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The server side of offical Swift.GG Application, written in Swift.

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The server side of offical Swift.GG Application, written in Swift.



Currently the swift version we use is DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-01-a, it has already defined at .swift-version file in the source folder.

This project support running in teminal or Xcode, before running, you must install and config.

Sometime the config in OSX and Linux are a bit different, so we will Seperate them.


1.Install swift

  • Go to the offical websit to download and install the swift.
  • Swfitenv is a better tool to control different swift versions.

2.Install MySQL by Homebrew

brew install mysql

Now,The version is v5.7.11, but unfortunately, the mysql header files has some issue when Xcode to build and link, so we need modify them by hand.

cd /usr/local/include/mysql
  • find client_plugin.h at line 103 replace the include with #include "plugin_auth_common.h".
  • find my_alloc.h at line 27 replace the include code with #include "mysql/psi/psi_memory.h".

3.Clone Codes

git clone

4.Fix codes to support SPM

cd yourcodefolder


cd yourcodefolder



7.Xcode Support

Now, Launch Xcode, run the blow shell in terminal to start Xcode with the new version of swift.

xcrun launch-with-toolchain /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-latest.xctoolchain

Because Xcode7.3 release, you can choose Swift SDK version at Xcode->Preference->Components.


Next, see the source code, you will find a folder named XcodeProject, go in and double click the SwiftGGAppServer.xcodeproj to launch Xcode and now cmd+r, when it build success, everything is OK !



In the source folder, we write some shell script to help build, clean, run, release our SwiftGGAppServer.


  • make a new Xcode Cocoa Application, Support using the GUI to run the server on osx
  • make a fix shell to prefix the build problems
  • Error Constants
  • add regular expression support,Regex
  • generate the radom number util
  • because the depndency libraries are update so frequently and support different version of swift, so in next step i will remove them and contains their codes, the less depdency the less complie error.
  • design a logo
  • add dao layer
  • make ORM framework
  • add quick way to transform model(DTO) to json
  • change the database to PostgreSQL
  • fix build error with swift development version DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-16-a, because new feature of Swift3, the SwitJSON can't build successfully.
  • change the XcodeProject generate by the command swift build -X
  • all the http request and response will be encrypt by AES or DES
  • new SPM powerful tool, so i think will use the WatchDog



  • Login
  • Register
  • Info
  • login and registe use mobile and captcha, and return the token with expire time


  • CategoryList
  • ArticleInfo
  • NewArticle


  • Support Vapor v0.3 in 2016.3.22, Vapor change the Controller to ResourceController and add default behavior.


When use the DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-16-a version, it seems that spm not support run swift build in terminal, so run below shell code to fix the problem.

sudo install_name_tool -add_rpath /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-16-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-16-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-build

But when I lanch the Xcode it always tell me Failed to verify signature!, so now the DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-16-a version is a Bridge.



Swift.GGAppServer is released under the MIT license.


The server side of offical Swift.GG Application, written in Swift.






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