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Custom calculators


We're sorry but this documentation section is outdated. Please have that in mind when trying to use it. You can help us making documentation up to date via Sylius Github. Thank you!

Sylius ships with several default calculators, but you can easily register your own.

Simple calculators

All shipping cost calculators implement CalculatorInterface. In our example we'll create a calculator which calls an external API to obtain the shipping cost.

# src/Shipping/Calculator/DHLCalculator.php


namespace App\Shipping\Calculator;

use Sylius\Component\Shipping\Calculator\CalculatorInterface;
use Sylius\Component\Shipping\Model\ShipmentInterface;

final class DHLCalculator implements CalculatorInterface
     * @var DHLService
    private $dhlService;

     * @param DHLService $dhlService
    public function __construct(DHLService $dhlService)
        $this->dhlService = $dhlService;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function calculate(ShipmentInterface $subject, array $configuration): int
        return $this->dhlService->getShippingCostForWeight($subject->getShippingWeight());

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getType(): string
        return 'dhl';

Now, you need to register your new service in container and tag it with sylius.shipping_calculator.

        class: App\Shipping\Calculator\DHLCalculator
        arguments: ['@app.dhl_service']
            - { name: sylius.shipping_calculator, calculator: dhl, label: "DHL" }

That would be all. This new option ("DHL") will appear on the ShippingMethod creation form, in the "calculator" field.

Configurable calculators

You can also create configurable calculators, meaning that you can have several ShippingMethod's using same type of calculator, with different settings.

Let's modify the DHLCalculator, so that it charges 0 if shipping more than X items. First step is to create a form type which will be displayed if our calculator is selected.

# src/Form/Type/Shipping/Calculator/DHLConfigurationType.php


namespace App\Form\Type\Shipping\Calculator;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\IntegerType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Type;

final class DHLConfigurationType extends AbstractType
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
            ->add('limit', IntegerType::class, [
                'label' => 'Free shipping above total items',
                'constraints' => [
                    new NotBlank(),
                    new Type(['type' => 'integer']),

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void
                'data_class' => null,
                'limit' => 10,
            ->setAllowedTypes('limit', 'integer')

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getBlockPrefix(): string
        return 'app_shipping_calculator_dhl';

We also need to register the form type in the container and set this form type in the definition of the calculator.

        class: App\Shipping\Calculator\DHLCalculator
        arguments: ['@app.dhl_service']
            - { name: sylius.shipping_calculator, calculator: dhl, form_type: App\Form\Type\Shipping\Calculator\DHLConfigurationType, label: "DHL" }
        class: App\Form\Type\Shipping\Calculator\DHLConfigurationType
            - { name: form.type }

Perfect, now we're able to use the configuration inside the calculate method.

# src/Shipping/Calculator/DHLCalculator.php


namespace App\Shipping\Calculator;

use Sylius\Component\Shipping\Calculator\CalculatorInterface;
use Sylius\Component\Shipping\Model\ShipmentInterface;

final class DHLCalculator implements CalculatorInterface
     * @var DHLService
    private $dhlService;

     * @param DHLService $dhlService
    public function __construct(DHLService $dhlService)
        $this->dhlService = $dhlService;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function calculate(ShipmentInterface $subject, array $configuration): int
        if ($subject->getShippingUnitCount() > $configuration['limit']) {
            return 0;

        return $this->dhlService->getShippingCostForWeight($subject->getShippingWeight());

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getType(): string
        return 'dhl';

Your new configurable calculator is ready to use. When you select the "DHL" calculator in ShippingMethod form, configuration fields will appear automatically.