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File metadata and controls

163 lines (110 loc) · 4.75 KB

Building scripts

In order to best utilize renku's powerful commands, it is usually a good idea to refactor interactive notebooks and other exploratory tools into scripts, once that part of the pipeline has been tested by the user.

For Jupyter notebooks, this usually amounts to refactoring it into a Python or Julia script. For R scripts are usually the standard way of exploring data within RStudio anyway, but nevertheless there is some care to be taken when making scripts which are designed to be run within a console or 'sourced' to be ready for the command-line.

Again, for the tutorial, we have already done the refactoring work for you, and you can just download the relevant scripts.

.. tabbed:: Python

    `Download Python script <>`_.

    .. code-block:: python

        # Usage: python src/ <input-path> <output-path>

        import pandas as pd
        import sys

        # It would be more robust to use argparse or click, but we want this to be simple
        if len(sys.argv) < 3:
            sys.exit("Please invoke with two arguments: input and output paths")

        input_path = sys.argv[1]
        output_path = sys.argv[2]

        # Read in the data
        df = pd.read_csv(input_path)

        # Select only flights to Austin (AUS)
        df = df[df['DEST'] == 'DFW']

        # Save the result
        df.to_csv(output_path, index=False)

.. tabbed:: Julia

    `Download Julia script <>`_

    .. code-block:: julia

        # Usage: julia src/FilterFlights.jl <input-path> <output-path>

        using CSV, ZipFile, DataFrames

        input_path = "../../data/flight-data/"
        output_path = "../../data/output/2019-01-flights-filtered.csv"

        if length(ARGS) > 0
            input_path = ARGS[1]
        if length(ARGS) > 1
            output_path = ARGS[2]

        output_folder = dirname(output_path);

        # Read the flights database
        println("Reading $input_path ...")
        rows = CSV.File(ZipFile.Reader(input_path).files[1]);
        full_df = rows |> DataFrame;

        # Filter to flights to Austin, TX
        df = full_df[full_df.DEST .== "DFW", :]

        # Write the filtered list out
        println("Writing $output_path ...")
        run(`mkdir -p $output_folder`)
        CSV.write(output_path, df)

.. tabbed:: R

    `Download R script <>`_

    .. code-block:: r

        # Usage: Rscript src/RunFilterFlights.R <input-path> <output-path>

        args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)

        if (length(args) != 2) {
          stop("At least two arguments must be supplied (input and output files).",
               call. = FALSE)

        inputPath <- args[1]
        outputPath <- args[2]


        data <- unzip(inputPath) %>%

        filteredData <- data %>% filter(DEST == "DFW")

        outputFolder <- dirname(outputPath)

        if (!dir.exists(outputFolder)) {

        write.csv(filteredData, outputPath, row.names = FALSE)

As before, you can download it and drag & drop into the JupyterLab session or upload the file using RStudio into your src directory.

This script will allow us to very easily execute the filtering code as a workflow step using the command line.

You can inspect the code in the file viewer in your JupyterLab session or RStudio.

$ renku save -m 'added filter script'

Organizing scripts within your project

For this tutorial we have organized our scripts such that they live in the src folder. If your project grows to requiring several programming languages or bash scripts, you may want to organize them into separate folders as we have demonstrated in the example below.

├── .renku
├── data
├── notebooks
├── Dockerfile
├── requirements.txt
├── environment.yml
└── src
    ├── bash
    │   └──
    ├── julia
    │   └── FilterFlights.jl
    ├── python
    │   └──
    └── r
        └── RunFilterFlights.r