales Guide x
description string Description: The long description field on Sale
activeErpLinks bool ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? x
createdByWorkflow listAny Created by flow: Created by flow x
amountInBaseCurrency None Amount (BaseCurrency): The gross sales total x
amountWeightedInBaseCurrency None Weighted amount (BaseCurrency): Virtual field calculated from amount * probability percent. x
visibleFor listAny Visible for
sale/textId int Text ID x
sale/description positiveString Text: Displays the text entered in the description field x
salePublish/isPublished bool Published: Displays an icon indicating if the project or sale has been published x
salePublish/publishedFrom date From date: Start date for publishing. The record will not be visible prior to this date x
salePublish/publishedTo date To date: End date for publishing. The record will not be visible after this date x
salePublish/publishedBy None Published by: Published by
person/personId int DB ID: Displays the database ID of a contact x
person/firstName string First name: Displays the contact's first name x
person/lastName string Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
person/middleName string Middle name: Displays the contact's middle name. x
person/fullName stringorPK Contact: Displays the contact to which an item is linked x
person/contactId int Company ID: Database ID of company x
person/hasInfoText bool Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact x
person/hasInterests bool Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests x
person/personHasInterests bool Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests x
person/mrMrs string Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
person/position listAny Position x
person/personNumber string Number: Displays the contact's number x
person/title string Title: Displays the contact's job title x
person/personCountry listAny Country: Country x
person/personCountryId int Country ID: Country ID x
person/personNoMail bool No Mailings: Displays the contact's No Mailings checkbox x
person/rank int Rank: Displays a contact's current rank x
person/birthdate None Birthdate: Displays the contact's date of birth
person/associateType None User type: Displays an icon indicating if a contact is an associate or external contact with log-in rights and currently online. This information is updated only once while the archive is loading.
person/useAsMailingAddress bool Use as postal address: Use as postal address x
person/personSource listAny Source: Source (Contact) x
person/retired bool Former employee: Indicates whether the contact has retired/left the company x
person/birthYear int Birth year: Displays contact's birth year x
person/birthMonth int Birth month: Displays contact's birth month x
person/birthDay int Birth day: Displays contact's birth day (day of month) x
person/kanaFirstName string First name, kana: Contact's first name, in kana alphabet x
person/kanaLastName string Last name, kana: Contact's last name, in kana alphabet x
person/personUpdatedBy associate Updated by: The user who last updated the data x
person/personUpdatedByFullName associate Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data x
person/personUpdatedDate date Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. x
person/personRegisteredBy associate Registered by: The user who registered the data x
person/personRegisteredByFullName associate Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data x
person/personRegisteredDate date Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. x
person/portraitThumbnail None Person image: Person image
person/personActiveErpLinks bool ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? x
person/ticketPriority listAny Service priority: Default service priority for this contact x
person/supportLanguage listAny Preferred language: Preferred language used for reply templates and more x
person/supportAssociate associate Our service contact: Default service contact for this contact x
person/supportAssociateFullName associate Our service contact - Full name: Default service contact for this contact x

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
person/personAssociateId associate Our contact: Displays our contact x
person/personAssociateFullName associate Our contact - Full name: Displays our contact x
person/personCategory listAny Category x
person/personBusiness listAny Business x
person/personDeletedDate datetime Deleted date: Deleted date
person/hasCompany bool Has company: The contact is associated with a company x
person/isProjectMember bool Is project member: This person is a project member x
person/isStakeholder bool Is stakeholder: This person is a sale stakeholder x
person/updatedByWorkflow listAny Updated by flow: Updated by flow x
person/whenUpdatedByWorkflow datetime When updated by flow: When updated by flow x
person/createdByForm listAny Created by form: Created by form x
person/phone/formattedNumber string Phone : Displays phone number
person/personDirectPhone/formattedNumber string Direct - Phone: Displays phone number
person/personDirectPhone/description string Direct - Description: Phone number description x
person/personMobilePhone/formattedNumber string Mobile - Phone: Displays phone number
person/personMobilePhone/description string Mobile - Description: Phone number description x
person/personPrivate/formattedNumber string Private - Phone: Displays phone number
person/personPrivate/description string Private - Description: Phone number description x
person/personPager/formattedNumber string Other - Phone: Displays phone number
person/personPager/description string Other - Description: Phone number description x
person/personDirectFax/formattedNumber string Fax - Phone: Displays phone number
person/personDirectFax/description string Fax - Description: Phone number description x
person/searchPhone/formattedNumber string Phone : Displays phone number
person/searchPhone/description string Description: Phone number description x
person/personInfo/textId int Text ID x
person/personInfo/infoText positiveString Information: Displays the text entered in the description field x
person/email/emailProtocol string Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP x
person/email/emailAddress string E-mail x
person/email/emailDescription string Description x
person/email/emailId int ID x
person/email/emailLastSent datetime Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address x
person/email/emailBounceCount int Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address x
person/email/emailLastBounce datetime Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address x
person/email/emailHasBounced bool Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. x
person/personUrl/URLAddress string URL x
person/personUrl/URLDescription string Description x
person/personAddress/addressId int Contact address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record x
person/personAddress/line1 string Contact address - Address 1: First line of the address x
person/personAddress/line2 string Contact address - Address 2: Second line of the address x
person/personAddress/line3 string Contact address - Address 3: Third line of the address x
person/personAddress/county string Contact address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
person/personAddress/city string Contact address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. x
person/personAddress/zip string Contact address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. x
person/personAddress/state string Contact address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
person/personAddress/wgs84latitude decimal Contact address - Latitude: Latitude x
person/personAddress/wgs84longitude decimal Contact address - Longitude: Longitude x
person/personAddress/formattedAddress None Contact address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
person/personAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress None Contact address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
person/restrictionAddress/addressId int Search address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record x
person/restrictionAddress/line1 string Search address - Address 1: First line of the address x
person/restrictionAddress/line2 string Search address - Address 2: Second line of the address x
person/restrictionAddress/line3 string Search address - Address 3: Third line of the address x
person/restrictionAddress/county string Search address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
person/restrictionAddress/city string Search address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. x
person/restrictionAddress/zip string Search address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. x
person/restrictionAddress/state string Search address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
person/restrictionAddress/wgs84latitude decimal Search address - Latitude: Latitude x
person/restrictionAddress/wgs84longitude decimal Search address - Longitude: Longitude x
person/restrictionAddress/formattedAddress None Search address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
person/restrictionAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress None Search address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
person/personInterestIds listInterest Contact interest: This criterion corresponds to a contact's interests. It is available via the Contact dialog's Interests tab.
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:1 string contactshorttext: tooltipshorttext x
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:2 string contactlongtext: tooltiplongtext x
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:3 int contactnumber x
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:4 date contactdate x
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:5 unlimitedDate contactunlimiteddate: tooltipunlimiteddate x
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:6 bool contactcheckbox x
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:7 listAny contactdropdownlistbox x
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:8 decimal contactdecimal x
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:9 string page1saleonly x
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:10 string page1marketingonly x
person/personUdef/SuperOffice:11 string page1adminonly x
person/personExtra/x_person_integer int Extra Integer: Custom person integer x
person/personExtra/x_person_float decimal Extra float: Custom float field x
person/personExtra/x_person_longtext string Extra Long Text: Custom long text field on person, keep HTML tags. Simple input, not text area. Default value = 'Hello there' x
person/personExtra/x_person_date date Extra date: Custom date field on person. Default value = 28.03.2019 x
person/personExtra/x_person_datetime datetime Extra DateTime: Custom person date and time field. No default x
person/personExtra/x_person_time None Extra time: Custom time field on person. Current time as default x
person/personExtra/x_person_boolean bool Extra Boolean: Custom boolean field on person. Default checked x
person/personExtra/x_person_timespan timeSpan Extra timespan: Custom timespan on person. Minutes only in 15 units x
person/personExtra/x_person_shorttext string Extra short text: Custom short text on person. With index. Do not keep HTML tags x
person/personExtra/x_person_shorttext_list listAny Extra short dropdown: Custom Short text dropdown field on person: black, white, transparent x
person/personExtra/x_person_user_relation associate Extra user relation: Custom person-user relation field x
person/personExtra/x_person_category_relation listAny Extra category relation: Custom person-category relation x
person/personExtra/x_person_priority_relation listAny Extra priority relation: Custom person-priority relation x
person/personExtra/x_person_request_relation stringorPK Extra request relation: Request relation on contact x
person/personExtra/x_person_appointment_relation stringorPK Extra appointment relation: Appointment relation on person x
person/personExtra/x_person_contact_relation stringorPK Extra company relation: Company relation on contact x
person/personExtra/y_rental/id int Rental - id: Displays the row's primary key (y_rental) x
person/personExtra/y_rental/x_start date Rental - Start rental x
person/personExtra/y_rental/x_end date Rental - End x
person/personExtra/y_rental/x_amount int Rental - Amount: Number to rent. Default = 1 x
person/personExtra/y_rental/x_contact stringorPK Rental - Renter: Company that rents equipment x
person/personExtra/y_rental/y_equipment/x_name string Rental - Equipment - Name: Equpment name custom field. Cannot be null., show in table x
person/personExtra/y_car/id int Car - id: Displays the row's primary key (y_car) x
person/personAssociate/firstName string First name: Displays the contact's first name x
person/personAssociate/lastName string Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
person/personAssociate/middleName string Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. x
person/personAssociate/fullName string Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) x
person/personAssociate/contactId int Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
person/personAssociate/personId int Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row
person/personAssociate/mrMrs string Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
person/personAssociate/title string Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
person/personAssociate/associateDbId associate ID x
person/personAssociate/contactName string Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to x
person/personAssociate/contactDepartment string Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to x
person/personAssociate/usergroup userGroup Primary group: The user's primary user group x
person/personAssociate/contactFullName string Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to x
person/personAssociate/contactCategory listAny Category: Category x
person/personAssociate/role listAny Role : Role x
person/personAssociate/assocName associate User ID : User ID x
person/personAssociate/assocTooltip string Description : Description
person/personAssociate/assocType listAny Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account x
person/personAssociate/ejUserId int Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user
person/personAssociate/simultaneousEjUser bool Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded
person/personAssociate/ejDisplayName string Nick name: User's nick name in Service x
person/personAssociate/ejStatus int Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only
person/personAssociate/credentialType None Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in x
person/personAssociate/credentialDisplayValue None Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in x
person/personAssociate/isActive bool Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
person/personAssociate/isActiveText bool Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
person/personAssociate/portraitThumbnail None Person image: Person image
person/personAssociate/otherGroups userGroup Other groups: Other groups
person/personAssociate/userName string User name: User name x
person/personAssociate/personEmail string E-mail x
person/personAssociate/locationAddress string Location: Location x
person/personAssociate/isLocation bool Is a location: Is a location x
person/correspondingAssociate/firstName string First name: Displays the contact's first name x
person/correspondingAssociate/lastName string Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
person/correspondingAssociate/middleName string Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. x
person/correspondingAssociate/fullName string Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) x
person/correspondingAssociate/contactId int Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to
person/correspondingAssociate/personId int Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row
person/correspondingAssociate/mrMrs string Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
person/correspondingAssociate/title string Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
person/correspondingAssociate/associateDbId associate ID x
person/correspondingAssociate/contactName string Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to x
person/correspondingAssociate/contactDepartment string Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to x
person/correspondingAssociate/usergroup userGroup Primary group: The user's primary user group x
person/correspondingAssociate/contactFullName string Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to x
person/correspondingAssociate/contactCategory listAny Category: Category x
person/correspondingAssociate/role listAny Role : Role x
person/correspondingAssociate/assocName associate User ID : User ID x
person/correspondingAssociate/assocTooltip string Description : Description
person/correspondingAssociate/assocType listAny Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account x
person/correspondingAssociate/ejUserId int Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user
person/correspondingAssociate/simultaneousEjUser bool Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded
person/correspondingAssociate/ejDisplayName string Nick name: User's nick name in Service x
person/correspondingAssociate/ejStatus int Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only
person/correspondingAssociate/credentialType None Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in x
person/correspondingAssociate/credentialDisplayValue None Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in x
person/correspondingAssociate/isActive bool Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
person/correspondingAssociate/isActiveText bool Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
person/correspondingAssociate/portraitThumbnail None Person image: Person image
person/correspondingAssociate/otherGroups userGroup Other groups: Other groups
person/correspondingAssociate/userName string User name: User name x
person/correspondingAssociate/personEmail string E-mail x
person/correspondingAssociate/locationAddress string Location: Location x
person/correspondingAssociate/isLocation bool Is a location: Is a location x
person/isMailingRecipient bool Is mailing recipient: isMailingRecipient x
person/hasStoreConsent bool Consent - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers.
person/withdrawnStoreConsent bool Consent is withdrawn - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers.
person/hasEmarketingConsent bool Consent - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes.
person/withdrawnEmarketingConsent bool Consent is withdrawn - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes.
person/subscription listAny Subscription: Subscription for marketing x
person/legalBaseStore listAny Legal basis - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers. x
person/legalBaseEmarketing listAny Legal basis - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes. x
person/consentSourceStore listAny Source - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers. x
person/consentSourceEmarketing listAny Source - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes. x
contact/contactId int Company ID: Database ID of company x
contact/name stringorPK Company name x
contact/department string Department x
contact/nameDepartment None Company: Displays the company an activity is linked to x
contact/hasInfoText bool Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact x
contact/hasInterests bool Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests x
contact/associateId associate Our contact: Displays our contact x
contact/category listAny Category x
contact/business listAny Business x
contact/country listAny Country: This criterion corresponds to the Country field on the Company card. x
contact/countryId int Country ID: Country ID x
contact/number string Number x
contact/code string Code x
contact/orgnr string VAT No. x
contact/stop bool Stop x
contact/contactNoMail bool No mailings (company x
contact/updatedBy associate Updated by: The user who last updated the data x
contact/updatedByFullName associate Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data x
contact/updatedDate date Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. x
contact/registeredBy associate Registered by: The user who registered the data x
contact/registeredByFullName associate Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data x
contact/registeredDate date Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. x
contact/contactSource listAny Source: Source (Company) x
contact/contactDeleted bool Deleted: Deleted x
contact/phone/formattedNumber string Phone : Displays phone number
contact/activeErpLinks bool ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? x
contact/deletedDate datetime Deleted date: Deleted date
contact/mainContact None Main contact: Main contact for this company x
contact/contactPhone/formattedNumber string Telephone - Phone: Displays phone number
contact/contactPhone/description string Telephone - Description: Phone number description x
contact/contactFax/formattedNumber string Fax - Phone: Displays phone number

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
contact/contactFax/description string Fax - Description: Phone number description x
contact/searchPhone/formattedNumber string Searchphone - Phone: Displays phone number
contact/searchPhone/description string Searchphone - Description: Phone number description x
contact/email/emailProtocol string Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP x
contact/email/emailAddress string E-mail x
contact/email/emailDescription string Description x
contact/email/emailId int ID x
contact/email/emailLastSent datetime Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address x
contact/email/emailBounceCount int Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address x
contact/email/emailLastBounce datetime Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address x
contact/email/emailHasBounced bool Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. x
contact/postAddress/addressId int Postal address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record x
contact/postAddress/line1 string Postal address - Address 1: First line of the address x
contact/postAddress/line2 string Postal address - Address 2: Second line of the address x
contact/postAddress/line3 string Postal address - Address 3: Third line of the address x
contact/postAddress/county string Postal address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
contact/postAddress/city string Postal address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. x
contact/postAddress/zip string Postal address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. x
contact/postAddress/state string Postal address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
contact/postAddress/wgs84latitude decimal Postal address - Latitude: Latitude x
contact/postAddress/wgs84longitude decimal Postal address - Longitude: Longitude x
contact/postAddress/formattedAddress None Postal address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
contact/postAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress None Postal address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
contact/streetAddress/addressId int Street address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record x
contact/streetAddress/line1 string Street address - Address 1: First line of the address x
contact/streetAddress/line2 string Street address - Address 2: Second line of the address x
contact/streetAddress/line3 string Street address - Address 3: Third line of the address x
contact/streetAddress/county string Street address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
contact/streetAddress/city string Street address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. x
contact/streetAddress/zip string Street address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. x
contact/streetAddress/state string Street address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
contact/streetAddress/wgs84latitude decimal Street address - Latitude: Latitude x
contact/streetAddress/wgs84longitude decimal Street address - Longitude: Longitude x
contact/streetAddress/formattedAddress None Street address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
contact/streetAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress None Street address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
contact/restrictionAddress/addressId int Search address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record x
contact/restrictionAddress/line1 string Search address - Address 1: First line of the address x
contact/restrictionAddress/line2 string Search address - Address 2: Second line of the address x
contact/restrictionAddress/line3 string Search address - Address 3: Third line of the address x
contact/restrictionAddress/county string Search address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
contact/restrictionAddress/city string Search address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. x
contact/restrictionAddress/zip string Search address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. x
contact/restrictionAddress/state string Search address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
contact/restrictionAddress/wgs84latitude decimal Search address - Latitude: Latitude x
contact/restrictionAddress/wgs84longitude decimal Search address - Longitude: Longitude x
contact/restrictionAddress/formattedAddress None Search address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
contact/restrictionAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress None Search address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
contact/url/URLAddress string URL x
contact/url/URLDescription string Description x
contact/contactAssociate/firstName string First name: Displays the contact's first name x
contact/contactAssociate/lastName string Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
contact/contactAssociate/middleName string Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. x
contact/contactAssociate/fullName string Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) x
contact/contactAssociate/contactId int Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to
contact/contactAssociate/personId int Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row
contact/contactAssociate/mrMrs string Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
contact/contactAssociate/title string Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
contact/contactAssociate/associateDbId associate ID x
contact/contactAssociate/contactName string Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to x
contact/contactAssociate/contactDepartment string Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to x
contact/contactAssociate/usergroup userGroup Primary group: The user's primary user group x
contact/contactAssociate/contactFullName string Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to x
contact/contactAssociate/contactCategory listAny Category: Category x
contact/contactAssociate/role listAny Role : Role x
contact/contactAssociate/assocName associate User ID : User ID x
contact/contactAssociate/assocTooltip string Description : Description
contact/contactAssociate/assocType listAny Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account x
contact/contactAssociate/ejUserId int Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user
contact/contactAssociate/simultaneousEjUser bool Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded
contact/contactAssociate/ejDisplayName string Nick name: User's nick name in Service x
contact/contactAssociate/ejStatus int Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only
contact/contactAssociate/credentialType None Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in x
contact/contactAssociate/credentialDisplayValue None Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in x
contact/contactAssociate/isActive bool Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
contact/contactAssociate/isActiveText bool Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
contact/contactAssociate/portraitThumbnail None Person image: Person image
contact/contactAssociate/otherGroups userGroup Other groups: Other groups
contact/contactAssociate/userName string User name: User name x
contact/contactAssociate/personEmail string E-mail x
contact/contactAssociate/locationAddress string Location: Location x
contact/contactAssociate/isLocation bool Is a location: Is a location x
contact/contactInterestIds listInterest Company Interest: This criterion corresponds to the Interests tab on the Company card.
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:1 string companyshorttext: tooltipshorttext x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:2 string companylongtext: tooltiplongtext x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:3 int companynumber x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:4 date companydate x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:5 unlimitedDate companyunlimiteddate: tooltipunlimiteddate x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:6 bool companycheckbox x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:7 listAny companydropdownlistbox x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:8 decimal companydecimal x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:9 string page1saleonly x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:10 string page1marketingonly x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:11 string page1adminonly x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:12 listAny Udlist one: Static tooltip for udlist one x
contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:13 listAny Udlist two: Static tooltip for udlist two x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_integer int Extra Integer: Custom integer field x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_default_integer int Extra Default Integer: Custom integer field with default value 123. x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_float decimal Extra Float: Custom float field with 3 decimals x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_longtext string Extra LongText: Custom long text field. DO not keep HTML. 3 Line text area editor x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_dropdown listAny Extra Long Dropdown: Custom long text field with dropdown: Volvo, Saab, etc. x

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_date date Extra date: Custom date field. User current as default. x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_datetime datetime Extra DateTime: Custom Date Time field. No default value. External x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_time None Extra time: Custom time field. x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_boolean bool Extra boolean: Custom boolean field. x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_timespan timeSpan Extra timespan: Custom timespan field. Hours and minutes in 10 units x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_shorttext string Extra short text: Custom short text field. Keep HTML tags. x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_short_dropdown listAny Extra short dropdown: Custom short text with dropdown list. Red, Green or Blue or Purple. External. x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_contact_relation stringorPK Extra Company: Custom company relation. Do not show one-to-many relations. Show function buttons x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_request_relation stringorPK Extra Request relation: Request relation on company x
contact/contactExtra/x_contact_contact stringorPK Extra contact relation: Contact relation on company x
contact/contactExtra/y_organization/x_name string Organization - Name x
contact/NumberOfActivities int Number of activities
contact/NumberOfActivitiesInPeriod int Number of activities in last 90 days
contact/NumberOfNotCompletedActivities int Number of non-completed activities
contact/NumberOfNotCompletedActivitiesInPeriod int Number of non-completed activities in last 90 days
contact/LastActivity date Date of last activity
contact/LastCompletedActivity date Date of last completed activity
contact/LastDoByActivity date Date of last non-completed activity
contact/NumberOfSales int Number of sales
contact/NumberOfSalesInPeriod int Number of sales in last 90 days
contact/NumberOfNotCompletedSales int Number of non-completed sales
contact/NumberOfNotCompletedSalesInPeriod int Number of non-completed sales in last 90 days
contact/LastSale date Date of last sale
contact/LastCompletedSale date Date of last completed sale
contact/LastDoBySale date Date of last non-completed sale
contact/NumberOfTickets int Number of requests
contact/NumberOfTicketsInPeriod int Number of requests in last 90 days
contact/NumberOfNotCompletedTickets int Number of non-completed requests
contact/NumberOfNotCompletedTicketsInPeriod int Number of non-completed requests in last 90 days
contact/LastTicket date Date of last request
contact/LastCompletedTicket date Date of last completed request
contact/LastDoByTicket date Date of last non-completed request
contact/SaintStatus1 saintStatus Neglected customer: Denne kunden har det vært 0 salgsaktiviteter på i perioden.
contact/SaintStatus2 saintStatus C-company: Kundens navn starter med bokstaven C
contact/saintSaleStatus listAny With status
contact/saintAmountClass listAny Amount class
contact/saintActivityType listAny SAINT type
contact/saintDirection listAny Direction
contact/saintIntention listAny Intention
contact/saintTicketStatus listAny Status
contact/saintTicketCategory listAny Category
associate/firstName string First name: Displays the contact's first name x
associate/lastName string Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
associate/middleName string Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. x
associate/fullName string Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) x
associate/contactId int Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to
associate/personId int Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row
associate/mrMrs string Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
associate/title string Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
associate/associateDbId associate ID x
associate/contactName string Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to x
associate/contactDepartment string Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to x
associate/usergroup userGroup Primary group: The user's primary user group x
associate/contactFullName string Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to x
associate/contactCategory listAny Category: Category x
associate/role listAny Role : Role x
associate/assocName associate User ID : User ID x
associate/assocTooltip string Description : Description
associate/assocType listAny Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account x
associate/ejUserId int Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user
associate/simultaneousEjUser bool Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded
associate/ejDisplayName string Nick name: User's nick name in Service x
associate/ejStatus int Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only
associate/credentialType None Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in x
associate/credentialDisplayValue None Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in x
associate/isActive bool Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
associate/isActiveText bool Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
associate/portraitThumbnail None Person image: Person image
associate/otherGroups userGroup Other groups: Other groups
associate/userName string User name: User name x
associate/personEmail string E-mail x
associate/locationAddress string Location: Location x
associate/isLocation bool Is a location: Is a location x
saleUdef/SuperOffice:1 string saleshorttext x
saleUdef/SuperOffice:2 string salelongtext x
saleUdef/SuperOffice:3 int salenumber x
saleUdef/SuperOffice:4 date saledate x
saleUdef/SuperOffice:5 unlimitedDate saleunlimiteddate x
saleUdef/SuperOffice:6 bool salecheckbox x
saleUdef/SuperOffice:7 listAny saledropdownlistbox x
saleUdef/SuperOffice:8 decimal saledecimal x
appointment/completed bool Completed: Displays a checkbox showing if an appointment is completed x
appointment/icon listAny Category: Displays the icon for an activity type x
appointment/date date Date: Displays start date of a follow-up / sale date of a sale x
appointment/time None Time: Time
appointment/type listAny Type: Displays the type of an activity x
appointment/recordType string Record type : Shows the record type x
appointment/text positiveString Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item x
appointment/associateId associate ID: Displays the login ID of the associate who owns the activity. x
appointment/contactId listAny Company ID: Database ID of company x
appointment/personId listAny Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row x
appointment/projectId listAny Project ID: Database ID of project record x
appointment/saleId int Sale ID: The database ID of the sale record x
appointment/userGroup userGroup User group : The user group that owns the record x
appointment/who None Who: Contact and/or company
appointment/updatedBy associate Updated by: The user who last updated the data x
appointment/updatedByFullName associate Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data x
appointment/updatedDate date Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. x
appointment/registeredBy associate Registered by: The user who registered the data x
appointment/registeredByFullName associate Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data x

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
appointment/registeredDate date Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. x
appointment/appointmentId int DB ID: Displays the database ID of a row x
appointment/endDate date End date: Displays the deadline for a follow-up/sale x
appointment/priority listAny Priority: Displays the priority of the activity x
appointment/alarm bool Has alarm: Displays the alarm state of a follow-up x
appointment/recurring bool Repeating: Displays an icon indicating if the follow-up is part of a repeating follow-up x
appointment/booking bool Invitation: Displays an icon if the follow-up is an invitation. All invitations will be displayed in a tooltip. x
appointment/intention listAny Intention: Displays the intention of the follow-up type x
appointment/location string Location: Display the location where the follow-up will take place. x
appointment/recurrenceRuleId int RR-ID: Repetition rule ID of follow-up x
appointment/rawType int Type: Type field for appointment, not decoded or formatted x
appointment/rawStatus int Status: Status field for the follow-up, not decoded or formatted x
appointment/cautionWarning listAny Warning: Warning for invitations with potential problems: not properly synchronized with an external calendar, unsupported repetition pattern, e-mail notification failed, or other problems. x
appointment/visibleInDiary bool ExcludeBook: Is the activity visible in the diary? x
appointment/endTime None End time: End time of an activity
appointment/suggestedAppointmentId int Follow-up ID (suggestion: The database ID of a follow-up that originates in a suggestion x
appointment/completedDate date Completed date: Displays the actual date a follow-up/sale was marked as completed x
appointment/isMilestone bool Milestone: Shows whether or not the follow-ups in this row are milestones x
appointment/invitedPersonId int ID of invited person: appointment.invitedpersonid record - utility for rd x
appointment/recordTypeText listAny Activity type: The type of the activity (appointment, phone call, etc) x
appointment/joinVideomeetUrl None Video meeting URL: URL for joining the video meeting x
appointment/duration timeSpan Duration: The duration of the chat session
appointment/createdByWorkflow listAny Created by flow: Created by flow x
appointment/visibleFor listAny Visible for
appointment/appointmentPublish/isPublished bool Published: Displays an icon indicating if the project or sale has been published x
appointment/appointmentPublish/publishedFrom date From date: Start date for publishing. The record will not be visible prior to this date x
appointment/appointmentPublish/publishedTo date To date: End date for publishing. The record will not be visible after this date x
appointment/appointmentPublish/publishedBy None Published by: Published by
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:1 string followupshorttext x
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:2 string followuplongtext x
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:3 int followupnumber x
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:4 date followupdate x
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:5 unlimitedDate followupunlimiteddate x
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:6 bool followupcheckbox x
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:7 listAny followupdropdownlistbox x
appointment/appointmentUdef/SuperOffice:8 decimal followupdecimal x
appointment/associate/firstName string First name: Displays the contact's first name x
appointment/associate/lastName string Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
appointment/associate/middleName string Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. x
appointment/associate/fullName string Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) x
appointment/associate/contactId int Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to
appointment/associate/personId int Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row
appointment/associate/mrMrs string Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
appointment/associate/title string Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
appointment/associate/associateDbId associate ID x
appointment/associate/contactName string Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to x
appointment/associate/contactDepartment string Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to x
appointment/associate/usergroup userGroup Primary group: The user's primary user group x
appointment/associate/contactFullName string Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to x
appointment/associate/contactCategory listAny Category: Category x
appointment/associate/role listAny Role : Role x
appointment/associate/assocName associate User ID : User ID x
appointment/associate/assocTooltip string Description : Description
appointment/associate/assocType listAny Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account x
appointment/associate/ejUserId int Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user
appointment/associate/simultaneousEjUser bool Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded
appointment/associate/ejDisplayName string Nick name: User's nick name in Service x
appointment/associate/ejStatus int Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only
appointment/associate/credentialType None Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in x
appointment/associate/credentialDisplayValue None Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in x
appointment/associate/isActive bool Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
appointment/associate/isActiveText bool Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
appointment/associate/portraitThumbnail None Person image: Person image
appointment/associate/otherGroups userGroup Other groups: Other groups
appointment/associate/userName string User name: User name x
appointment/associate/personEmail string E-mail x
appointment/associate/locationAddress string Location: Location x
appointment/associate/isLocation bool Is a location: Is a location x
appointment/appointment/description positiveString Text: Displays the text entered in the description field x
appointment/appointment/title positiveString Title x
appointment/appointment/titleHtml None !!Title Html x
appointment/appointment/agenda positiveString Agenda x
appointment/appointment/agendaHtml None !!Agenda Html x
appointment/appointment/isConverted None !!Is Converted
document/completed bool Completed: Displays a checkbox showing if an appointment is completed x
document/icon listAny Category: Displays the icon for an activity type x
document/date date Date: Displays start date of a follow-up / sale date of a sale x
document/time None Time: Time
document/type listAny Type: Displays the type of an activity x
document/recordType string Record type : Shows the record type x
document/text positiveString Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item x
document/associateId associate ID: Displays the login ID of the associate who owns the activity. x
document/contactId listAny Company ID: Database ID of company x
document/personId listAny Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row x
document/projectId listAny Project ID: Database ID of project record x
document/saleId int Sale ID: The database ID of the sale record x
document/userGroup userGroup User group : The user group that owns the record x
document/who None Who: Contact and/or company
document/updatedBy associate Updated by: The user who last updated the data x
document/updatedByFullName associate Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data x
document/updatedDate date Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. x
document/registeredBy associate Registered by: The user who registered the data x
document/registeredByFullName associate Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data x
document/registeredDate date Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. x
document/documentId int Document ID: Database ID of document record x
document/keywords string Keywords x
document/ourref string Our ref. x
document/yourref string Your ref. x
document/attention string Salutation x
document/subject string Subject x

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
document/name string File name x
document/mailMergeDraft bool Mail merge draft : Indicates whether the document is a mail merge template x
document/snum int Document number: Serial number of document. It can be generated by the number allocation system for a dedicated document template. x
document/isReport bool Report: Is this document a saved report run?
document/suggestedDocumentId int Document ID (suggestion: The database ID of a document that originates in a suggestion x
document/isMail bool E-mail
document/recordTypeText None Activity type: The type of the activity (appointment, phone call, etc) x
document/visibleFor listAny Visible for
document/documentPublish/isPublished bool Published: Displays an icon indicating if the project or sale has been published x
document/documentPublish/publishedFrom date From date: Start date for publishing. The record will not be visible prior to this date x
document/documentPublish/publishedTo date To date: End date for publishing. The record will not be visible after this date x
document/documentPublish/publishedBy None Published by: Published by
document/associate/firstName string First name: Displays the contact's first name x
document/associate/lastName string Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
document/associate/middleName string Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. x
document/associate/fullName string Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) x
document/associate/contactId int Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to
document/associate/personId int Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row
document/associate/mrMrs string Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
document/associate/title string Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
document/associate/associateDbId associate ID x
document/associate/contactName string Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to x
document/associate/contactDepartment string Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to x
document/associate/usergroup userGroup Primary group: The user's primary user group x
document/associate/contactFullName string Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to x
document/associate/contactCategory listAny Category: Category x
document/associate/role listAny Role : Role x
document/associate/assocName associate User ID : User ID x
document/associate/assocTooltip string Description : Description
document/associate/assocType listAny Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account x
document/associate/ejUserId int Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user
document/associate/simultaneousEjUser bool Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded
document/associate/ejDisplayName string Nick name: User's nick name in Service x
document/associate/ejStatus int Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only
document/associate/credentialType None Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in x
document/associate/credentialDisplayValue None Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in x
document/associate/isActive bool Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
document/associate/isActiveText bool Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
document/associate/portraitThumbnail None Person image: Person image
document/associate/otherGroups userGroup Other groups: Other groups
document/associate/userName string User name: User name x
document/associate/personEmail string E-mail x
document/associate/locationAddress string Location: Location x
document/associate/isLocation bool Is a location: Is a location x
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:1 string documentshorttext x
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:2 string documentlongtext x
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:3 int documentnumber x
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:4 date documentdate x
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:5 unlimitedDate documentunlimiteddate x
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:6 bool documentcheckbox x
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:7 listAny documentdropdownlistbox x
document/documentUdef/SuperOffice:8 decimal documentdecimal x
document/document/textId int Text ID x
document/document/description positiveString Text: Displays the text entered in the description field x
project/completed bool Completed: Displays a check mark indicating if the project has been completed. x
project/projectId int DB ID: Displays the database ID for a project row x
project/name stringorPK Project name: Displays the Project's name x
project/number string Number: Displays the project's number x
project/type listAny Project type: Displays the project's type x
project/status listAny Status: Displays the project's status x
project/statusRank None Status rank: Rank of the project status in the status list x
project/associateId associate ID: Displays login ID of the associate who owns the project x
project/hasInfoText bool Info: Displays an icon indicating if the project has a description text. The text itself will be displayed in a tooltip. x
project/icon None Category: Displays the icon for an activity type x
project/text string Text: Displays a descriptive text for the item x
project/description string Description : Description x
project/updatedBy associate Updated by: The user who last updated the data x
project/updatedByFullName associate Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data x
project/updatedDate date Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. x
project/registeredBy associate Registered by: The user who registered the data x
project/registeredByFullName associate Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data x
project/registeredDate date Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. x
project/hasGuide bool Guided: Does this sale have a Sales Guide x
project/nextMilestone date Next milestone: Date of next non-completed activity that is marked as a milestone x
project/endDate date End date: End date of project x
project/imageThumbnail None Thumbnail: Scaled-down image of project image
project/activeErpLinks bool ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? x
project/projectPublish/isPublished bool Published: Displays an icon indicating if the project or sale has been published x
project/projectPublish/publishedFrom date From date: Start date for publishing. The record will not be visible prior to this date x
project/projectPublish/publishedTo date To date: End date for publishing. The record will not be visible after this date x
project/projectPublish/publishedBy None Published by: Published by
project/projectEvent/isExternalEvent bool Event: Is this an external event x
project/projectEvent/eventDate date Event date: Event date x
project/projectEvent/hasSignOn bool Sign On: Does this event have the Sign On function enabled x
project/projectEvent/hasSignOff bool Sign Off: Does this event have the Sign Off function enabled x
project/projectUrl/URLAddress string URL x
project/projectUrl/URLDescription string Description x
project/projectAssociate/firstName string First name: Displays the contact's first name x
project/projectAssociate/lastName string Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
project/projectAssociate/middleName string Middle Name : Displays the contact's middle name. x
project/projectAssociate/fullName string Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) x
project/projectAssociate/contactId int Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to
project/projectAssociate/personId int Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row
project/projectAssociate/mrMrs string Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
project/projectAssociate/title string Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
project/projectAssociate/associateDbId associate ID x
project/projectAssociate/contactName string Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to x
project/projectAssociate/contactDepartment string Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to x
project/projectAssociate/usergroup userGroup Primary group: The user's primary user group x
project/projectAssociate/contactFullName string Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to x

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
project/projectAssociate/contactCategory listAny Category: Category x
project/projectAssociate/role listAny Role : Role x
project/projectAssociate/assocName associate User ID : User ID x
project/projectAssociate/assocTooltip string Description : Description
project/projectAssociate/assocType listAny Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account x
project/projectAssociate/ejUserId int Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user
project/projectAssociate/simultaneousEjUser bool Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded
project/projectAssociate/ejDisplayName string Nick name: User's nick name in Service x
project/projectAssociate/ejStatus int Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only
project/projectAssociate/credentialType None Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in x
project/projectAssociate/credentialDisplayValue None Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in x
project/projectAssociate/isActive bool Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
project/projectAssociate/isActiveText bool Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
project/projectAssociate/portraitThumbnail None Person image: Person image
project/projectAssociate/otherGroups userGroup Other groups: Other groups
project/projectAssociate/userName string User name: User name x
project/projectAssociate/personEmail string E-mail x
project/projectAssociate/locationAddress string Location: Location x
project/projectAssociate/isLocation bool Is a location: Is a location x
project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:1 string projectshorttext x
project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:2 string projectlongtext x
project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:3 int projectnumber x
project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:4 date projectdate x
project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:5 unlimitedDate projectunlimiteddate x
project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:6 bool projectcheckbox x
project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:7 listAny projectdropdownlistbox x
project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:8 decimal projectdecimal x
project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:9 int page1saleandmarketing x
project/projectUdef/SuperOffice:10 int page1saleandadmin x
project/NumberOfActivities int Number of activities
project/NumberOfActivitiesInPeriod int Number of activities in last 90 days
project/NumberOfNotCompletedActivities int Number of non-completed activities
project/NumberOfNotCompletedActivitiesInPeriod int Number of non-completed activities in last 90 days
project/LastActivity date Date of last activity
project/LastCompletedActivity date Date of last completed activity
project/LastDoByActivity date Date of last non-completed activity
project/NumberOfSales int Number of sales
project/NumberOfSalesInPeriod int Number of sales in last 90 days
project/NumberOfNotCompletedSales int Number of non-completed sales
project/NumberOfNotCompletedSalesInPeriod int Number of non-completed sales in last 90 days
project/LastSale date Date of last sale
project/LastCompletedSale date Date of last completed sale
project/LastDoBySale date Date of last non-completed sale
project/SaintStatus3 saintStatus Not completed activites with intention sale: Number of not completed activities for intention sale > 0.
project/saintSaleStatus listAny With status
project/saintAmountClass listAny Amount class
project/saintActivityType listAny SAINT type
project/saintDirection listAny Direction
project/saintIntention listAny Intention
project/saintTicketStatus listAny Status
project/saintTicketCategory listAny Category
project/project/textId int Text ID x
project/project/infoText positiveString Information: Displays the text entered in the description field x
saleStakeholder/saleStakeholderId int Stakeholder - Stakeholder ID: Database ID of the stakeholder row x
saleStakeholder/saleId int Stakeholder - Sale ID: The database ID of the sale record x
saleStakeholder/comment string Stakeholder - Sales role comment text: Sales role comment text x
saleStakeholder/salesRoleId listAny Stakeholder - Sales role: Sales role x
saleStakeholder/hasInfoText bool Stakeholder - Sales role comment: Sales role comment x
saleStakeholder/person/personId int Stakeholder - DB ID: Displays the database ID of a contact x
saleStakeholder/person/firstName string Stakeholder - First name: Displays the contact's first name x
saleStakeholder/person/lastName string Stakeholder - Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
saleStakeholder/person/middleName string Stakeholder - Middle name: Displays the contact's middle name. x
saleStakeholder/person/fullName stringorPK Stakeholder - Contact: Displays the contact to which an item is linked x
saleStakeholder/person/contactId int Stakeholder - Company ID: Database ID of company x
saleStakeholder/person/hasInfoText bool Stakeholder - Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact x
saleStakeholder/person/hasInterests bool Stakeholder - Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests x
saleStakeholder/person/personHasInterests bool Stakeholder - Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests x
saleStakeholder/person/mrMrs string Stakeholder - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
saleStakeholder/person/position listAny Stakeholder - Position x
saleStakeholder/person/personNumber string Stakeholder - Number: Displays the contact's number x
saleStakeholder/person/title string Stakeholder - Title: Displays the contact's job title x
saleStakeholder/person/personCountry listAny Stakeholder - Country: Country x
saleStakeholder/person/personCountryId int Stakeholder - Country ID: Country ID x
saleStakeholder/person/personNoMail bool Stakeholder - No Mailings: Displays the contact's No Mailings checkbox x
saleStakeholder/person/rank int Stakeholder - Rank: Displays a contact's current rank x
saleStakeholder/person/birthdate None Stakeholder - Birthdate: Displays the contact's date of birth
saleStakeholder/person/associateType None Stakeholder - User type: Displays an icon indicating if a contact is an associate or external contact with log-in rights and currently online. This information is updated only once while the archive is loading.
saleStakeholder/person/useAsMailingAddress bool Stakeholder - Use as postal address: Use as postal address x
saleStakeholder/person/personSource listAny Stakeholder - Source: Source (Contact) x
saleStakeholder/person/retired bool Stakeholder - Former employee: Indicates whether the contact has retired/left the company x
saleStakeholder/person/birthYear int Stakeholder - Birth year: Displays contact's birth year x
saleStakeholder/person/birthMonth int Stakeholder - Birth month: Displays contact's birth month x
saleStakeholder/person/birthDay int Stakeholder - Birth day: Displays contact's birth day (day of month) x
saleStakeholder/person/kanaFirstName string Stakeholder - First name, kana: Contact's first name, in kana alphabet x
saleStakeholder/person/kanaLastName string Stakeholder - Last name, kana: Contact's last name, in kana alphabet x
saleStakeholder/person/personUpdatedBy associate Stakeholder - Updated by: The user who last updated the data x
saleStakeholder/person/personUpdatedByFullName associate Stakeholder - Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data x
saleStakeholder/person/personUpdatedDate date Stakeholder - Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. x
saleStakeholder/person/personRegisteredBy associate Stakeholder - Registered by: The user who registered the data x
saleStakeholder/person/personRegisteredByFullName associate Stakeholder - Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data x
saleStakeholder/person/personRegisteredDate date Stakeholder - Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. x
saleStakeholder/person/portraitThumbnail None Stakeholder - Person image: Person image
saleStakeholder/person/personActiveErpLinks bool Stakeholder - ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? x
saleStakeholder/person/ticketPriority listAny Stakeholder - Service priority: Default service priority for this contact x
saleStakeholder/person/supportLanguage listAny Stakeholder - Preferred language: Preferred language used for reply templates and more x
saleStakeholder/person/supportAssociate associate Stakeholder - Our service contact: Default service contact for this contact x
saleStakeholder/person/supportAssociateFullName associate Stakeholder - Our service contact - Full name: Default service contact for this contact x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociateId associate Stakeholder - Our contact: Displays our contact x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociateFullName associate Stakeholder - Our contact - Full name: Displays our contact x
saleStakeholder/person/personCategory listAny Stakeholder - Category x

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
saleStakeholder/person/personBusiness listAny Stakeholder - Business x
saleStakeholder/person/personDeletedDate datetime Stakeholder - Deleted date: Deleted date
saleStakeholder/person/hasCompany bool Stakeholder - Has company: The contact is associated with a company x
saleStakeholder/person/isProjectMember bool Stakeholder - Is project member: This person is a project member x
saleStakeholder/person/isStakeholder bool Stakeholder - Is stakeholder: This person is a sale stakeholder x
saleStakeholder/person/updatedByWorkflow listAny Stakeholder - Updated by flow: Updated by flow x
saleStakeholder/person/whenUpdatedByWorkflow datetime Stakeholder - When updated by flow: When updated by flow x
saleStakeholder/person/createdByForm listAny Stakeholder - Created by form: Created by form x
saleStakeholder/person/phone/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/person/personDirectPhone/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Direct - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/person/personDirectPhone/description string Stakeholder - Direct - Description: Phone number description x
saleStakeholder/person/personMobilePhone/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Mobile - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/person/personMobilePhone/description string Stakeholder - Mobile - Description: Phone number description x
saleStakeholder/person/personPrivate/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Private - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/person/personPrivate/description string Stakeholder - Private - Description: Phone number description x
saleStakeholder/person/personPager/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Other - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/person/personPager/description string Stakeholder - Other - Description: Phone number description x
saleStakeholder/person/personDirectFax/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Fax - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/person/personDirectFax/description string Stakeholder - Fax - Description: Phone number description x
saleStakeholder/person/searchPhone/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/person/searchPhone/description string Stakeholder - Description: Phone number description x
saleStakeholder/person/personInfo/textId int Stakeholder - Text ID x
saleStakeholder/person/personInfo/infoText positiveString Stakeholder - Information: Displays the text entered in the description field x
saleStakeholder/person/email/emailProtocol string Stakeholder - Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP x
saleStakeholder/person/email/emailAddress string Stakeholder - E-mail x
saleStakeholder/person/email/emailDescription string Stakeholder - Description x
saleStakeholder/person/email/emailId int Stakeholder - ID x
saleStakeholder/person/email/emailLastSent datetime Stakeholder - Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address x
saleStakeholder/person/email/emailBounceCount int Stakeholder - Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address x
saleStakeholder/person/email/emailLastBounce datetime Stakeholder - Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address x
saleStakeholder/person/email/emailHasBounced bool Stakeholder - Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. x
saleStakeholder/person/personUrl/URLAddress string Stakeholder - URL x
saleStakeholder/person/personUrl/URLDescription string Stakeholder - Description x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/addressId int Stakeholder - Contact address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/line1 string Stakeholder - Contact address - Address 1: First line of the address x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/line2 string Stakeholder - Contact address - Address 2: Second line of the address x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/line3 string Stakeholder - Contact address - Address 3: Third line of the address x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/county string Stakeholder - Contact address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/city string Stakeholder - Contact address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/zip string Stakeholder - Contact address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/state string Stakeholder - Contact address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/wgs84latitude decimal Stakeholder - Contact address - Latitude: Latitude x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/wgs84longitude decimal Stakeholder - Contact address - Longitude: Longitude x
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/formattedAddress None Stakeholder - Contact address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
saleStakeholder/person/personAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress None Stakeholder - Contact address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/addressId int Stakeholder - Search address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record x
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/line1 string Stakeholder - Search address - Address 1: First line of the address x
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/line2 string Stakeholder - Search address - Address 2: Second line of the address x
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/line3 string Stakeholder - Search address - Address 3: Third line of the address x
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/county string Stakeholder - Search address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/city string Stakeholder - Search address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/zip string Stakeholder - Search address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/state string Stakeholder - Search address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/wgs84latitude decimal Stakeholder - Search address - Latitude: Latitude x
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/wgs84longitude decimal Stakeholder - Search address - Longitude: Longitude x
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/formattedAddress None Stakeholder - Search address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
saleStakeholder/person/restrictionAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress None Stakeholder - Search address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
saleStakeholder/person/personInterestIds listInterest Stakeholder - Contact interest: This criterion corresponds to a contact's interests. It is available via the Contact dialog's Interests tab.
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:1 string Stakeholder - contactshorttext: tooltipshorttext x
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:2 string Stakeholder - contactlongtext: tooltiplongtext x
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:3 int Stakeholder - contactnumber x
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:4 date Stakeholder - contactdate x
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:5 unlimitedDate Stakeholder - contactunlimiteddate: tooltipunlimiteddate x
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:6 bool Stakeholder - contactcheckbox x
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:7 listAny Stakeholder - contactdropdownlistbox x
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:8 decimal Stakeholder - contactdecimal x
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:9 string Stakeholder - page1saleonly x
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:10 string Stakeholder - page1marketingonly x
saleStakeholder/person/personUdef/SuperOffice:11 string Stakeholder - page1adminonly x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_integer int Stakeholder - Extra Integer: Custom person integer x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_float decimal Stakeholder - Extra float: Custom float field x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_longtext string Stakeholder - Extra Long Text: Custom long text field on person, keep HTML tags. Simple input, not text area. Default value = 'Hello there' x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_date date Stakeholder - Extra date: Custom date field on person. Default value = 28.03.2019 x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_datetime datetime Stakeholder - Extra DateTime: Custom person date and time field. No default x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_time None Stakeholder - Extra time: Custom time field on person. Current time as default x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_boolean bool Stakeholder - Extra Boolean: Custom boolean field on person. Default checked x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_timespan timeSpan Stakeholder - Extra timespan: Custom timespan on person. Minutes only in 15 units x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_shorttext string Stakeholder - Extra short text: Custom short text on person. With index. Do not keep HTML tags x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_shorttext_list listAny Stakeholder - Extra short dropdown: Custom Short text dropdown field on person: black, white, transparent x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_user_relation associate Stakeholder - Extra user relation: Custom person-user relation field x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_category_relation listAny Stakeholder - Extra category relation: Custom person-category relation x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_priority_relation listAny Stakeholder - Extra priority relation: Custom person-priority relation x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_request_relation stringorPK Stakeholder - Extra request relation: Request relation on contact x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_appointment_relation stringorPK Stakeholder - Extra appointment relation: Appointment relation on person x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/x_person_contact_relation stringorPK Stakeholder - Extra company relation: Company relation on contact x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/y_rental/id int Stakeholder - Rental - id: Displays the row's primary key (y_rental) x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/y_rental/x_start date Stakeholder - Rental - Start rental x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/y_rental/x_end date Stakeholder - Rental - End x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/y_rental/x_amount int Stakeholder - Rental - Amount: Number to rent. Default = 1 x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/y_rental/x_contact stringorPK Stakeholder - Rental - Renter: Company that rents equipment x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/y_rental/y_equipment/x_name string Stakeholder - Rental - Equipment - Name: Equpment name custom field. Cannot be null., show in table x
saleStakeholder/person/personExtra/y_car/id int Stakeholder - Car - id: Displays the row's primary key (y_car) x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/firstName string Stakeholder - First name: Displays the contact's first name x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/lastName string Stakeholder - Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/middleName string Stakeholder - Middle Name: Displays the contact's middle name. x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/fullName string Stakeholder - Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/contactId int Stakeholder - Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/personId int Stakeholder - Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/mrMrs string Stakeholder - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/title string Stakeholder - Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/associateDbId associate Stakeholder - ID x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/contactName string Stakeholder - Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/contactDepartment string Stakeholder - Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/usergroup userGroup Stakeholder - Primary group: The user's primary user group x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/contactFullName string Stakeholder - Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/contactCategory listAny Stakeholder - Category: Category x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/role listAny Stakeholder - Role: Role x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/assocName associate Stakeholder - User ID: User ID x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/assocTooltip string Stakeholder - Description: Description
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/assocType listAny Stakeholder - Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/ejUserId int Stakeholder - Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/simultaneousEjUser bool Stakeholder - Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/ejDisplayName string Stakeholder - Nick name: User's nick name in Service x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/ejStatus int Stakeholder - Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/credentialType None Stakeholder - Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/credentialDisplayValue None Stakeholder - Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/isActive bool Stakeholder - Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/isActiveText bool Stakeholder - Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/portraitThumbnail None Stakeholder - Person image: Person image
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/otherGroups userGroup Stakeholder - Other groups: Other groups
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/userName string Stakeholder - User name: User name x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/personEmail string Stakeholder - E-mail x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/locationAddress string Stakeholder - Location: Location x
saleStakeholder/person/personAssociate/isLocation bool Stakeholder - Is a location: Is a location x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/firstName string Stakeholder - First name: Displays the contact's first name x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/lastName string Stakeholder - Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/middleName string Stakeholder - Middle Name: Displays the contact's middle name. x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/fullName string Stakeholder - Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/contactId int Stakeholder - Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/personId int Stakeholder - Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/mrMrs string Stakeholder - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/title string Stakeholder - Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/associateDbId associate Stakeholder - ID x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/contactName string Stakeholder - Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/contactDepartment string Stakeholder - Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/usergroup userGroup Stakeholder - Primary group: The user's primary user group x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/contactFullName string Stakeholder - Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/contactCategory listAny Stakeholder - Category: Category x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/role listAny Stakeholder - Role: Role x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/assocName associate Stakeholder - User ID: User ID x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/assocTooltip string Stakeholder - Description: Description
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/assocType listAny Stakeholder - Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/ejUserId int Stakeholder - Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/simultaneousEjUser bool Stakeholder - Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/ejDisplayName string Stakeholder - Nick name: User's nick name in Service x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/ejStatus int Stakeholder - Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/credentialType None Stakeholder - Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/credentialDisplayValue None Stakeholder - Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/isActive bool Stakeholder - Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/isActiveText bool Stakeholder - Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/portraitThumbnail None Stakeholder - Person image: Person image
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/otherGroups userGroup Stakeholder - Other groups: Other groups
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/userName string Stakeholder - User name: User name x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/personEmail string Stakeholder - E-mail x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/locationAddress string Stakeholder - Location: Location x
saleStakeholder/person/correspondingAssociate/isLocation bool Stakeholder - Is a location: Is a location x
saleStakeholder/person/isMailingRecipient bool Stakeholder - Is mailing recipient: isMailingRecipient x
saleStakeholder/person/hasStoreConsent bool Stakeholder - Consent - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers.
saleStakeholder/person/withdrawnStoreConsent bool Stakeholder - Consent is withdrawn - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers.
saleStakeholder/person/hasEmarketingConsent bool Stakeholder - Consent - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes.
saleStakeholder/person/withdrawnEmarketingConsent bool Stakeholder - Consent is withdrawn - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes.
saleStakeholder/person/subscription listAny Stakeholder - Subscription: Subscription for marketing x
saleStakeholder/person/legalBaseStore listAny Stakeholder - Legal basis - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers. x
saleStakeholder/person/legalBaseEmarketing listAny Stakeholder - Legal basis - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes. x
saleStakeholder/person/consentSourceStore listAny Stakeholder - Source - Sales and service: The purpose to store data about this contact is to sell to and/or provide services to this contact. This purpose is usually used when storing contacts who are defined as potential or existing customers. x
saleStakeholder/person/consentSourceEmarketing listAny Stakeholder - Source - E-marketing: The purpose is to gain the explicit consent to communicate electronically (bulk e-mail) on topics related to our products and services. This might include newsletters, invitations and product-related content. The subscription system is used to refine the individual marketing choices this contact makes. x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactId int Stakeholder - Company ID: Database ID of company x
saleStakeholder/contact/name stringorPK Stakeholder - Company name x
saleStakeholder/contact/department string Stakeholder - Department x
saleStakeholder/contact/nameDepartment None Stakeholder - Company: Displays the company an activity is linked to x
saleStakeholder/contact/hasInfoText bool Stakeholder - Has note: Displays an icon indicating if there is additional information available about the contact x
saleStakeholder/contact/hasInterests bool Stakeholder - Has interests: Displays an Icon indicating if the contact has active interests x
saleStakeholder/contact/associateId associate Stakeholder - Our contact: Displays our contact x
saleStakeholder/contact/category listAny Stakeholder - Category x
saleStakeholder/contact/business listAny Stakeholder - Business x
saleStakeholder/contact/country listAny Stakeholder - Country: This criterion corresponds to the Country field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/contact/countryId int Stakeholder - Country ID: Country ID x
saleStakeholder/contact/number string Stakeholder - Number x
saleStakeholder/contact/code string Stakeholder - Code x
saleStakeholder/contact/orgnr string Stakeholder - VAT No. x
saleStakeholder/contact/stop bool Stakeholder - Stop x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactNoMail bool Stakeholder - No mailings (company) x
saleStakeholder/contact/updatedBy associate Stakeholder - Updated by: The user who last updated the data x
saleStakeholder/contact/updatedByFullName associate Stakeholder - Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data x
saleStakeholder/contact/updatedDate date Stakeholder - Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. x
saleStakeholder/contact/registeredBy associate Stakeholder - Registered by: The user who registered the data x
saleStakeholder/contact/registeredByFullName associate Stakeholder - Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data x
saleStakeholder/contact/registeredDate date Stakeholder - Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactSource listAny Stakeholder - Source: Source (Company) x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactDeleted bool Stakeholder - Deleted: Deleted x
saleStakeholder/contact/phone/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/contact/activeErpLinks bool Stakeholder - ERP connected: Is there an active ERP Sync? x
saleStakeholder/contact/deletedDate datetime Stakeholder - Deleted date: Deleted date
saleStakeholder/contact/mainContact None Stakeholder - Main contact: Main contact for this company x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactPhone/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Telephone - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/contact/contactPhone/description string Stakeholder - Telephone - Description: Phone number description x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactFax/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Fax - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/contact/contactFax/description string Stakeholder - Fax - Description: Phone number description x
saleStakeholder/contact/searchPhone/formattedNumber string Stakeholder - Searchphone - Phone: Displays phone number
saleStakeholder/contact/searchPhone/description string Stakeholder - Searchphone - Description: Phone number description x

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
saleStakeholder/contact/email/emailProtocol string Stakeholder - Protocol: E-mail protocol, such as SMTP x
saleStakeholder/contact/email/emailAddress string Stakeholder - E-mail x
saleStakeholder/contact/email/emailDescription string Stakeholder - Description x
saleStakeholder/contact/email/emailId int Stakeholder - ID x
saleStakeholder/contact/email/emailLastSent datetime Stakeholder - Last sent: The date and time an e-mail was last sent to this address x
saleStakeholder/contact/email/emailBounceCount int Stakeholder - Bounce count: Bounce count for this e-mail address x
saleStakeholder/contact/email/emailLastBounce datetime Stakeholder - Last bounce: Date and time for last bounce to this e-mail address x
saleStakeholder/contact/email/emailHasBounced bool Stakeholder - Has bounced: This checkbox is active if delivery to this e-mail address has failed. x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/addressId int Stakeholder - Postal address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/line1 string Stakeholder - Postal address - Address 1: First line of the address x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/line2 string Stakeholder - Postal address - Address 2: Second line of the address x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/line3 string Stakeholder - Postal address - Address 3: Third line of the address x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/county string Stakeholder - Postal address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/city string Stakeholder - Postal address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/zip string Stakeholder - Postal address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/state string Stakeholder - Postal address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/wgs84latitude decimal Stakeholder - Postal address - Latitude: Latitude x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/wgs84longitude decimal Stakeholder - Postal address - Longitude: Longitude x
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/formattedAddress None Stakeholder - Postal address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
saleStakeholder/contact/postAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress None Stakeholder - Postal address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/addressId int Stakeholder - Street address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record x
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/line1 string Stakeholder - Street address - Address 1: First line of the address x
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/line2 string Stakeholder - Street address - Address 2: Second line of the address x
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/line3 string Stakeholder - Street address - Address 3: Third line of the address x
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/county string Stakeholder - Street address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/city string Stakeholder - Street address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/zip string Stakeholder - Street address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/state string Stakeholder - Street address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/wgs84latitude decimal Stakeholder - Street address - Latitude: Latitude x
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/wgs84longitude decimal Stakeholder - Street address - Longitude: Longitude x
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/formattedAddress None Stakeholder - Street address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
saleStakeholder/contact/streetAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress None Stakeholder - Street address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/addressId int Stakeholder - Search address - Address ID: Database ID for the address record x
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/line1 string Stakeholder - Search address - Address 1: First line of the address x
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/line2 string Stakeholder - Search address - Address 2: Second line of the address x
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/line3 string Stakeholder - Search address - Address 3: Third line of the address x
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/county string Stakeholder - Search address - County: This criterion corresponds to the County field on the Company card. It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/city string Stakeholder - Search address - City: This criterion corresponds to the City field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/zip string Stakeholder - Search address - Postcode: This criterion corresponds to the Zip Code field on the Company card. x
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/state string Stakeholder - Search address - State: This criterion corresponds to the State field on the Company card. \It will only be visible if required by a country's address format. x
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/wgs84latitude decimal Stakeholder - Search address - Latitude: Latitude x
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/wgs84longitude decimal Stakeholder - Search address - Longitude: Longitude x
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/formattedAddress None Stakeholder - Search address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
saleStakeholder/contact/restrictionAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress None Stakeholder - Search address - {formattedAddress}: {formattedAddress}
saleStakeholder/contact/url/URLAddress string Stakeholder - URL x
saleStakeholder/contact/url/URLDescription string Stakeholder - Description x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/firstName string Stakeholder - First name: Displays the contact's first name x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/lastName string Stakeholder - Last name: Displays the contact's last name x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/middleName string Stakeholder - Middle Name: Displays the contact's middle name. x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/fullName string Stakeholder - Full name: Displays full name of user (first, middle, last - according to settings) x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/contactId int Stakeholder - Company ID: Database ID of the company the user belongs to
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/personId int Stakeholder - Contact ID: Database ID of the contact row
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/mrMrs string Stakeholder - Mr/Ms: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/title string Stakeholder - Title: Displays whether the contact is addressed as Mr or Ms x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/associateDbId associate Stakeholder - ID x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/contactName string Stakeholder - Owning company: Name of the company the user belongs to x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/contactDepartment string Stakeholder - Owning department: Name of the department at the company the user belongs to x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/usergroup userGroup Stakeholder - Primary group: The user's primary user group x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/contactFullName string Stakeholder - Owner: Name and department of the company the user belongs to x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/contactCategory listAny Stakeholder - Category: Category x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/role listAny Stakeholder - Role: Role x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/assocName associate Stakeholder - User ID: User ID x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/assocTooltip string Stakeholder - Description: Description
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/assocType listAny Stakeholder - Type: Type of user: associate, external user, system user, anonymous account x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/ejUserId int Stakeholder - Service user ID: The database ID of a Service user
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/simultaneousEjUser bool Stakeholder - Simultaneous Service user: If this flag is set, then the user will only have access if the maximum number of simultaneous users is not exceeded
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/ejDisplayName string Stakeholder - Nick name: User's nick name in Service x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/ejStatus int Stakeholder - Service status: Status for Service user: Normal; Unavailable / holiday; Deleted; Read-only
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/credentialType None Stakeholder - Auth. type: What type of credentials to use when this user logs in x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/credentialDisplayValue None Stakeholder - Auth. value: Credential value (public, visible part) to be used when this user logs in x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/isActive bool Stakeholder - Active: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/isActiveText bool Stakeholder - Active status: Is this user active, and should be able to log in? x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/portraitThumbnail None Stakeholder - Person image: Person image
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/otherGroups userGroup Stakeholder - Other groups: Other groups
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/userName string Stakeholder - User name: User name x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/personEmail string Stakeholder - E-mail x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/locationAddress string Stakeholder - Location: Location x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactAssociate/isLocation bool Stakeholder - Is a location: Is a location x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactInterestIds listInterest Stakeholder - Company Interest: This criterion corresponds to the Interests tab on the Company card.
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:1 string Stakeholder - companyshorttext: tooltipshorttext x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:2 string Stakeholder - companylongtext: tooltiplongtext x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:3 int Stakeholder - companynumber x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:4 date Stakeholder - companydate x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:5 unlimitedDate Stakeholder - companyunlimiteddate: tooltipunlimiteddate x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:6 bool Stakeholder - companycheckbox x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:7 listAny Stakeholder - companydropdownlistbox x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:8 decimal Stakeholder - companydecimal x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:9 string Stakeholder - page1saleonly x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:10 string Stakeholder - page1marketingonly x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:11 string Stakeholder - page1adminonly x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:12 listAny Stakeholder - Udlist one: Static tooltip for udlist one x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactUdef/SuperOffice:13 listAny Stakeholder - Udlist two: Static tooltip for udlist two x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_integer int Stakeholder - Extra Integer: Custom integer field x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_default_integer int Stakeholder - Extra Default Integer: Custom integer field with default value 123. x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_float decimal Stakeholder - Extra Float: Custom float field with 3 decimals x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_longtext string Stakeholder - Extra LongText: Custom long text field. DO not keep HTML. 3 Line text area editor x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_dropdown listAny Stakeholder - Extra Long Dropdown: Custom long text field with dropdown: Volvo, Saab, etc. x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_date date Stakeholder - Extra date: Custom date field. User current as default. x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_datetime datetime Stakeholder - Extra DateTime: Custom Date Time field. No default value. External x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_time None Stakeholder - Extra time: Custom time field. x

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_boolean bool Stakeholder - Extra boolean: Custom boolean field. x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_timespan timeSpan Stakeholder - Extra timespan: Custom timespan field. Hours and minutes in 10 units x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_shorttext string Stakeholder - Extra short text: Custom short text field. Keep HTML tags. x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_short_dropdown listAny Stakeholder - Extra short dropdown: Custom short text with dropdown list. Red, Green or Blue or Purple. External. x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_contact_relation stringorPK Stakeholder - Extra Company: Custom company relation. Do not show one-to-many relations. Show function buttons x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_request_relation stringorPK Stakeholder - Extra Request relation: Request relation on company x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/x_contact_contact stringorPK Stakeholder - Extra contact relation: Contact relation on company x
saleStakeholder/contact/contactExtra/y_organization/x_name string Stakeholder - Organization - Name x
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfActivities int Stakeholder - Number of activities
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfActivitiesInPeriod int Stakeholder - Number of activities in last 90 days
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfNotCompletedActivities int Stakeholder - Number of non-completed activities
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfNotCompletedActivitiesInPeriod int Stakeholder - Number of non-completed activities in last 90 days
saleStakeholder/contact/LastActivity date Stakeholder - Date of last activity
saleStakeholder/contact/LastCompletedActivity date Stakeholder - Date of last completed activity
saleStakeholder/contact/LastDoByActivity date Stakeholder - Date of last non-completed activity
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfSales int Stakeholder - Number of sales
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfSalesInPeriod int Stakeholder - Number of sales in last 90 days
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfNotCompletedSales int Stakeholder - Number of non-completed sales
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfNotCompletedSalesInPeriod int Stakeholder - Number of non-completed sales in last 90 days
saleStakeholder/contact/LastSale date Stakeholder - Date of last sale
saleStakeholder/contact/LastCompletedSale date Stakeholder - Date of last completed sale
saleStakeholder/contact/LastDoBySale date Stakeholder - Date of last non-completed sale
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfTickets int Stakeholder - Number of requests
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfTicketsInPeriod int Stakeholder - Number of requests in last 90 days
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfNotCompletedTickets int Stakeholder - Number of non-completed requests
saleStakeholder/contact/NumberOfNotCompletedTicketsInPeriod int Stakeholder - Number of non-completed requests in last 90 days
saleStakeholder/contact/LastTicket date Stakeholder - Date of last request
saleStakeholder/contact/LastCompletedTicket date Stakeholder - Date of last completed request
saleStakeholder/contact/LastDoByTicket date Stakeholder - Date of last non-completed request
saleStakeholder/contact/SaintStatus1 saintStatus Stakeholder - Neglected customer: Denne kunden har det vært 0 salgsaktiviteter på i perioden.
saleStakeholder/contact/SaintStatus2 saintStatus Stakeholder - C-company: Kundens navn starter med bokstaven C
saleStakeholder/contact/saintSaleStatus listAny Stakeholder - With status
saleStakeholder/contact/saintAmountClass listAny Stakeholder - Amount class
saleStakeholder/contact/saintActivityType listAny Stakeholder - SAINT type
saleStakeholder/contact/saintDirection listAny Stakeholder - Direction
saleStakeholder/contact/saintIntention listAny Stakeholder - Intention
saleStakeholder/contact/saintTicketStatus listAny Stakeholder - Status
saleStakeholder/contact/saintTicketCategory listAny Stakeholder - Category
quote/quoteId int Quote ID: SuperOffice database ID of quote record x
quote/poNumber string P.O. Number: Customer's purchase order number x
quote/orderComment string Comment: Customer's comment x
quote/connectionId int DB-ID: Database ID x
quote/registeredDate date Registered at: Displays the date when the quote was registered. x
quote/version/quoteVersionId int ID: Database ID of QuoteVersion record x
quote/version/description string Description: Description of the quote version x
quote/version/number string Number: Reference number for the quote version x
quote/version/sent date Sent: The date the quote (version) was sent to the customer x
quote/version/expiration date Expiry date: The last date that the quote is valid x
quote/version/state listAny State: The current state the quote is in x
quote/version/status listAny Quote status: Status field showing the status of each line. x
quote/version/reason string Quote reason: The reason or explanation for any status other than 'OK'. x
quote/version/paymentTerms listExternal Payment terms: Payment terms
quote/version/paymentType listExternal Payment type: Payment type
quote/version/deliveryTerms listExternal Delivery terms: Delivery terms
quote/version/deliveryType listExternal Delivery type: Delivery type
quote/version/approvedBy associate Approved by: Associate who approved a quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process x
quote/version/approvalRegisteredBy associate Approval reg by: Associate who entered the approval of a quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process. Not necessarily the person who approved the quote. x
quote/version/approvedText string Approval comment: Comment added to the approval of a quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process x
quote/version/approvedDate date Approved date: Date of approval of a quote that broke one or more of the workflow rules that trigger an approval process x
quote/version/extraField1 string Extra field 1: One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent x
quote/version/extraField2 string Extra field 2: One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent x
quote/version/extraField3 string Extra field 3: One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent x
quote/version/extraField4 string Extra field 4: One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent x
quote/version/extraField5 string Extra field 5: One of the extra fields on the product; meaning is installation dependent x
quote/version/alternative/quoteAlternativeId int QuoteAlternative ID: SuperOffice database ID of the quote alternative record x
quote/version/alternative/quoteVersionId int ID: Database ID of QuoteVersion record x
quote/version/alternative/name string Name: Name of the quote alternative x
quote/version/alternative/description string Description: Description of the quote alternative x
quote/version/alternative/status listAny Quote status: Status field showing the status of each line. x
quote/version/alternative/reason string Quote reason: The reason or explanation for any status other than 'OK'. x
quote/version/alternative/erpDiscountPercent decimal ERP Discount %: Discount percentage suggested by ERP system x
quote/version/alternative/erpDiscountAmount decimal ERP Discount: Discount amount suggested by ERP system x
quote/version/alternative/discountPercent decimal Discount %: Enter discount in percent for entire alternative x
quote/version/alternative/discountAmount decimal Discount: Enter total discount for entire alternative x
quote/version/alternative/vatInfo string VAT Info: Information about value-added and other taxes x
quote/version/alternative/vat decimal VAT: Value-added and other taxes, total amount x
quote/version/alternative/earningPercent decimal Earnings %: Total Earnings as a percentage of the total price, of all lines in the quote alternative, including all discounts x
quote/version/alternative/earningAmount decimal Earnings: Total Earnings for all lines in the quote alternative, including all discounts x
quote/version/alternative/totalPrice decimal Total: Total price of all items in the quote alternative, including all discounts x
quote/version/alternative/extraField1 string Extra 1: Extra field 1 on the quote alternative x
quote/version/alternative/extraField2 string Extra 2: Extra field 2 on the quote alternative x
quote/version/alternative/extraField3 string Extra 3: Extra field 3on the quote alternative x
quote/version/alternative/extraField4 string Extra 4: Extra field 4 on the quote alternative x
quote/version/alternative/extraField5 string Extra 5: Extra field 5 on the quote alternative x
quote/version/alternative/alternativeOrdering int QuoteAlternative ID: SuperOffice database ID of the quote alternative record x
quote/version/alternative/subTotal decimal Total before discount: Total of all lines, before applying the Alternative discount x
quote/version/alternative/totalPriceIncVAT decimal Total incl. VAT: Total of all lines, including VAT x
quote/version/alternative/vatAmount decimal VAT: VAT (amount) for the alternative x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/quoteLineId int Quote line ID: Database identity of the quote line x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/quoteAlternativeId int Alternative ID: The database identity of the quote alternative x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/erpProductKey string Product key: The foreign key of the product the quote line is based on. x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/rank int Rank: Shows the rank of a product x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/quantity decimal Quantity: The quantity that is offered x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/name string Name: The name of the product that is being offered. This name can be changed to accommodate the customer's needs. x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/description string Description: Description of the product that is offered x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/code string Code: The product or article code. This code is created to help you quickly find products you offer regularly. x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/quantityUnit string Unit: The unit of the product that is offered. x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/priceUnit string Price unit: What is the price unit defined in x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/url string Web address: The web address of the product info. x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/subscriptionUnit string Subscription unit: Unit the subscription is sold/renewed in, such as year/quarter/month x

Supported Columns (cont.)

Name Restriction Description OrderBy
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/subscriptionQuantity decimal Subscription quantity: Number of subscription units offered x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/UnitListPriceSubscriptionQuantity None Subscription list price: Unit price * subscription quantity
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/PriceUnitSubscriptionUnit None P/S Unit: Price unit/subscription unit
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/PriceUnitSubscriptionQuantityUnit None Expanded unit: Price unit @ subscription quantity + unit
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/vatInfo string VAT info: x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/vat decimal VAT: May be filled out by the ERP system x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/unitCost decimal Cost: Cost per item. x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/unitMinimumPrice decimal Unit minimum price: Minimum price per item. Users are not allowed to send quotes with prices lower than the minimum price. x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/unitListPrice decimal List price: List price of a unit x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/totalPrice decimal Total: List price * Quantity - Discount Amount x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/totalCost decimal Total cost
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/quoteLineThumbnail None Thumbnail: A miniature version of the product picture
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/quoteLineThumbnailLarge None Thumbnail: A miniature version of the product picture
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/discountAmount decimal Discount: Discount amount given by salesperson x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/discountPercent decimal Discount (%: Discount percent given by salesperson x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/earningAmount decimal Earnings: Amount of Earnings (Total - Cost) on the line, after discount x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/earningPercent decimal Earnings (%: Percentage Earnings on the line (Total - Cost / Total), after discount x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/updatedBy associate Updated by: The user who last updated the data x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/updatedByFullName associate Updated by - Full name: The user who last updated the data x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/updatedDate date Updated: The date/time the data was last updated in UTC. x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/registeredBy associate Registered by: The user who registered the data x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/registeredByFullName associate Registered by - Full name: The user who registered the data x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/registeredDate date Registered date: The date/time the data was registered in UTC. x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/productCategoryKey listExternal Product category: The category the product is defined in
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/productFamilyKey listExternal Product family: The family the product is defined in
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/productTypeKey listExternal Product type: The type of product
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/status listAny Quote status: Status field showing the status of each line. x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/subTotal decimal Sum: Sum of Quantity * Unit list price x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/vatAmount decimal VAT (amount: The calculated VAT amount x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/totalPriceIncVAT decimal Total incl. VAT: Total including VAT x
quote/version/alternative/quoteline/totalPriceWithAlternativeDiscount decimal Total incl. alt. disc: Total, including any discount percentage set on the alternative x
selectionId int Selection ID: The database ID of the selection
selectionMemberId int Selection member ID: The database ID of the selection member record
rowKind None Icon indicating whether the row comes from a static or a dynamic selection
targetTableNumber int TargetTableNumber: TargetTableNumber x
targetRecordId int TargetRecordId: TargetRecordId x


GET /api/v1/archive/SaleSelectionCombinedV2?$select=heading,person/restrictionAddress/formattedMultiLineAddress,person/correspondingAssociate/personId,contact/countryId,contact/contactNoMail
Authorization: Basic dGplMDpUamUw
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: sv

See also: IArchiveAgent.