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AMP Viewer For iOS (AMPKit)

AMPKit is a native AMP viewer for iOS. It allows your iOS app to display AMP articles in a native viewer with high performance scrolling. AMPKit is fully customizable for your app and support prerendering of AMP articles. It can be added to your iOS project in just a few lines.

Quick Start

AMPKit is composed of several primary components:

For the most part, you should not try to present an AMPKViewer or subclass yourself. Instead, you should create one via an AMPKPrefetchController. In addition to providing prefetching, the AMPKPrefetchController will validate the URLs you pass to it before adding them to a data source and assigning the data source to a viewer.


As a default AMP Viewer, you can use AMPKViewController. If your app doesn't need to customize the UX of the viewer, this Viewer will let you easily and simply display AMP articles without much effort on your part.

Adding AMPKit to your project

The recommended route is to add AMPKit via Cocoapods. First, you'll need to install Cocoapods.

To install CocoaPods, run the following commands:

sudo gem install cocoapods To integrate AMPKit into your existing app create a new Podfile:

pod init

Finally, add the AMPKit pod to your app's target:

  pod 'AMPKit'


AMPKit provides an umbrella header, AMPK.h for you to import when using or customizing AMPKit. In most cases, you shouldn't need to manually import any additional headers.

Using AMPKit

This section will help you with a basic AMPKit integration into your app.

Remember, the entry point for AMPKit in your app should be an AMPKPrefetchController. From there, you can grab an instance of the AMP Viewer to present.


To instantiate a prefetch controller, simply alloc init

self.prefetchController = [[AMPKPrefetchController alloc] init];

Then, when you're ready to load a set of AMP articles into the viewer:

[self.prefetchController ampViewerWithArticles:self.ampArticles

This will create the viewer and start the prefetching at index 3.

Then, to present the viewer, simply present the current ampViewController however your app would normally show a ViewController (modally, pushed onto a nav stack ...)

[self presentViewController:self.prefetchController.ampViewController

This will result in a blank viewer with no additional UI other than the swipable AMPViewer. You can feel free to subclass, add headers, footers, and other UI to match the style of your App.


To create an AMP article, you'll need 2 URLs:

  • AMP Article URL (the publisher's URL)

If your data source does not have the CDN URL, you should try to get it first. Using AMPKit without a CDN URL for each article is not advised. Using AMPKit in this way will add ~1 second of latency to each AMP article which really hurts the performance of AMP.

To create an AMP article, there's a convience method available for you:

[AMPKArticle articleWithURL:publisherURL cdnURL:cdnURL];

Customizing AMPKit

The steps above will give you a generic AMPKit viewer without any customization. After you subclass the AMPKViewer (to provide your UI), you'll need to implement the AMPKPrefetchProvider in order to have your AMPKViewer subclass returned. Then, set the AMPKPrefetchController's delegate to your object.

self.prefetchController.prefetchProvider = myProvider;

You'll implement the newViewerWithDataSource: method and return a new instance of your AMPKViewer subclass using the data source passed:

- (AMPKViewer *)newViewerWithDataSource:(AMPKViewerDataSource *)dataSource {
  return [[MyAMPViewer alloc] initWithViewerDataSource:dataSource];


Optionally, if your app already has a model representing your data, you can choose to conform your model to the AMPKArticleProtocol instead of using the standard AMPKArticle class. Please make sure to synthesize all 3 properties declared in the model and to also confrom your class to NSCopying and NSCoding. Implement encodeWithCoder: , initWithCoder: , copyWithZone: , and isEqual:


Another option to customize is the data source. By default, AMPKit will assume as the base URL for the viewer. If your users might be accessing from a different country, such as, you should implement defaultDataSource and return an instance of the data source that's been initalized with the correct URL for the current user.

Implementation Demo

We have implemented a sample Demo as a strarting point to show how to use the default AMPKViewController or as a starting point for customizing your own AMPKViewer. You can check out the Demo Project by running pod install inside AMPKitDemo directory.

The AKDAmpViewer is the most simple starting point for making your own AMP viewer.

Of particular importance is the AMPKViewerDelegate This has all the required methods for you to implement in order to properly update your UI and internal record keeping. Additionally, as AMPKViewer is itself a UIPageViewController, you're free to implement any of the UIPageViewControllerDelegate methods. Just be sure to call super class' method first.

Also, there's the AMPKPresenterProtocol to implement for opening external links that are clicked in the AMP document.

Note that none of these delegates are available in the AMPKViewController. Instead, there's a single 'AMPKViewControllerDelegate' you should use instead.


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  • Objective-C 99.3%
  • Ruby 0.7%