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RonanCraft edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 3 revisions

Here's the full config file and it's description of each section! Need the default file? Get it here



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Claim limitations and options

  • Item

    Set the item material name as the claiming item (default: golden_shovel)
  • MaxSize

    The maximum size a claim can be, default 256, minimum is 10
  • MaxDepth

    The depth which claims will protect up to (this allows players to cave mine beneath bases)
  • WorldsEnabled

    List of a worlds you want to enable claiming in
- world
- world_nether
- creative_world
  • MaxClaims

    Amount of claims a player can have at one time


Globally protect these action from happening

  • EndermenMoveBlocks

    Block Endermen form picking up blocks anywhere.
  • SilverfishBreakBlocks

    Block silverfish from forming/taking over blocks.
  • RabbitsEatCrops

    Block rabbits from eating crops anywhere


Change/set default user settings

  • ProtectDeathDrops

    When the player is killed, their items will be protected from being picked up.

Getting Started

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