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Google Keep Clone

  1. User Authentication:

    • Implement user registration and login functionality to allow users to create and access their notes securely.
  2. Note Creation and Editing:

    • Provide a user-friendly interface for creating, editing, and formatting notes.
    • Support rich text formatting, including text styles (bold, italics, underline), bullet/numbered lists, and headings.
  3. Note Organization:

    • Allow users to categorize notes into folders or categories for better organization.
    • Implement a tagging system to add labels or keywords to notes for easy retrieval.
  4. Search and Filter:

    • Create a robust search functionality to help users find specific notes quickly.
    • Add filters to sort notes by date, category, or other criteria.
  5. Collaboration:

    • Enable collaboration by allowing users to share notes or entire folders with other users.
    • Implement real-time collaboration features to enable multiple users to edit a note simultaneously.
  6. Offline Access:

    • Provide offline access to notes using service workers and caching techniques.
  7. Data Synchronization:

    • Ensure that notes are synchronized across devices, so users can access their content from anywhere.
  8. Data Security:

    • Implement data encryption and secure authentication mechanisms to protect users' notes and personal information.
  9. Trash and Recovery:

    • Include a "Trash" or "Recycle Bin" feature for recovering accidentally deleted notes.
  10. Reminders and Notifications:

    • Allow users to set reminders for notes and send notifications at specified times.
  11. User-Friendly UI/UX:

    • Design an intuitive and responsive user interface with a clean, distraction-free writing area.
  12. Cross-Platform Compatibility:

    • Ensure the app works on various web browsers and platforms, including desktop and mobile.
  13. Data Backup and Recovery:

    • Regularly back up user data to prevent data loss and offer recovery options.
  14. Performance Optimization:

    • Optimize the app for speed and performance to provide a smooth note-taking experience.
  15. Customization:

    • Allow users to customize the app's appearance, such as themes and fonts.
  16. Feedback and Support:

    • Provide users with a way to offer feedback and request assistance or report issues.
  17. Documentation:

    • Create user documentation and help resources to assist users in getting started and making the most of the app.
  18. Continuous Improvement:

    • Plan for ongoing development and updates based on user feedback and changing technology.

Project Flow


Authetication Flow JWT



Currently :


  • Frontend:

    • Logout feature
  • Backend:

    • Working on the validation of data

Feature Implemented


  • Spring Security
    • Added Spring Security
  • Added Trash can
    • for deletion and retrieval of notes.
  • Added Archive
    • for archive notes.

Installation :


  • Frond-End :

    • dir : google_keep contains file for front-end.
    • use commands:
    • cd google_keep
    • use npm i [ to install project packages ]
  • Back-End :

    • dir: keep contains files for back-end.
    • configure replace MySQL username and password.
    • now use mvn spring-boot:run to run the springboot application.
    • note: if getting webserver issue kindly changer serve.port in for example server.port = 443 -> server.port = 8443

    > Use VSCode for FrontEnd ( Recommended )
    > Use InteiiJIdea for backEnd ( Recommended )


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