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Modulo Server per il progetto di SWE 2020/2021 - BlockCOVID

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Server module for the project BlockCOVID. This module provides all the API required for the android and web modules, together with all the interactions with an ethereum network (for testing we recommend ganache)




This application uses a mongodb instance as database. You can start and stop a mongodb daemon trough the provided scripts and The folder ./db will be used as mongo database folder.


To run the server make sure you have a PKCS12 keystore with your public key, this is important in order to ensure https requests are handled properly. Without a valid keystore the server will fail to start. You can either create a self-signed pkcs12 keystore or issue one with a CA (such as letsencrypt)


In order to save the hashes of generated reports on a blockchain network you need to:

  • Select a network to deploy your contract: you can simply use the provided containered solution and test the server behavior trough ganache. Otherwise, you should have an endpoint to communicate to the selected ethereum network, such as Infura;

  • Open an account on that particular network.

once you have such information compile the file .env. An example could be the following (also included in the project)

# The private key of your account on the network
export BLOCKCHAIN_ACCOUNT=0xb43436657ed0d6b922f3e7fab75dc32c610796d374daa6d7f1878669ff79d0e5
# The network to interface with
export BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK=http://ganache:8545
# If you have already deployed the same contract for any reason you can specify 
# its address here, otherwise a new contract will be deployed 

# the uri of the mongodb instance keeping all your data
export MONGODB_URI=mongodb://mongo:27017/blockcovid-test
# SSL certificate information
export KEYSTORE=
export SSL_ENABLED=false
# server port, this will only affect the container exposed port,
# not the internal port
export SERVER_PORT=8091
# existing directory where reports will be saved
export REPORT_DIR=
# This should be commented when deploying on a real network,
# specifies the active profile of the application, the ganache profile is made
# specifically to interact with ganache  
export spring_profiles_active=ganache


./gradlew build

will build the single artifact based on the provided and will store it at build/libs. This artifact can then be run on the JVM.


Once all the prerequisites are satisfied, and the artifact is built the application can be launched in several ways:

Test container start

This way you can test the application with a container version of mongodb and ganache cli

sudo docker-compose up --build

The containers will then be created and started. Eventually when the run ends you can dismantle the built containers with

sudo docker-compose down

Standalone Application

In this case an instance of mongodb and valid network credentials must be supplied trough environment variables, for simplicity you can just source the .env file:

source .env && ./gradlew bootRun

will start the application, in this case you handle both the mongodb instance and the interaction with the blockchain network


We adopt a Gitflow workflow. So in order to contribute to the application the steps are:

  • start from develop branch
  • git flow feature start [faeture name] (alternatively git checkout -b feature/[feature name])
  • Implement the new feature and the corresponding tests
  • commit your changes
  • git flow feature pulish [feature name] (alternatively git push -u origin feature/[feature name])
  • open a pull request describing your changes and addressing issues if necessary eventually an administrator will review your work and merge it in the develop branch.

pre-commit hook

Builds will fail if the code is not compiant with the spotless formatting. Therefore add this hook to git that prevents you from committing anything that is not correctly formatted

cp .git/hooks/pre-commit

text can be formatted with

./graldew spotlessApply


Modulo Server per il progetto di SWE 2020/2021 - BlockCOVID






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