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RickMoynihan committed Dec 20, 2019
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**** Matcha Alpha 2 & Grafter 3 ideas
<2019-12-19 Thu 21:12>

Grafter 3

- coerce registered vocab URIs into :clj/keywords and back
- Support relative URIs as values to work with base-uri?
- #ruri "/relative-path" ?
- :base/relative-path
- :base/../foo/bar
- Support base-uri everywhere including in SPARQL
- Support general options maps on important interfaces,
e.g. add/remove triples. Old API grew to too many arities making
optionality hard.

- SPARQL support
- Generalise ->connection to take opts (base-uri etc)
- Provide a ->sparql-string protocol that we always call, and is
extended to java.lang.String by default, and uses clj 1.10's value
toggle on protocols. This will allow us to support coercing
EDN as SPARQL into sparql in the future for query/rewriting uses.
- Provide a bind protocol that allows us to bind variables into
- Support reducers
- Queries should return an IReduceInit that when reduced executes
the contained SPARQL statement
- Support a :builder-fn arg to let you customise how statements
are created. Provide a default for grafter Quad's, but allow a
lower level that gives you raw backend statements (for extra
- Support the injection of a "vocab" registry into the sparql repo
object. This should allow coercion of key predicates/classes
and URI's into coerced keyword form.


- Much as it is now, except opts arg with :builder-fn and other opts
like on the SPARQL repo. Also support reducers.

- Eventually support datafiable/nav

| Option | Interface | Description |
| ::base-uri | io/add, io/delete, sp/make-repo | URI Prefix to coin relative URIs against |
| ::prefixes / ::vocabs | " | Pass registry of {rdfs/label rdfs:label} maps for builder-fn |
| :grafter.rdf4j/builder-fn | " | Customise how token create/coerce statements at the bottom |
| :grater.rdf4j/value-factory | " | Override the default SimpleValueFactory factory with a more specialised one |

***** :grafter.rdf4j/value-factory

Override default SimpleValueFactory with a more specialised one. This
will be called underneath before the builder-fn to construct the "raw"
backend values.

Grafter will provide vars to construct different "default" variants
for convenience; that wrap RDF4j factory constructors.

Main use of this will be raw users who want to load all data into
memory. MemoryValueFactory will cache/reuses URI's in memory to save
memory, so reused URI's have the same identity.

***** :grafter.rdf4j/builder-fn

Similar to :grafter.rdf4j/value-factory but happens after the
value-factory has done its job. i.e builder-fn receives a statement
output from the value-factory. This allows us to then coerce URI's
into grafter/clj canonical form.

We will also provide a caching/pooling implementation similar to
simple-value factory, that allows us to save memory on URI dupes. By
default this won't be used; but it will make a sensible and
recommended override for webapps rendering pages, and loading triples
into memory/matcha.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(defn default-quad-builder [quad {:keys [::prefixes ,,,]}])

***** Repository -> QueryResults flow

1. Call and provide the relevant opts.

Initial opts (in addition to those above) for make-repo are:

| Option | Required | Overridable on connection | Description |
| ::http-headers | N | Y | Map of String > String for headers to set on every request |
| ::username | N | N | String |
| ::password | N | N | String |
| ::query-endpoint | N | N | |
| ::update-endpoint | N | N | |
| :grafter.rdf4j.sparql/quad-mode? | | | |
| :grafter.rdf4j.sparql/session-manager | | N | RDF4j override should you need to reimplement the class |
| :grafter.rdf4j.sparql.session/connection-timeout | | Y | pass a value to session-manager |
| :grafter.rdf4j.sparql.boolean/format-preference | | Y | |
| | | Y | |
| :grafter.rdf4j.sparql.rdf/format-preference | | Y | |
| :grafter.rdf4j.parser/fail-on-unknown-languages | | | |
| ... | | | Convert all from [[][BasicParserSettings]] |
| :grafter.rdf4j.parser/config | | Y | |
| :grafter.sparql/max-execution-time | | Y | Max execution time for query |
| :grafter.sparql/from | | Y | Set of graphs for default graph |
| :grafter.sparql/from-named | | Y | Set of graphs for named graph |
| :grafter.rdf4j.sparql/include-inferred | | | Reasoning on or off |


- We should always construct the session manager ourselves so we can
pass connection-timeout and other opts

2. Call ->connection on repo inside a with-open takes an optional map
of opts too. Opts include namespaces,

Options that RDF4j insists are set on the connection should be
settable on connection in ->connection, but also provided on the repo
object. If on connection they should override the default on repo.

3. Call prepare on connection passing object supporting ->sparql-string
protocol. Prepare will internally call ->sparql-string for you.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(def repo (make-repo {::query-endpoint "}"
::namespaces {"http://rdfs/base/uri/" :rdfs})))

(with-open [conn (->connection repo {:grafter.sparql/max-execution-time 5000 }]
(into [] (prepare conn "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }" {:bindings {'?s ,,,} :builder-fn default-fn }))) ;; => #Quad [,,, :rdfs/label "hello"]

***** Additionally

***** ideas

1. All these new matcha queries will be additions to matcha.alpha in a
new namespace, e.g. grafter.matcha they won't preserve
compatibility with the old signatures. But:
2. There will be a new Matcha queries as data syntax; the data syntax
will be mostly identical to existing Matcha BGP query syntax.
There may be some helper functions for building matcha query
fragments, but ultimately existing query macros will have
equivalent data formats supported by likely one (or two) generic
query functions. e.g.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(matcha/query {:select '[?s ?p ?o] :where '[[?s ?p ?o]]})
(matcha/query {:construct '[[:foo/bar :rdfs/label ?label]] :where '[[:foo/bar :rdfs/label ?label]]})

3. A significant difference is that construct will NO longer build
:grafter.rdf/uri objects, or unify variables into trees. It will
ONLY create triples.

4. Old :grafter.rdf/uri construct queries will use a new function to
emit them:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(matcha/resource '?s '{?p ?o} [[?s ?p ?o]])

5. However there will be a new query syntax too, that I believe will
deliver what I originally wanted matcha construct's to do (the
unification stuff there was originally an experiment). This new
syntax will let you build UI data trees in a single query, e.g.

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(matcha/pull [:dcat/record ^:many [:dcterms/title :dcterms/modified
{:foaf/primaryTopic [:dcterms/title

;; =>

{:dcat/record [{:rdf/subject ::crimes-record
:dcterms/title "Crimes DCAT Record"
:dcterms/modified #inst "01-01-2019"
:foaf/primaryTopic {:rdf/subject ::crimes-ds
:dcterms/title "Crimes"
:dcterms/description "Crimes by area"
:pmdcat/graph :base/graph/crimes
:pmdcat/datasetContents :base/graph/crimes }}]}

This syntax is inspired by datomic pull syntax, but will be tailored
to rdf and our needs. e.g. because RDF can have one or many values
for any attribute we will need a =^:many= annotation.

It may support recursive definitions for walking skos hierarchies etc.
Possibly with a configurable depth. Not sure how this will work
exactly yet (need to read more about datomic) but you could imagine
something like:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
(matcha/pull [^:many :skos/topConcept [#loop [:concept [:rdfs/label {:skos/narrower #recur :concept } ]]]])

;; =>

;; =>

{:skos/topConcept [{:rdfs/label "EU"
:skos/narrower [{:rdfs/label "France"
:skos/narrower [{:rdfs/label "Paris"} {:rdfs/label "Nice"}]}
{:rdfs/label "UK"
:skos/narrower [{:rdfs/label "London"}
{:rdfs/label "Manchester"} ,,,]}]}]}


The above will allow us to trivially construct a UI view-model from a
single matcha query. Additionally with spec 2, we could trivially
convert queries such as the above into a spec, which we can attach to
their view. Likewise queries like the above could generate conforming
values to test views etc.

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