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πŸ”§ This pipeline is currently under development and is not currently functional πŸ”§


Somatic-shortV-nf is a pipeline for identifying somatic short variant (SNPs and indels) events in human Illumina short read whole genome sequence data from tumour and matched normal BAM files. The pipeline follows the GATK's Best Practices workflow. The pipeline is written in Nextflow and uses Singularity to run containerised tools.

There are two main steps to this workflow:

  1. Generate a large set of candidate somatic variants using GATK's Mutect2.
  2. Filter the candidate variants to obtain a more confident set of somatic variant calls.


User guide

To run this pipeline, you will need to prepare your input files, reference data, and clone this repository. Before proceeding, ensure Nextflow is installed on the system you're working on. To install Nextflow, see these instructions.

1. Prepare inputs

To run this pipeline you will need the following inputs:

  • Paired Tumor-Normal (T-N) BAM files
  • Corresponding BAM index files
  • Input sample sheet
  • Panel of Normals (PoN) file

This pipeline processes paired BAM files and is capable of processing multiple samples in parallel. BAM files are expected to be coordinate sorted and indexed (see Fastq-to-BAM for an example of a best practice workflow that can generate these files).

You will need to create a sample sheet with information about the samples you are processing, before running the pipeline. This file must be comma-separated and contain a header and one row per sample. Columns should correspond to sampleID, BAM-N file-path, BAM-T file-path:


When you run the pipeline, you will use the mandatory --input parameter to specify the location and name of the input sample sheet file:

--input /path/to/samples.csv

The user can create a panel of normals (PoN) containing germline and artifactual sites for use with Mutect2 using the instructions provided here. You will use the mandatory --ponvcf parameter to specify the location and name of the PoN file:

--ponvcf /path/to/PoN

We will include this functionality to create the PoN as an optional module in the next version of the pipeline.

2. Prepare the reference materials

To run this pipeline you will need the following reference files:

  • Indexed reference genome
  • Common biallelic variant resources

Reference genome indexes
You can download FASTA files from the Ensembl, UCSC, or NCBI ftp. sites. Reference FASTA files must be accompanied by specific index files. You can use our IndexReferenceFasta-nf pipeline to generate indexes. This pipeline uses the following tools for generating specific index files.

When you run the pipeline, you will use the mandatory --ref and --dict parameters to specify the location and names of the reference files:

--ref /path/to/ref.fasta --dict /path/to/ref.dict

Common biallelic variant resources
Common biallelic variants databases (e.g. gnomAD) can be used to filter false positive germline variants from your somatic variant dataset. We have provided a script scripts/gatk4_selectvariants.pbs for this purpose. It executes GATK's SelectVariants tool. This will be included as an optional functionality in this pipeline in an upcoming update.

When you run the pipeline, you will use the mandatory --common_biallelic_variants parameter to specify the location and name of the vcf file:

--common_biallelic_variants /path/to/common_biallelic_variants.vcf

3. Clone this repository

Download the code contained in this repository with:

git clone

This will create a directory with the following structure:

β”œβ”€β”€ LICENSE
β”œβ”€β”€ config/
β”œβ”€β”€ images/
β”œβ”€β”€ scripts/
β”œβ”€β”€ modules/
└── nextflow.config

The important features are:

  • contains the main nextflow script that calls all the processes in the workflow.
  • nextflow.config contains default parameters to use in the pipeline.
  • modules contains individual process files for each step in the workflow.
  • config contains infrastructure-specific config files (this is currently under development)

4. Run the pipeline

The minimal run command for executing this pipeline is:

nextflow run --input samples.csv \
                     --ref /path/to/ref.fasta --dict /path/to/ref.dict \
                     --ponvcf /path/to/pon \
                     --common_biallelic_variants /path/to/common_biallelic_variants

By default, this will generate work directory, results output directory and a runInfo run metrics directory inside the results directory.

To specify additional optional tool-specific parameters, see what flags are supported by running:

nextflow run --help 

The nextflow command with optional parameters, where you can define the name of the output folder and provide an integer value for the number of genomic-interval files is:

nextflow run --input samples.csv \
                     --ref /path/to/ref.fasta --dict /path/to/ref.dict \
                     --ponvcf /path/to/pon \
                     --common_biallelic_variants /path/to/common_biallelic_variants \
                     --outDir name_output_folder \
                     --number_of_intervals INT

Mandatory parameters

  • --input Full path and name of sample input file (csv format)
  • --dict Full path and name of reference genome dictionary file (dict format) (Step: create genomic-intervals)
  • --ref Full path and name of reference genome (fasta format) (Step: Mutect2)
  • --ponvcf Full path and name of the Panel of Normals file (vcf format) (Step: Mutect2)
  • --common_biallelic_variants Full path and name of the common biallelic variant resources file (vcf format)(Step: GetPileupSummaries)

Optional parameters

  • --outDir Name of the results directory (default: results)
  • --number_of_intervals Define a specific number genomic-intervals for parallelisation (default: automatically calculated using genome size)

If for any reason your workflow fails, you are able to resume the workflow from the last successful process with -resume.

This pipeline has been optimised for NCI Gadi HPC, instructions for executing on Gadi are provided in Infrastructure usage and recommendations

5. Results

Once the pipeline is complete, you will find all outputs in the results directory with a sub-directory for each sampleID. Each sampleID directory contains a sub-directory for every step of the pipeline which inturn stores all intermediate files and results generated by that step.
A directory called intervals_folder is created immediately inside the results directory and it contains all interval files created for the mutect2 scatter-gather step. The following directories will be created inside every sample directory results/$sampleID/:

  • mutect2: All files generated by mutect2 to call somatic variants using the scatter approach
  • GatherVcfs: A single VCF file generated by gathering multiple VCF files from the scatter operations
  • MergeMutectStats: Combined stats files across the scattered intervals
  • LearnReadOrientationModel: Orientation bias mixture model filter file
  • GetPileupSummaries: Table containing pileup metrics for inferring contamination
  • CalculateContamination: Table containing fraction of reads coming from cross-sample contamination
  • FilterMutectCalls: A VCF file from GatherVCF step with variants marked for filteration based on the contamination table
  • getFilteredVariants: A final VCF file containing only the filtered variants for downstream analysis

Infrastructure usage and recommendations

This pipeline has been successfully implemented on NCI Gadi HPC using a infrastructure-specific config. As per the config/gadi.config, the main script is excecuted using the queue copyq so that the singularity container images required by the pipeline are downloaded. The NCI Gadi config currently runs all other tasks (except downloading the singularity images) on the normal queue. This config can be used to interact with the job scheduler and assign a project code to all task job submissions. The following flags are required to be specified in the command:

  • --whoami your NCI or Pawsey user name
  • --gadi-account the Gadi project account you would like to bill service units to

The config uses the --gadi-account flag to assign a project code to all task job submissions for billing purposes. The version of Nextflow installed on Gadi has been modified to make it easier to specify resource options for jobs submitted to the cluster. See NCI's Gadi user guide for more details.

The minimal run command for executing this pipeline on NCI Gadi HPC is:

nextflow run --input samples.csv \
                     --ref /path/to/ref.fasta --dict /path/to/ref.dict \
                     --ponvcf /path/to/pon \
                     --common_biallelic_variants /path/to/common_biallelic_variants \
                     -profile gadi \
                     --whoami $(whoami) --gadi_account $PROJECT    

Before running the pipeline you will need to load Nextflow and Singularity, both of which are globally installed modules on Gadi. You can do this by running the commands below:

module purge
module load nextflow singularity

To run this workflow on NCI Gadi HPC, you can excecute the script scripts/ by first entering the following details in the PBS header of the script:

  • project code
  • Resource-related details
    • walltime
    • ncpus
    • mem

You can then submit the script using the command:



Coming soon!

Workflow summaries


metadata field Somatic-shortV-nf / v1.0
Version 1.0.0
Maturity under development
Creators Tracy Chew, Cali Willet,Nandan Deshpande
Source NA
License GNU General Public License v3.0
Workflow manager NextFlow
Container See component tools
Install method NA
GitHub NA
BioContainers NA
bioconda NA

Component tools

To run this pipeline you must have Nextflow and Singularity installed on your machine. All other tools are run using containers.

Tool Version
Nextflow >=20.07.1
Singularity 3.11.3

Additional notes


Help / FAQ / Troubleshooting

  • It is essential that the reference genome you're using contains the same chromosomes, contigs, and scaffolds as the BAM files. To confirm what contigs are included in your indexed BAM file, you can use Samtools idxstats:
samtools idxstats input.bam | cut -f 1




  • Tracy Chew (Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney)
  • Cali Willet (Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney)
  • Nandan Deshpande (Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney)


Cite us to support us!

Acknowledgements (and co-authorship, where appropriate) are an important way for us to demonstrate the value we bring to your research. Your research outcomes are vital for ongoing funding of the Sydney Informatics Hub and national compute facilities. We suggest including the following acknowledgement in any publications that follow from this work:

The authors acknowledge the technical assistance provided by the Sydney Informatics Hub, a Core Research Facility of the University of Sydney and the Australian BioCommons which is enabled by NCRIS via Bioplatforms Australia.


A nextflow workflow for calling Somatic short Variant using gatk







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