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Tekla edited this page Jun 5, 2021 · 2 revisions

Spawn Critter

asc [critter_name] -c [cfg] -p [x,y,z]

  • -c [cfg] Set the configuration to apply. Use cases:

    • -c vanilla Will not apply modifications other than setting the level
    • -c some_cfg Will apply this cfg modifications for this critter, if found
    • not stated Will trigger an area check and apply the first configuration it can find
  • -p [x,y,z] Where to spawn the critter. Use cases:

    • -p 0,0,0 Will generate the critter in the point x = 0, y = 0, z = 0
    • not stated Will search a patch of floor 5 units in front of your character and set it as spawn point
asc Boar
asc Boar -c config_1
asc Boar -p 0,0,0
asc Boar -c config_1 -p 0,0,0
asc Boar -p 0,0,0 -c config_1

Create Spawner

acs [critter_name] -p [x,y,z] -t [respawn_time] -d [respawn_at_day] -n [respawn_at_night]

  • -p [x,y,z] Where to spawn the critter. Use cases:

    • -p 0,0,0 Will generate the critter in the point x = 0, y = 0, z = 0
    • not stated Will search a patch of floor 5 units in front of your character and set it as spawn point
  • -t [respawn_time] Minutes it takes the spawner to check if it should spawn a new critter. Use cases:

    • -t 20 Will check to spawn a new critter 20 minute after the death of the previous critter
    • not stated-t 1
  • -d [respawn_at_day] Should this spawner work at daytime. Use cases:

    • -d false Will not spawn at daytime
    • -d true Will spawn at daytime
    • not stated-d true
  • -n [respawn_at_day] Should this spawner work at nighttime. Use cases:

    • -n false Will not spawn at nighttime
    • -n true Will spawn at nighttime
    • not stated-n true
acs Boar
acs Boar -t 0.1
acs Boar -t 60 -d true -n false
acs Boar -p 1337,256,420 -t 69 -d [respawn_at_day] -n [respawn_at_night]

List Spawners



Remove Spawners

ars -r [radios] -c [critter_name]

  • -r [radios] Filter by distance. Use cases:

    • -r 100 Only remove spawners that are 100 units or less away from the player
    • not stated-r 10
  • -c [critter_name] Filter by the critter being spawned. Use cases:

    • -c Boar Only remove spawners that are spawning Boars.
    • not stated Accept any critter being spawned
ars -r 100
ars -c Boar
ars -c Boar -r 100