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Refactoring&#58 Mikado, a powerful tool

We've all seen code bases that look like this

We've all seen code bases that look like this :(

What is refactoring and why do I care?

Refactoring is major part of any software engineer's work. We constantly refine our abstractions to better model the problems we are trying to solve. This reflects in implementation changes. The activity of making these changes are what we call refactoring.

Bad abstractions can slow us down when we want to solve new problems, i.e. implement features. They can manifest through coupled code, i.e. unnecessary dependencies. Worse, they can even halt your ability to modify code, i.e. make your code base rigid and brittle to change. Refactoring helps us groom the code, refine abstractions, and pay back technological debt. It is a way to cut bad technological debt (bad abstractions, entanglement) and build up software capital (good abstractions, modularity). This is what makes refactoring a core task in programming, I would argue this is something you want to do continuously, and it should occupy somewhere between 20% and 40% of your programming time.

One does not simply find a good abstraction

Many great authors have dealt with the topic in length. I can recommend the following books: Refactoring by Martin Fowler and Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers. Although these mostly deal with low-level design pattern and practical methods for refactoring, I still think you need to rethink your abstractions to make your refactoring as effective as possible, I may write on the topic in the future.

In practice, you may have little knowledge of the codebase you are trying to refactor (or parts of it). Or maybe the amount of changes is so huge that you may feel overwhelmed just keeping track of it. Worry no more, Mikado is a method that may help you refactor code in a more focused and efficient way. It applies divide and conquer to refactoring tasks that works best for typed languages, and it has worked wonders for me. For those who don't know about Mikado, I highly recommend reading the original article published on the Pragmatic Programmer website back in 2010.

Introducing the toy problem

Let's look at an example of bad abstraction, how it makes the code entagled, and how we can use Mikado to get rid of it. Consider the following C++ application.

{% gist 1fc2e453d359472eda24e63d815ea033 %}

I'm using C++17, so you can compile and run the example using Clang 6.0

$ clang++ -std=c++17 code.cpp -o app
$ ./app 42 9
  a: 42
  b: 9
  mul: 378
    quotient: 4
    remainder: 6

Can you smell it? The entaglement in this example stems from a bad abstraction: the Data struct. Data contains both inputs and outputs, and it groups outputs together although they are completely indepedent.

struct Data {                               // The root of all evil
    struct {
        int a;
        int b;
    } in;                                   // Program inputs
    struct {
        int mul;                            // First computation output
        std::optional<DivisionResult> div;  // Second computation output
    } out;

Subsequently Data is propagated all over the place to get things done: in input parsing, output generation, and result display. This smells big time! Our refactoring goal will be to get rid of Data.

Building a Mikado graph

We can start building up our Mikado graph. For that I'll use a Python package I wrote a few months back and regularly use to automate graph drawing and tracking (drawing on paper is not practical for Mikado). You can get it by running pip install mikado-graph. We start a new file to describe and track our Mikado graph code.txt and generate the graph by running mikado code.txt --view --watch

_ Remove Data coupling
    _ Remove Data from parse_inputs()
    _ Remove Data from run_computation()
    _ Remove Data from show_results()

Graph v0

Next, let's look inside parse_inputs and find a way of removing Data from parse_inputs.

std::optional<Data> parse_inputs(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 3) {
        return {};

    Data p; = atoi(argv[1]); = atoi(argv[2]);
    return p;

We see that this function is filling the inputs part of Data with what the user provided. So we could introduce a UserInput struct to model this. Let's complete the graph.

_ Remove Data coupling
    _ Remove Data from parse_inputs()
        _ Return UserInput instead of Data
    _ Remove Data from run_computation()
    _ Remove Data from show_results()

Graph v1

Next, we look at the output generation done by run_computation.

Data run_computation(Data p)
    p.out.mul = multiply(p);
    p.out.div = divide(p);
    return p;

It passes Data to two functions: multiply and divide. Let's update our graph and jump inside each of these functions.

_ Remove Data coupling
    _ Remove Data from parse_inputs()
        _ Return UserInput instead of Data
    _ Remove Data from run_computation()
        _ Remove Data from multiply()
        _ Remove Data from divide()
    _ Remove Data from show_results()

Graph v2

The child functions multiply and divide both use values from the inputs of Data.

int multiply(const Data& p)
    return *;

std::optional<DivisionResult> divide(const Data& p)
    if ( == 0) return {};
    else             return DivisionResult{ /, %};

So we can remove the dependency to Data by injecting the required arguments directly (inputs a and b). No need to update the graph for that, although you could add an entry to each branch with this information.

Finally, we look at show_results.

int show_results(const Data& p)
    std::cout << "Inputs:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  a: " << << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  b: " << << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Outputs:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  mul: " << p.out.mul << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  div: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "    quotient: " << p.out.div.value().quotient << std::endl;
    std::cout << "    remainder: " << p.out.div.value().remainder << std::endl;
    return all_successful(p) ? 0 : 1;

That is both displaying input and outputs, so this is something we can split up. It also returns the program exit code, computed by all_successful which should be split up and should only get outputs from Data.

bool all_successful(const Data& p)
    return bool(p.out.div);

Now the graph is complete.

_ Remove Data coupling
    _ Remove Data from parse_inputs()
        _ Return UserInput instead of Data
    _ Remove Data from run_computation()
        _ Remove Data from multiply()
        _ Remove Data from divide()
    _ Remove Data from show_results()
        _ Split display of inputs and outputs
        _ Extract all_successful()
            _ Remove Data from all_successful()

Graph v3

Building the graph is the first step in Mikado. It is done incrementally by analysis and/or leveraging your compiler, read the original Mikado method article for more details. The graph is a crucial tool that will organize our work and keeps track of all the changes needed.

Getting down to business

We built our graph top-down, we're going to work our way bottom-up, which means solving each leaf (node) starting from the top of the graph.

Dealing with inputs

We need to define a new data type to represent user input:

struct UserInput {
    int a;
    int b;

Now we can make parse_inputs return such a type. To keep the rest of the code intact, we can use our UserInput inside Data:

struct Data {
    struct UserInput in;
    struct {
        int mul;
        std::optional<DivisionResult> div;
    } out;

We can then easily cut Data from parse_inputs and update client code:

std::optional<UserInput> parse_inputs(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 3) {
        return {};

    UserInput in;
    in.a = atoi(argv[1]);
    in.b = atoi(argv[2]);
    return in;
// [...]
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (auto input = parse_inputs(argc, argv)) {
        Data data; = input.value();
        auto output = run_computation(data);
        return show_results(output);
// [...]

Then update the graph with the first green leaves!

_ Remove Data coupling
    x Remove Data from parse_inputs()
        x Return UserInput instead of Data
    _ Remove Data from run_computation()
        _ Remove Data from multiply()
        _ Remove Data from divide()
    _ Remove Data from show_results()
        _ Split display of inputs and outputs
        _ Extract all_successful()
            _ Remove Data from all_successful()

Graph done v0

Another branch bites the dust

Refactoring multiply and divide is easy, just inject the required arguments:

int multiply(const int a, const int b)
    return a * b;

std::optional<DivisionResult> divide(const int a, const int b)
    if (b == 0) return {};
    else        return DivisionResult{a / b, a % b};

Data run_computation(Data p)
    p.out.mul = multiply(,;
    p.out.div = divide(,;
    return p;

Notice how run_computation got slightly less readable, but that will get better next. For now we can update our graph, then move down the branch.

Graph done v1

We can make run_computation take a UserInput and return some Output struct. That will make run_computation input/output more explicit in the function signature.

struct Output {
    int mul;
    std::optional<DivisionResult> div;

struct Data {
    struct UserInput in;
    struct Output out;
// [...]
Output run_computation(const UserInput& input)
    Output out;
    out.mul = multiply(input.a, input.b);
    out.div = divide(input.a, input.b);
    return out;
// [...]
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (auto input = parse_inputs(argc, argv)) {
        Data data; = input.value();
        data.out = run_computation(;
        return show_results(data);
// [...]

The graph keeps on getting greener and greener.

Graph done v2

Splitting displays

The all_successful helper could work by only feeding it Output, and let it figure out if all outputs were generated.

bool all_successful(const Output& res)
    return bool(res.div);

int show_results(const Data& p)
// [...]
    return all_successful(p.out) ? 0 : 1;

Graph done v3

Now moving out all_successful from show_results.

void show_results(const Data& p)
// [...]

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (auto input = parse_inputs(argc, argv)) {
        Data data; = input.value();
        data.out = run_computation(;
        return all_successful(data.out) ? 0 : 1;
// [...]

Graph done v4

Then, splitting inputs and ouputs display.

void show_inputs(const UserInput& in)
    std::cout << "Inputs:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  a: " << in.a << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  b: " << in.b << std::endl;

void show_outputs(const Output& out)
    std::cout << "Outputs:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  mul: " << out.mul << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  div: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "    quotient: " << out.div.value().quotient << std::endl;
    std::cout << "    remainder: " << out.div.value().remainder << std::endl;

void show_results(const Data& p)

Graph done v5

And getting rid of show_results altogether.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (auto input = parse_inputs(argc, argv)) {
        Data data; = input.value();
        data.out = run_computation(;
        return all_successful(data.out) ? 0 : 1;
// [...]

Graph done v6

Slaying down the dragon

The only remaining red node is the end goal. We are finally ready to cut down Data completely from main.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (auto input = parse_inputs(argc, argv)) {
        auto result = run_computation(input.value());
        return all_successful(result) ? 0 : 1;
// [...]

Once that is done, we are left with a cleaner, less entagled code.

{% gist d65e9a81dfedf69f2f2ea71be8102002 %}


Although the result of our toy problem refactoring is better than the initial state of the code, some things can still be done to improve it, such as decoupling outputs. Remember: refactoring is a continuous process.

Mikado makes it much easier to tackle small and big refactoring tasks with good scalability. It makes your work incremental. I highly recommend you solve leaves one by one. Each leaf should be a separate commit. And each commit should compile with green unit tests.

Although it is a very powerful tool for day-to-day programming, Mikado is no silver bullet. You still need to understand the codebase and what problem it is trying to solve in order to design better abstractions. Mikado only helps you explore and organize your refactoring.