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Releases: SuppliedOrange/VALORANT-Instalocker

Debug logger update

10 Jul 22:29
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Now has a debug logger. You can start it with --debug as an additional param.
It creates a file called valorant_instalocker.log in the same directory as the executable.

Fixed some pretty bad requirements.txt and building bugs I found out while I was at it.

Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.2

Fixed region bug

24 May 20:12
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Fixed a region bug specified in #12
This patch is only for those who are experiencing the bug.

v1.1.1 Added Clove

29 Mar 06:13
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  • Clove has been added.
  • Removed an accidental debug logger I left in there.
  • Changed the order of agents to prioritize agents that are played more often, especially duelists. A search filter option would be cool though.
  • Updated the readme to include instructions on how to add agents by yourself (mostly for me because I keep forgetting).
  • Now checks for chrome on all drives instead of just C drive, for example X:\\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe where X is all drives on your system. Dunno if this would introduce problems, but lemme know. This also means a new dependency pywin32 has been added.

v1.1.0 Improvements

04 Nov 03:22
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  • Changed Iso's banner
  • Greatly improved the scrollbar's condition
  • Fixed an issue with building the project #3
  • Automated installation and building
  • Restricted project to Python < 3.12
  • Decreased loop delay from 4 to 3.

From now on there are 3 steps to building.

  1. Install packages
  2. Replace in site-packages
  3. Use the pyinstaller command

All of the above building steps are condensed into 2 .bat files.

Note that the Source Code archive here is outdated and won't work.

Added Iso [Broken]

30 Oct 14:29
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Added Iso [Broken] Pre-release

Props to @cryskram for this release. This release was compiled on their machine without valorant so feedback about errors is appreciated!

I have realised there is an issue. with building. I'll find a fix for it shortly

Added Deadlock

09 Jul 23:23
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Adding deadlock

VALORANT Instalocker

12 Jun 17:16
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Reduces the lock delay from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.

VALORANT Instalocker

12 Jun 14:51
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This is the very first release of the software! Make sure you check for other releases!