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Releases: SynapseProject/Zephyr.Directory

Zephyr.Directory.Aws v1.1.24059.0

28 Feb 17:49
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  • Union calls with objectType: MyriAD will create a LDAP searchfilter if it detects that the union "searchValue" is not a valid LDAP searchfilter.
  • Client Based Token: MyriAD Paged Searching is no longer dependent on the LDAP server's configuration
  • Fix Minor Bugs

Zephyr.Directory.Aws v1.1.23346.0

13 Dec 20:54
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  • Myriad can now be launched and debugged using Visual Studio Code
  • Attributes Validation: Every attribute will be validated against the Server's Schema
  • Status Parameter: Returns the status of the Myriad Request, "Success", "SuccessWithWarnings", "Failed"
  • Multiple Searches: Supports Multiple Ldap Searches under one Ldap Connection

Zephyr.Directory.Aws v1.1.23209.0

28 Jul 20:12
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  • Fixed bug in Cloud Formation Templates
  • Added HTTPS Inbound Access to Default VPC Security Group created from Cloud Formation Template.
  • Made TotalRecords a NULLABLE field, no longer returned on PING or errors.

Zephyr.Directory.Aws v1.1.23165.0

14 Jun 17:20
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Fixed bug where ReferralFollowing was hard-coded to TRUE.
ReferralFollowing is now a config option that defaults to FALSE.

Zephyr.Directory.Aws v1.1.23160.0

09 Jun 19:48
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Change Log

  • Added use of the SimplePagedResultsControl to allow larger datasets to be returned.
    • Searches will now return up to "MaxResults" (default = ALL) by pulling back "MaxPageSize" (default = 512) records at a time.
    • If more records still exist, it will return a "NextToken" that can be used in future Search Calls to retrieve more records.

WARNING - The "NextToken" functionality is highly dependent on the LDAP Server Settings regarding their LDAP Cookie Pool. Settings on the server (such as MaxResultSetsPerConn and MaxResultSetSize) might cause the next token to expire before a subsequent call can be made. Any errors like "Unavailable Critical Extension" mean the cookie has expired and you should work with your AD Administrator to find a solution.

  • Improved processing speed for Unknown Attributes by simplifying to always return as a string or string array.
  • Added "SearchScope" (Default = ALL) to specify how search handles child objects.
  • Removed "RecordsComplete" Boolean flag, as this is now indicated by the NextToken field.
  • Added "Total Records" counter to result.

AWS Lambda Issues

While attempting to allow for larger datasets that run longer, a few issues were encounter with hard limits from AWS when testing as a Lambda function that should be noted.

  • The API Gateway call to the lambda function has a hard timeout of 29 seconds, despite the Lambda Timeout setting.
  • The max result size an AWS Lambda can return is 6MB.

The hope is for future releases of this application to support running as an ASP.NET Core application in a Docker container to work around these restrictions.

Zephyr.Directory.Aws v1.0.22278.0

05 Oct 18:27
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  • Added Server Connection Retry Logic. Controlled from the "MaxRetries" config setting.
  • LDAP Attributes now returned in JSON Format more closely resembling their variable type in ActiveDirectory (numbers, booleans, etc...)
  • Added extensive list of just under 1500 "default attributes" based on Basic ActiveDirectory Server Installation.
  • Fixed bug when returning an array of GUID's.

Zephyr.Directory.Aws v1.0.22227.0

15 Aug 20:16
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This is a minor enhancement / bug fix release. The following updates have been made.

  • Added the "domain" query parameter to specify domain when searching by object (HTTP GET)
  • Added a new "dn" and "domainname" object type for when you only want to search by the distinguished name, regardless of object type.
  • Fixed issues with escape characters inside of the LDAP Search Filter. Auto-escapes the characters backslash, open parenthesis, close parenthesis and asterisk when not searching by a wildcard.
  • Added new "wildcardSearch" request property that tells MyriAD whether or not to treat the asterisk as a wildcard or as the literal character (defaults to true).

Zephyr.Directory.Aws v1.0.22146.0

26 May 20:51
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  • Moved "Test Input" file inside of solution.
  • Added "PrintQueue" option into search filter construction.
  • Added AWS lambda-based "Hello World" (Ping) function to help with keeping AWS lambda functions "warm".
  • Added ability to explicitly specify DOMAIN or DOMAIN_PROFILE in request. This overrides any "discovered" or "implied" domain found from the search value.

Zephyr.Directory.Aws v1.0.22115.0

26 Apr 15:26
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This is the initial release of MyriAD for AWS. It contains basic LDAP search functionality as well as lookups by LDAP Object.
For more details on MyriAD and how it can be used as an LDAP Client, please visit the Myriad Read The Docs page.