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HyperCurrencies Setup

Sv3ks edited this page Mar 14, 2023 · 2 revisions

On this page, you'll setup your spigot plugin for working with HyperCurrencies.

First, go to your plugin.yml and add HyperCurrencies as a dependency or soft-dependency:

depend: [HyperCurrencies]
soft-depend: [HyperCurrencies]

This will assure that HyperCurrencies will load before your plugin, so you can use the methods and classes without any bugs.

When that's settled, go to your pom.xml and add the dependency, allowing you to use all the content from the resource. (Replace version with the newest version of HyperCurrencies)


	    <version>VERSION HERE</version>


	repositories {
		maven { url '' }
	dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.Sv3ks:HyperCurrencies:1.0-pre'

Then you're all done! You can now work with HyperCurrencies in your plugin.


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