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The Requirements

  1. The User Requirements

    • Build a catalog page
    • Create a shopping cart
      • Create context processor for the cart
    • Create customer orders model
    • Lunching asynchronous task with Celery
    • Integrating a payment gateway by using Braintree sandbox account
    • Export orders to CSV files
    • Generate PDF file for each order, and send it to the customer email
    • Create a coupon system
    • Add internationalization system, by support english and spanish languages on the site
      • Change the urls depend on the current language
      • Change the content text depend on the current language
      • Translating templates by using tags
      • Allow users to change between languages
      • Use Rosetta for translation interface
      • Translating models with django-parler
    • Add localiztion system
      • Format the dates on the page depend on the user country
    • Use django-localflavor for make limitations on the form fields inputs depend on the country
    • Building a recommendation engine
      • Run redis-server for save the recommendations in the cache
  2. System Requirements

    • Clone the repository
    • Docker steps:
      • Go to docker-compose.yml level on command line
      • RUN this command docker-compose build
      • RUN this command docker-compose up -d
      • Now you can visit the shop site on this link
      • You can access the administration site on this link
        • Initial account: username=admin, password=1
    • Python Virtual Environment on Windows steps:
      • Create python virtual environments on the same level of file

        python -m venv venv
      • Create the requirements.txt file on the same level of file if not exist

      • Run this command in the terminal of virtual environment

        pip install -r requirements.txt
      • For Windows OS, you should download GTK3 Install DLL files to lib , then change the path of the GTK3 in myshop\orders\ file

      • You should run redis-server before run the project, if you on Windows OS download it

      • You can use this command in the terminal of virtual environment for create user on your administration page

        python createsuperuser
      • Run this command in the terminal of virtual environment for open the server connection on localhost

        python runserver
      • Now you can visit the administration page and the shop page