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Hypergeometric-Type Sequences in Maple

HyperTypeSeq is a Maple package to work with Hypergeometric-Type sequences. These are sequences whose general terms are linear combinations of interlaced hypergeometric terms. The package provides:

  • HolonomicRE: adapts $\texttt{HolonomicDE}$ from FPS to search for a holonomic recurrence equation from an expression and a given bound. The syntax is $$\texttt{HolonomicRE}(\texttt{expr},\texttt{a}(\texttt{n}),\texttt{maxreorder}=\texttt{d},\texttt{reshift}=\texttt{t}),$$ where $\texttt{maxreorder}$ and $\texttt{reshift}$ are optional with default values $10$ and $1$, respectively. $\texttt{expr}$ is a term in $\texttt{n}$, and $\texttt{a}$ is the name of the unknown for the equation. $\texttt{maxreorder}$ is the maximum order of the holonomic recurrence equation sought, and $\texttt{reshift}$ is the minimal possible shift of $\texttt{a}(\texttt{n})$ in the recurrence equation sought.
  • REtoHTS: aims to 'decide' whether a given holonomic term is of hypergeometric type or not by writing it in hypergeometric-type normal form. The syntax is $$\texttt{REtoHTS}(\texttt{RE},\texttt{a}(\texttt{n}),\texttt{P}).$$ $\texttt{RE}$ is the holonomic recurrence equation and $\texttt{a}(\texttt{n})$ is the unknown term in it. $\texttt{P}$ is a procedure for computing values of the sequence at any index. $\texttt{P}$ can also be a list of initial values; however, the list must contain the values of the evaluations of $\texttt{expr}$ starting from $0$.
  • HTS: writes a given expression into a hypergeometric-type normal form whenever possible. The syntax is $$\texttt{HTS}(\texttt{expr},\texttt{n}),$$ with self-explanatory arguments from the previous commands. The argument $\texttt{maxreorder}$ is also optional for $\texttt{HTS}$.

New in the package (March 2024):

  • mfoldInd: evaluates an $m$-fold indicator term or write it symbolically as $$\chi_{\lbrace \mathit{modp} \left(n,m\right)=j \rbrace}.$$ The syntax is $$\texttt{mfoldInd}(\texttt{n},\texttt{m},\texttt{j}),$$ where $\texttt{j}$ is the remainder and $\texttt{m}$ is the characteristic, both non-negative integers. When $\texttt{n}$ is a valued integer, the output is $1$ or $0$ accordingly; otherwise the corresponding symbolic term is returned.
  • HTSeval: evaluates a hypergeometric-type term at a given non-negative integer. The syntax is $$\texttt{HTSeval}(\texttt{s},\texttt{n}=\texttt{j}).$$
  • HolonomicRE is now able to find recurrence equations from any hypergeometric-type normal forms, i.e., terms that may involve interlacements (m-fold indicator terms).
  • HTSproduct: performs the product closure property of hypergeometric-type terms. It computes the product of two hypergeometric type terms given in normal forms. The syntax is $$\texttt{HTSproduct}(\texttt{h1},\texttt{h2},\texttt{n}),$$ where $\texttt{h1}$ and $\texttt{h2}$ are hypergeometric type terms in normal forms, and $\texttt{n}$ is the index variable.
  • AlgebraHolonomicSeq: subpackage for the algebra of holonomic sequences. It contains variants of classical algorithms for summing, adding, and exponentiating holonomic sequences. These are $\texttt{AddHolonomicRE}$, $\texttt{MulHolonomicRE}$, and $\texttt{SelfOpHolonomicRE}$. $\texttt{SelfOpHolonomicRE}$ finds a recurrence for a polynomial function in a holonomic term.


One can use HyperTypeSeq in Maple by putting the file HyperTypeSeq.mla in your working directory and include the lines

  > restart;

  > libname:=currentdir(), libname:

  > with(NLDE)

at the beginning of your Maple worksheet (session). To avoid putting these three lines in all worksheets, one can read the help page of the $\texttt{libname}$ command. It is not possible to generate this library from the source provided in this repository. Feel free to contact the author if you have any questions.

Requirements and Dependencies

The package works best with Maple versions 2019 - 2021. There are some issues with the recent releases. The problem seems to come from the linear system solver $\texttt{SolveTools:-Linear}$. However, most computations work fine with all versions starting from Maple 2019.


Examples is a Maple session with some examples. The expected outputs are presented in MapleWorksheet-HyperTypeSeq-examples-outputs.pdf


  1. Hypergeometric-Type Sequences. Bertrand Teguia Tabuguia. January 2024.
  2. Computing with Hypergeometric-Type Terms. Bertrand Teguia Tabuguia. April 2024.


Hypergeometric-Type Sequences






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