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Ruby gem for build image wall based on Flickr images searched by provided keywords


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Wallzilla very simple ruby gem with CLI for generating mosaic images from Flickr.

It provides:

  • accepts a list of search keywords as arguments
  • queries the Flickr API for the top-rated (term: interestingness) image for each keyword
  • downloads the results
  • assembles a collage grid from ten images and
  • writes the result to a user-supplied filename

If given less than ten keywords, or if any keyword fails to result in a match, gem retrieve random words from a dictionary source such as /usr/share/dict/words or provided one.

I like the idea to keep library as small as I can, so it has no external dependancies (except imagemagick)


$ wz --key YOUR_FLICKR_KEY winter boy rocket racoon fear mars

Example resulting mosaic



This gem assumes that you have imagemagick installed in your system.

You can install it from official site

CLI installation:

$ gem install wallzilla

Programm interface

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'wallzilla'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Library usage %w(winter boy rocket racoon fear mars),
                        result: "output.jpg", 
                        key: YOUR_FLICKR_KEY, 
                        words: nil,   # optional
                        tiles: "4x3", # optional
                        bg: "black")  # optional

As result you have file output.jpg in working directory.

CLI Usage

USAGE: wz [options] kw1 kw2 kw3 ... kw10
    -o, --output FILE                Write result to dir/to/filename.extname
    -k, --key key_string             Flickr API key string
    -w, --words [FILE]               Read words from dir/to/words file
    -t, --tile [5x2 | 4x3]           Images positioning columns x rows (4x3)
    -b, --background color           Fill background color (black)
    -v, --version                    Show version


kw1 .. kw10 Keywords for searching top photos on Flickr. May be omitted, remain keywords to have exactly 10 images will be taken randomly from wordlist.


-o, --output FILE Save resulting mosaic to file. Default is output.jpg in current directory.

-k, --key key_string Flickr API key, you could get one here You also could set environment variable export FLICKR_KEY=YOUR_KEY somewhere in your profile scripts or in command line:

$ FLICKR_KEY=YOUR_KEY wz winter boy rocket racoon fear mars

-b, --background color You could find color names here, default is black

-w, --words [FILE] Just plain text file filled with words you like, line by line. Default words sources: /usr/share/dict/words, /usr/share/words.

-t, --tile [5x2 | 4x3] You could choose how images will be placed in resulting mosaic columns X rows, default is 4x3


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Progressbar code borrowed from:

# Ruby/ProgressBar - a text progress bar library
# Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Satoru Takabayashi <>


Ruby gem for build image wall based on Flickr images searched by provided keywords








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