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Creating a customized .NET MAUI Bar Chart to explore global renewable energy employment trends

This sample demonstrates how to create a customized .NET MAUI Bar Chart to explore global renewable energy employment trends in 2022 using the Syncfusion .NET MAUI Column Chart with a transposed (Bar Chart).

Global renewable energy employment trends in 2022

Step 1: Gather the renewable energy employment data.

Before proceeding, we should gather renewable energy employment data for various technologies from the IRENA Report to use in our bar chart

Step 2: Populate the data for the chart.

To visualize the global renewable energy employment trends across various technologies in 2022, define the JobsModel class with the following properties:

Technology - This property represents the different technologies used in renewable energy production. Jobs - This property represents the number of jobs available in each respective technology.


public class JobsModel
    public string? Technology { get; set; }
    public double Jobs { get; set; }

Generate the data collection that illustrates the renewable energy employment trends using the JobsViewModel class, with the EmploymentDetails property. Please refer to the following code example.


public class JobsViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<JobsModel> EmploymentDetails { get; set; }

    public JobsViewModel()
        EmploymentDetails = new ObservableCollection<JobsModel>()
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Tide, wave and ocean energy", Jobs = 1},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Municipal and Industrial waste", Jobs = 27},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "CSP", Jobs = 80},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Others", Jobs = 149},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Geothermal energy", Jobs = 152},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Heat pumps", Jobs = 241},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Biogas", Jobs = 309},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Solar heating/cooling", Jobs = 712},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Solid biomass", Jobs = 779},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Wind energy", Jobs = 1400},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Hydropower", Jobs = 2485},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Liquid biofuels", Jobs = 2490},
            new JobsModel() { Technology = "Solar photovoltaic", Jobs = 4902},

Step 3: Configure the Syncfusion .NET MAUI Cartesian Chart.

Now, let’s configure the Syncfusion .NET MAUI SfCartesianChart control using this documentation.

In our case, we need to update the x-axis to reflect the renewable energy technologies employed; therefore, we will use a CategoryAxis for the XAxes. Since we are using numerical values on the Y-axis to represent job counts, we will employ a NumericalAxis for the YAxes.






Step 4: Bind the renewable energy employment data details to the column chart.

Create a column chart with transposed (bar chart) to display the renewable energy employment across various technologies details. In our case, we want a customized column chart with a customized segment. Therefore, in the code-behind, initialize the column chart and segment it accordingly. Refer to the following code example and utilize a customized column instance to bind the data to the chart.


public class ColumnSeriesExt : ColumnSeries


public class ColumnSegmentExt : ColumnSegment

To achieve a bar chart, we need to transpose the column chart. Use a customized column instance to bind the data to the chart. Bind the EmploymentDetails collection to the ItemSource property. The XBindingPath and YBindingPath properties should be associated with the Technology and Jobs properties, respectively.


<chart:SfCartesianChart IsTransposed="True">
<local:ColumnSeriesExt ItemsSource="{Binding EmploymentDetails}" XBindingPath=" Technology" YBindingPath="Jobs">


</ chart:SfCartesianChart>

Step 5: Customize the column chart.

Refer to the following code example. In it, the ColumnSeriesExt class extends the standard ColumnSeries and overrides the CreateSegment method. This method is crucial because it determines the creation of a custom ColumnSegmentExt instance, allowing the chart to display specialized segments.

The ColumnSegmentExt class, which inherits from ColumnSegment, contains the drawing path logic for male and female vectors in the custom column segment.


public class ColumnSeriesExt : ColumnSeries
        protected override ChartSegment CreateSegment()
            return new ColumnSegmentExt();

public class ColumnSegmentExt : ColumnSegment
        int innerRectCount = 1;
        float innerRectHalfWidth = 0;
        float pathHeadRadius = 0;

        protected override void Draw(ICanvas canvas)
            if (Series is ChartSeries series && series.BindingContext is JobsViewModel viewModel)
                 RectF segmentRect = new RectF(Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top);

                 RectF rect = new RectF() { X = Left, Y = Top, Width = Right - Left, Height = Bottom - Top - viewModel.bottomRectHeight };
                 Brush segmentColor = series.PaletteBrushes[Index];
                 RectF innerRect = new RectF() { X = rect.X, Y = rect.Y, Width = viewModel.innerRectWidth, Height = rect.Height };

                 for (float i = innerRect.X; i < rect.Width; i++)
                     innerRect.X = i;
                     i += innerRect.Width;
                     innerRectHalfWidth = innerRect.X + innerRect.Width / 2;
                     pathHeadRadius = innerRect.Width / 4.5f;

                     PathF path = new PathF();

                     if (innerRectCount % 2 != 0)
                        DrawFemalePath(innerRect, innerRectHalfWidth, pathHeadRadius, ref path);
                        DrawMalePath(innerRect, innerRectHalfWidth, pathHeadRadius, ref path);

                     canvas.SetFillPaint(segmentColor, innerRect);
                     canvas.FillCircle(innerRectHalfWidth, innerRect.Y + pathHeadRadius, pathHeadRadius);

                 RectF bottomRect = new RectF(rect.X, rect.Bottom, rect.Width, viewModel.bottomRectHeight);
                 canvas.SetFillPaint(segmentColor, bottomRect);

        private void DrawFemalePath(RectF innerRect, float innerRectHalfWidth, float pathHeadRadius, ref PathF path)
            //To draw female dress detail
            path.MoveTo(innerRectHalfWidth - pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Y + (innerRect.Height / 4));
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth + pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Y + (innerRect.Height / 4));
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth + (innerRect.Width / 3), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 6));
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth - (innerRect.Width / 3), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 6));
            //To draw female right leg 
            path.MoveTo(innerRectHalfWidth - (pathHeadRadius / 4), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 6));
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth - (pathHeadRadius / 4), innerRect.Bottom);
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth - pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Bottom);
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth - pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 6));
            //To draw female left leg
            path.MoveTo(innerRectHalfWidth + (pathHeadRadius / 4), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 6));
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth + (pathHeadRadius / 4), innerRect.Bottom);
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth + pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Bottom);
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth + pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 6));
            //To draw female right arm
            path.MoveTo(innerRectHalfWidth - pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Y + (innerRect.Height / 4));
            path.LineTo(innerRect.X, innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            path.LineTo(innerRect.X + (float)(innerRect.Width / 8), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            ////To draw female left arm
            path.MoveTo(innerRectHalfWidth + pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Y + (innerRect.Height / 4));
            path.LineTo(innerRect.Right, innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            path.LineTo(innerRect.Right - (float)(innerRect.Width / 8), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));

        private void DrawMalePath(RectF innerRect, float innerRectHalfWidth, float pathHeadRadius, ref PathF path)
            //To draw male dress detail
            path.MoveTo(innerRectHalfWidth - (pathHeadRadius / 4 + pathHeadRadius), innerRect.Y + (innerRect.Height / 4));
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth + (pathHeadRadius / 4 + pathHeadRadius), innerRect.Y + (innerRect.Height / 4));
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth + (pathHeadRadius / 4 + pathHeadRadius), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth - (pathHeadRadius / 4 + pathHeadRadius), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            //To draw male right leg
            path.MoveTo(innerRectHalfWidth - (pathHeadRadius / 6), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth - (pathHeadRadius / 6), innerRect.Bottom);
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth - pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Bottom);
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth - pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            //To draw male left leg
            path.MoveTo(innerRectHalfWidth + (pathHeadRadius / 6), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth + (pathHeadRadius / 6), innerRect.Bottom);
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth + pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Bottom);
            path.LineTo(innerRectHalfWidth + pathHeadRadius, innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            //To draw male right arm
            path.MoveTo(innerRectHalfWidth - (pathHeadRadius / 4 + pathHeadRadius), innerRect.Y + (innerRect.Height / 5));
            path.LineTo(innerRect.X, innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            path.LineTo(innerRect.X + (float)(innerRect.Width / 6), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            //To draw male left arm
            path.MoveTo(innerRectHalfWidth + (pathHeadRadius / 4 + pathHeadRadius), innerRect.Y + (innerRect.Height / 5));
            path.LineTo(innerRect.Right, innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));
            path.LineTo(innerRect.Right - (float)(innerRect.Width / 6), innerRect.Bottom - (innerRect.Height / 3));

Step 6: Personalize the chart appearance.

We can customize the .NET MAUI bar chart appearance to enhance the readability of the data.

Adding the chart title :

Incorporating a title into the chart enhances the clarity of the presented data. Please refer to the following code example for customizing the chart title.


    <HorizontalStackLayout >
        <Image Source="clip1.png" Margin="{OnPlatform Default='5,0,5,0', Android='0,0,5,0', iOS='0,0,5,0'}" 
   HeightRequest="{OnPlatform Android=30, Default=40, iOS= 40}"/>
        <Label Text="Global Employment in Renewable Energy Technologies, 2022" 
               FontFamily="OpenSansSemibold" Margin="{OnPlatform Default='0,0,0,5', Android='0', iOS='0'}" 
               HorizontalOptions="Center" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" 
               VerticalOptions="Center" FontSize="{OnPlatform Default=18, iOS=22, MacCatalyst=24}" TextColor="Black"/>

Personalizing the chart axis :

To customize the chart axis, you can refer the following code snippet



    <chart:CategoryAxis EdgeLabelsDrawingMode="Shift" LabelPlacement="BetweenTicks" ShowMajorGridLines="False">
            <chart:ChartAxisTickStyle StrokeWidth="0"/>

            <chart:ChartAxisLabelStyle Margin="{OnPlatform WinUI='0,4,4,0',Android='0',MacCatalyst='0,4,0,0',iOS='0, 4, 0, 0'}" FontSize="{OnPlatform MacCatalyst=20, iOS=15}" FontFamily="{OnPlatform WinUI=OpenSansSemibold, iOS=OpenSansSemibold, Android=OpenSansSemibold }"
    TextColor="Black" FontAttributes="Italic"/>



    <chart:NumericalAxis x:Name="yAxis" Minimum="0" Interval="500" Maximum="5000"
                  ShowMajorGridLines="False" EdgeLabelsDrawingMode="Center"
                  ShowMinorGridLines="False" PlotOffsetEnd="50">

            <chart:ChartAxisLabelStyle TextColor="Black" FontSize="{OnPlatform MacCatalyst=20}" FontFamily="OpenSansSemibold" FontAttributes="Italic"/>



   public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
       public MainPage()

#if !ANDROID && !IOS
           ChartAxisTitle title = new ChartAxisTitle()
             Text = "Jobs (Thousands)",
             FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
             TextColor = Colors.Black,
             FontSize = labelStyle.FontSize,
          yAxis.Title = title;

Personalizing the series' visuals :

We can enhance the appearance of the series by setting the palette to the series, which applies predefined brushes to the segments.


<local:ColumnSeriesExt PaletteBrushes="{Binding SeriesPaletteBrushes}">



public class JobsViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<Brush> SeriesPaletteBrushes { get; set; }

    public JobsViewModel()
        SeriesPaletteBrushes = new ObservableCollection<Brush>()
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#3a6baa")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#cb9b55")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#b3b300")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#520277")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#ab7b43")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#c0c0c0")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#03a003")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#ffcc00")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#a52a2a")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#808080")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#2355ea")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#4ad54a")),
                new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#ffa600")),

Adding the data labels :

We can make the data easier to read by enabling the chart data labels using the ShowDataLabels property.


<local:ColumnSeriesExt ShowDataLabels="True">

        <chart:CartesianDataLabelSettings LabelPlacement="Outer" UseSeriesPalette="False">

                <chart:ChartDataLabelStyle FontSize="{OnPlatform MacCatalyst=20, iOS = 18, Default=Medium}" FontFamily="{OnPlatform WinUI=OpenSansSemibold, Android=OpenSansSemibold }"></chart:ChartDataLabelStyle>


In the code example above, the data labels show information about the renewable energy job counts in thousands.

Incorporating a plot area background view

Finally, incorporate a plot area background view to make our Bar Chart more informative and attractive. With this, we can add any view to the chart plot area to include relevant data.


        <Image Source="background.jpg"
               AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="1, 1,-1,-1"
               HeightRequest="{OnPlatform Android=150,iOS=200, MacCatalyst=400, Default=250}"
               WidthRequest="{OnPlatform Android=150,iOS=150, MacCatalyst=300, Default=200}"/>

After executing the previous code examples, the output will resemble the following image.

Global renewable energy employment trends in 2022

You can also refer to the customized Bar Chart to explore global renewable energy employment trends blog


Path too long exception: If you encounter a path too long exception when building this example project, close Visual Studio and rename the repository to a shorter name before building the project.


This sample demonstrates how to create a customized .NET MAUI Bar Chart to explore global renewable energy employment trends in 2022.






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