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An Auto-Accept-Script for Counter-Strike Global Offensive

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1# csgo_auto_accept An Auto-Accept-Script for Counter-Strike Global Offensive

To run one needs to clone the repo and have Python 3.X installed. Once downloaded run pip install -r requirements.txt in a command-line in the repo folder


After that you'll need to make changes to the config_clean.ini.

  • Change its name to config.ini

    • Account 1 section
      • Add your Steam ID 64 in "Steam ID"
      • AutoBuy can be edited
        • AutoBuy will executed the appropriate script if the player has not tabbed until the BuyTime is almost over
        • AutoBuy is the same as AutoBuy 0 -> will always run
        • AutoBuy 1700T will only execute if > 1700$ and on T-Side
        • AutoBuy 1700CT will only execute if > 1700$ and on CT-Side
        • AutoBuy 2000 will only execute if > 2000$
        • AutoBuy will go through in reverse -> highest match will be executed and nothing after that
    • section
      • API Key: Add a SteamWebAPI Key
      • Auto-Retrying-Interval: Time in seconds the thread will sleep after making a request to the Discord Bot
      • Status Requester: Bool, if True the script will execute a status command and send the result to the Discord Bot
      • Secret: A shared secret between the Script and the Discord Bot -> Matches are send as pickle dumps and encrypted with this secret
      • WebServer IP: The WebServer IP provided by the Discord Bot
      • WebServer Port: The WebServer Port of the WebServer provided by the Discord Bot
    • Notifier section
      • Discord User ID: A Discord User ID -> If set, enables to send afk messages via discord
    • HotKeys section
      • WebHook IP: -> WebHooks can only be called from local device, -> WebHooks can be called from everywhere
      • WebHook Port: Port to be used for the WebHook Server
    • Script Settings
      • TelNet IP: -> no idea why this is a config param
      • TelNet Port: Choose a free port on your computer
      • Interval: Script sleeps after every loop for this amount of seconds
      • Forbidden Programs: plays sound if a window title with an exact match is found, can be comma-sepearted list
      • Match History Lenght: Number of match outcomes shown at beginning warmup
      • Anti-AFK Delay: Seconds after being tabbed out until the anti-afk script starts
      • AFK Reset Delay: Seconds after tabbed in until the anti-afk script timer resets
      • Copy To Clipboard: 1 (True), copies the match url to the clipboard after parsing finished
      • AutoBuy Active: 1 (True), activates or deactivates autobuy by default
    • Sounds
      • Use Web Sounds: 0 (False), If True, asks the bot for sounds and uses them instead of the default ones
      • Set any of those to False to always use the default sound for that category
        • Use button_found: 1
        • Use activated: 1
        • Use not_all_accepted: 1
        • Use ding: 1
        • Use all_accepted: 1
        • Use fail: 1
        • Use accept_failed: 1
        • Use ready: 1
        • Use server_found: 1
      • Excluded Sounds: Comma sperated list of file names you want to be excluded from the sound pool
    • FullBuy
      • Set Weapon that is not equipped in inventory
        • deagle slot: revolver or deagle
        • usp slot: hkp2000 or usp_silencer
        • fiveseven slot: fiveseven or cz75a
        • mp7 slot: mp7 or mp5sd
        • m4a4 slot: m4a1_silencer or m4a4
        • tec9 slot: tec9 or cz75a
  • Add -netconport [port] to the launch options of csgo, port needs to be same as set in TelNet Port

  • Add multiple accounts by creating a new section called Account 2 until Account X with the same keys as Account 1

  • WebHook Endpoints:

    • minimize -> minimizes and maximizes csgo via special ESC button emulation

    • activate -> manually activates looking for match

    • pushbullet -> activates afk messages send via discord

    • upload -> manually starts upload thread to look for new matches and requests them via the discord bot backend

    • switch_accounts -> if the script is already running and the user switches account use this to switch between accounts from config

    • mute -> uses the Windows audio mixer to mute csgo

    • discord_toggle -> Disables/Enables discord output if a match is parsed by the discord bot

    • end -> exits the script, delay query param ignores call if startup - now < delay

    • fetch_status -> manually invokes status via console and sends result to discord backend

    • dev_mode -> manually set developer 1 and sv_max_allowed_developer 1 for the script to work

    • console -> accepts query parameter ìnput as dumped json of list of commands e.g. (/console?input="["say hello", "..."]")

      • might want to use object/ for easier formatting
      • eg: py "buy vest, buy p250, buy p90"
    • autobuy -> manually trigger autobuy script even if in-game

    • seek -> manually seek to the end of the console log file

    • afk -> manually activate anti-afk script

    • force_minimize -> min or max as query parameter to force minimize or maximize the game, query key is ignored

    • clear_queue -> clears the queue of matches that are still queued to be processed by csgostats

    • update_sounds -> updates the web sounds list, downloads any new sounds, and re-shuffles the current sound selection

    • toggle_autobuy -> switches the current autobuy status

    • reset_match_error -> resets the latest "error" in the match database, forces the match to be requested again

    • fullbuy -> kevlar=(1|2), main=(1|2) as query params;

      • main=2&kevlar=1 -> buy main, buy kevlar, buy rest, buy only main if not enough money for both
      • main=1&kevlar=2 -> buy kevlar, buy main, buy rest but only kevlar if not enough money for both
      • kevlar=1 -> buy kevlar, buy rest at random
      • main=1 -> buy main, buy rest at random
    • example call: http://{WebHook IP}:{WebHook Port}/{Endpoint} ->

    • example query call:

  • WebSocket Endpoints:

    • The Script tries to connect to a WebSocket provided by the discord bot backend

    • If the connection was not successful or was aborted it will retry every 5seconds

    • Messages retrieved with {action: chat_message} will execute {message: "message"}

      and answer with a {action: 'acknowlege', success: true | false} whether the script tried to send the command via TelNet to csgo

    • commands are formatted as following: .command.namefilter? where command can be a csgo console command or a script defined command like fullbuy

      • .slot1 would execute for everyone
      • .slot1.f would execute for everyone who's ingame name starts with f
      • .slot1;!delay100;drop would switch to slot1, wait 100ms and drop for everyone
      • !delay[ms] is an exception as its done by the script
      • commands like disconnect and exit are ignored by default
      • commands that change key or similar are executed


An Auto-Accept-Script for Counter-Strike Global Offensive






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