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Releases: T-F-S/tcolorbox

Version 6.3.0 (2024-07-10)

10 Jul 07:22
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  • Library documentation:
    • Option page ref formatter (issue #273)
  • First experimental partial tagging support: suppress tagging of drawing (issue #283)
    This works for lualatex only.


  • The base package loads tikz now instead of pgf.
    All skins, including the standard family, use tikzpicture as internal environment now.
  • Boolean marker to detect if inside a tcb@savebox introduced (issue #262)
  • LaTeX usrguide cited for \NewDocumentCommand and friends (issue #263)
  • Stricter checks on box names in \newtcbox and friends (issue #264)
  • Checks on formatter like index key formatter enforced (issue #265)
  • Needed LaTeX version updated to 2023-11-01
  • More meaningful error message in case of \DeclareTColorBox with same auto counter (issue #276)
  • Library theorems:
    • Options ams align, ams align*, ams gather, and ams gather* are now shortcuts
      for the upper part only (issue #282)
    • Documentation for ams align, ams align*, ams gather, and ams gather* adapted, i.e.
      exclusion of lower parts documented (issue #282)
  • Technical information: The package documentation is now produced with lualatex instead of pdflatex


  • The option graphical environment is useless now, since all environments are based on tikzpicture now.


  • Documentation for the deprecated options before example and after example
  • Documentation for the deprecated option graphical environment


  • \@nobreakfalse added to \tcb@parbox@false@settings to avoid
    decreased space before list with parbox=false following a section heading (issue #270)
  • Documentation typos fixed (issue #279)

Version 6.2.0 (2024-01-10)

10 Jan 16:06
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  • New convenience options for box content additions (issue #250)
    • Option environment upper
    • Option environment upper args
    • Option environment lower
    • Option environment lower args
    • Option environment title
    • Option environment title args
  • Library hooks:
    • Option environment upper app
    • Option environment upper args app
    • Option environment lower app
    • Option environment lower args app
    • Option environment title app
    • Option environment title args app
    • Option environment upper pre
    • Option environment upper args pre
    • Option environment lower pre
    • Option environment lower args pre
    • Option environment title pre
    • Option environment title args pre
  • Library documentation:
    • Option index key formatter
    • Option index keys formatter
    • Root (/) of a documented key made configurable (issue #259):
      • Option doc key prefix


  • Minor implementation change to redirectlowerto (issue #240)
  • pgfkeys mentioned in the documentation (issue #241)
  • Distinct savelowerto/redirectlowerto file names inside the documentation (issue #248)
  • Updated documentation and warnings for the interaction between saveto
    and savelowerto (issue #249)
  • Improved some \sarg examples in the documentation (issue #256)
  • Small typos in the documentation (issue #261)
  • Recording macros rewritten in expl3 code (part of issue #255)
  • Usage of expl3 scratch variables like \l_tmpa_tl replaced by package variables like \l__tcobox_tmpa_tl
  • Library documentation:
    • Expl3 arg-spec of internal macro corrected (issue #257)
    • \tcbmakedocSubKey and \tcbmakedocSubKeys take options now (issue #259)
  • Library external: package loading of pdftexcmds and shellesc removed.
    Expl3 functions are used as drop-in replacements (part of issue #255)
  • Libraries listings, listingsutf8, and minted:
    package loading of pdftexcmds and shellesc removed (part of issue #255)
  • Needed LaTeX version updated to 2021-11-15


  • Loading of the xparse library dropped inside the documentation library since all
    needed features are part of the LaTeX format now (issue #254)


  • Several documentation typos and minor improvements (PR/issue #251 and PR/issue #252)
  • Extra top space if parbox=false and tcolorbox starts with a list (issue #262)

Version 6.1.0 (2023-09-26)

26 Sep 10:39
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  • New option redirectlowerto (issue #240)


  • Added braces to protect square brackets, mostly for key values (issue #234, issue #229 continued)
  • Internal \__tcobox_include_graphics:nn refactored (issue #236)
  • blend into now also adapts list type accordingly,
    e.g. blend into=figures now sets list type=figure (issue #238)
  • every box, every box on layer <n>, and every box on higher layers may contain
    capture mode settings now (issue #246)


  • With parbox=false, \par was ignored in a tcolorbox that starts a list (issue #245)
  • varwidth upper ignored horizontal alignment of upper part (issze #247)

Version 6.0.4 (2023-06-19)

19 Jun 10:40
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  • Documentation title page background made non-selectable (PDF reader dependent!) (issue #225)
  • Implementation for zref-clever support improved (issue #230)
  • Wrong option name inside the documentation for halign title (issue #231)
  • extrude left by and extrude right by now also change spacing for title and lower part (issue #228)
  • \newtcbox and similar macros needed curly braces to protect square brackets for key values.
    The implementation is adapted to avoid such a need at several places (issue #229)


  • The last version was inconsistently numbered 6.0.2 and/or 6.0.3 (issue #224)
  • New LaTeX versions (from 2023-06-01) remove \parskip at top of minipage.
    Therefore, parbox=false has to be adapted (issue #232)

Version 6.0.2 (2023-03-17)

17 Mar 11:31
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  • Usage of \tcblower where not applicable gives a more helpful error message (issue #215)
  • Usage of capture=fitbox for \tcbox gives an error message (issue #217)
  • Library documentation:
    • Macro \sarg (issue #193)


  • Documentation:
    • List of initialization option macros enlarged (issue #213)
    • Removed xparse references (issue #214)
    • Typo correction (issue #216, issue #219)
  • Library skins:
    • \tcbhypernode made compatible for xelatex (issue #221)


  • parbox=false accumulated negative \parskip values, if called several times
    or used with attach title to upper (issue #222)
  • Library breakable:
    • Reverting to \color{.} hack to avoid color bleeding after the box
    • Discard zero height first box part problem hopefully solved (issue #218)

Version 6.0.1 (2023-02-12)

12 Feb 10:22
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  • Typo in (issue #211)
  • Regression bug: \NewTCBInputListing without initialization options produces an error (issue #212)

Version 6.0.0 (2023-02-10)

10 Feb 18:06
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  • Generalized text alignment options (issue #184)
    • Option halign code
    • Option halign upper code
    • Option halign lower code
    • Option halign title code
  • New Options:
    • Option before title* (equals before title until 5.1.1)
    • Option after title* (equals after title until 5.1.1)
  • New option for verbatim output and listings:
    • Option verbatim ignore indention at end
  • Option short title (part of issue #186)
  • Support for zref / zref-titleref / zref-clever (issue #206)
    • Option label is label
    • Option label is zlabel
  • Library theorems: New theorem generation macros. Generated theorems
    support an optional short title now (part of issue #186):
    • \NewTcbTheorem
    • \RenewTcbTheorem
    • \ProvideTcbTheorem
    • \DeclareTcbTheorem
  • Library skins: Default values added to the options
    • watermark zoom
    • watermark shrink
    • watermark overzoom
    • watermark stretch


  • Possible visible change: previous hacks of current color handling are removed (issue #204)
    and color is now inserted at begin of all internal \boxes. This inserts a whatsit and can
    give additional space at begin of a box which starts with an itemize or a similar environment.
    If necessary, such a space may be removed by a manual \vspace{-\parsep}, see issue #123
    Note: lualatex with package luacolor removes all spacing problems
  • While producing new types of tcolorbox environment by \newtcolorbox
    leading and trailing spaces are now removed from the environment name
  • before title appends \ignorespaces now
  • after title prepends \unskip now
  • tcbverbatimwrite sets verbatim ignore indention at end to remove spaces from
    indention of the end of environment
  • nameref also sets zref-titleref reference
  • label type is used for cleveref and zref-clever
  • The 'TikZ Image and Picture Fill Extensions' are extracted from library skins
    into an tcolorbox indendent TikZ library tikzfill.image and made part
    of a new package tikzfill. Also, the respective documentation is moved into
    this new package (issue #185)
  • Library skins: The implementation of all watermark options is changed and
    adapted to tikzfill. clip watermark=false has now some restrictions (see documentation)
  • Library skins: \tcbincludegraphics implementation changed to LaTeX3 code
    (should be more robust; inspired by issue #209)
  • Temporary \tcbcounter in \newtcolorbox[auto counter] undefined/restored after usage (issue #203)
  • Color setting example of subtitle inside subtitle style (issue #189)
  • Documentation:
    • The documentation orders now \New..., \Renew..., \Provide..., \Declare....
      Previously, \Declare... was often used first.
    • NewTotalTColorBox cannot be used with saveto or savelowerto (issue #205)
    • Replacing \tikzname by TikZ in a comment line (issue #207)
    • list entry, list text, add to list moved from Counters, Labels, and References
      to Lists of tcolorboxes for clarification (issue #194)


  • Code \tcb@undo@before which tried to undo vertical space for a breakable box
    which does not fit partially on the current page but needs to go to the following page.
    This code did not achieve the goal and was error-prone (issue #200, hint inside issue #183)


  • \Provide... commands and environments process initialization options (issue #187)
  • Default initialization options were not issued, if \newtcolorbox was used without options (issue #194)
  • Typo in \RenewTCBox and \RenewTotalTCBox caused errors (issue #201)
  • Typo in (issue #196)

Version 5.1.1 (2022-06-24)

24 Jun 11:09
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  • Some documentation improvements
  • Library xparse removed from settings many and most
  • Slight implemenation change for \newtcbtheorem and \renewtcbtheorem


  • Regression bug introduced with v5.0.0 2021-12-16 (issue #182)
    Instead of beforeafter skip balanced, autoparskip was set as default, restoring
    the situation before v4.40 (with some inconsistencies)

Version 5.1.0 (2022-06-22)

22 Jun 10:42
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  • Options wrapping \tl_if_blank:nTF and \tl_if_empty:nTF (issue #179)
    • Option IfBlankTF
    • Option IfBlankT
    • Option IfBlankF
    • Option IfEmptyTF
    • Option IfEmptyT
    • Option IfEmptyF
  • Options to insert code at begin and end of floats (issue #172)
    • Option before float
    • Option after float
    • Option before float app
    • Option before float pre
    • Option after float app
    • Option after float pre
  • Library skins: overlap of lower part for bicolor, tile, and beamer
    made configurable (issue #166) by
    • Option overlaplower
    • \tcboverlaplower
  • Library documentation: package warning, if imakeidx is loaded after the
    library is loaded (issue #173)
  • Library documentation: gather index LaTeX macros and configure gathering (issue #174)
    • Option doclang/commands
    • Option index gather colors
    • Option index gather commands
    • Option index gather counters
    • Option index gather environments
    • Option index gather keys
    • Option index gather lengths
    • Option index gather paths
    • Option index gather values
    • Option index gather all
    • Option index gather none


  • Required latex2e specified \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2020/10/01] (issue #170)
  • Documentation: comment default setting for every box on higher layers (issue #168)
  • Documentation: hyperlinking keys and commands where not already done inside
    the listings section (part of issue #175)
  • All contents of library xparse are moved to the tcolorbox main package and
    to libraries listings and fitting respectively. xparse now only loads
    the package xparse (issue #180)
  • Internal implementation of all \new* commands, e.g. \newtcolorbox changed.
    Note that a missing backlash for tcbox-like commands
    e.g. \newtcbox{mybox} instead of \newtcbox{\mybox} is no longer tolerated.


  • With parbox=false, before skip was ignored in inner box (issue #171)