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User Test

T3rabyte edited this page Jun 9, 2023 · 28 revisions


When adding a usertest to this page, include the following elements:

  • Name of Person taking test.
  • Name of Tester.
  • Date and time
  • Version of the testing game.
  • Positive Feedback.
  • Negative Feedback.
  • conclusion.

User Tests

alle usertests met footage zijn hier te vinden:

User Test by Miguel

  • Name tester: Dylan
  • Date: 30-05-2023, 21:18
  • Version: 1.0.0

tester was given no prior experience or context on the game

On the main menu, the first thing the player thinks of doing is pressing 'Play Alone' since they are playing alone. However, this does not work as only 'Play Together' is functional, which required assistance for the player to press the correct button. When creating the lobby, the player received minor assistance to speed things up, as they seemed to understand what needed to be done before being told. It wasn't immediately clear to the player which team they should join.

Once the game started, the player seemed to be pretty impressed. They quickly noticed they could click on the monitors and laptop, but it wasn't immediately clear how to interact with them. The player didn't know which monitor to start with after discovering they could press buttons on them. However, once the player started the game on the correct monitor, they immediately caught on to what they were supposed to do.

When the popup appeared after the player answered incorrectly, they tried pressing the 'Afwijzen' button, which didn't work as only the cross button closed it. They were also confused as to why the chosen answer was incorrect, as it seemed quite obvious to them that it would be correct. The buttons on the taskbar were seen as mere decorations since there was nothing indicating they could be pressed.

While reading the facts and emails, most of them were clear to the player in terms of meaning. The player admitted being fixated on the main screen and answering its questions, resulting in them not considering exploring the environment. The player accidentally discovered the tips phone, which surprised them when the sound played, but they understood its purpose clearly. The player also needed guidance to find the settings page for social media. Time was nearly up before they had enough correct answers.

Positive Feedback:

  • Looks were really good
  • simple compact game
  • Gameplay loop was approved by user
  • liked the phone
  • liked the antivirus installer

Negative Feedback:

  • not immediately clear what to do
  • no feedback on as to why what they chose was wrong


  • leave the way that you don't have to do both monitors but can complete the game by focusing on only one and leaving multi tasking to more experienced players.
  • Add some feedback explaining why an incorrect answer was incorrect. \
  • maybe increase the time but requires further testing. \
  • add a tutorial mode or use the tips system to become a sort of tutorial where the objective and things to do are told over the phone (think of five nights at freddy's). \
  • maybe change the "afwijzen" text to a button that closes the popup too.

User Test by Miguel

  • Name tester: Evert Jan
  • Date: 31-05-2023, 19:30
  • Version: 1.0.0

tester was given no prior experience or context on the game

Once in the main menu, the player attempted to press the "play alone" button, which had no functionality since the only way to start the game during testing was by creating a multiplayer lobby. Upon reviewing the footage, it was evident that the player became quite confused upon entering the lobby menu and required guidance for each step. This suggests that older individuals with limited computer experience beyond basic web browsing and documentation may need assistance. When faced with the task of selecting a team, it wasn't immediately clear to the player that they needed to switch from the neutral team, and they attempted to start the game without doing so. The addition of a warning message that popped up was beneficial as it clarified the need to choose a team. Eventually, the player managed to comprehend the process of selecting a team after a few seconds of contemplation without any assistance.

Upon entering the game, the player considered the possibility of clicking but was uncertain and sought clarification. The UI of the quiz was easily understandable to them, and they didn't require an explanation to get started. However, when providing an incorrect answer, they inquired about the reason behind its inaccuracy since the game itself does not offer an explanation. The player managed to close the popup without any assistance. When accessing the social media page, they expressed enthusiasm about its cool and clever design. Once inside the page, the player needed guidance on the subsequent actions to take. There was a privacy page with text indicating that enabling it would allow unknown individuals to view the account's content, along with a switch that the player could toggle to set it as private. This text seemed contradictory, so it would be better to have the privacy setting enabled by default, with the option to disable it for the desired effect. The player had to be directed towards the taskbar buttons and open the antivirus installer. They were unsure if they could perform any other actions while the antivirus was being installed. Additionally, the player seemed to overlook the phone unless specifically guided towards it.

The player mentioned that without guidance, it would have taken them a considerable amount of time to figure out all the game's mechanics and features.

Positive Feedback:

  • cleverly made
  • cool design
  • once explanation has been given the game is clear

Negative Feedback:

  • not immediately clear what to do
  • no feedback on as to why what they chose was wrong
  • controls not immediately clear


  • Older individuals with limited computer experience may require assistance navigating through the game's menus and understanding its mechanics.

  • Clear instructions and guidance are necessary to help players understand the game's objectives and how to proceed.

  • Providing explanations for incorrect answers in the quiz system would enhance the player's understanding and improve their experience.

  • The addition of a warning message when trying to start the game without selecting a team was effective in clarifying the requirement.

  • The social media page and its design were well-received by the player, indicating a positive engagement with the game's features.

  • The player appreciated the interactive elements of the game, such as being able to click on monitors and laptops.

  • Clarifying the purpose and legitimacy of certain in-game elements, such as the antivirus installation, would alleviate player confusion.

  • The player's attention was initially focused on the quick join field, indicating the need for clear instructions on creating a multiplayer lobby.

  • The player requested more information on the tasks and their significance within the game, suggesting the need for clearer context and explanations.

  • The player's ability to understand and navigate the email system and answer emails indicates an intuitive design.

  • The player's positive response to the phone tips indicates the effectiveness of providing helpful hints within the game.

  • The player felt that without guidance, it would have taken them a significant amount of time to comprehend the game's mechanics.

User Test by Miguel

  • Name tester: Eva
  • Date: 31-05-2023, 19:50
  • Version: 1.0.0

tester was given no prior experience or context on the game

Once in the main menu, the player tried pressing the "play alone" button, which didn't do anything since the only way to start the game during testing was by creating a multiplayer lobby. The player had to ask whether they needed to fill in a player name or not. Their attention seemed focused on the quick join field, and they had to be told to press the "create room" button. The player also asked about the type of room they created and had to be explained what a "room" means in the context of multiplayer games. Upon entering the team select menu, the player was informed about choosing a team, and they understood the process without requiring explicit instructions. They also grasped how to start the game once they had selected a team and did not need guidance for this.

Once in the game, the player's initial action was clicking on the laptop, finding the mock social media page amusing. However, they were uncertain about what to do next without further guidance. They discovered on their own that the right mouse button exited the screen, which led them to realize they needed to click on the monitors. The first monitor they clicked after the laptop was the one with the "start" button, indicating to them that it was the next logical step. When encountering an incorrect answer, they understood they had to dismiss it but weren't immediately sure how to do so based on the test footage. Their first instinct was to go to the cross button in the corner, but they felt unsure if that was the correct action and sought clarification. When asked if they understood why they got it wrong, they expressed their desire for an explanation.

Regarding the little buttons on the taskbar, the player needed to be informed that they were clickable. Upon opening the antivirus, they inquired about the reasons for installation and how to determine its legitimacy. In response, it was explained that the antivirus was installed by the system manager, which prompted the player to suggest providing an explanation to clarify this.

Due to the simplistic nature of the quiz system and the shared framework with the mail system, the player immediately knew how to answer emails. However, when they selected a wrong answer, they expressed a desire to understand why it was incorrect. When instructed to click on the phone to access tips, they expressed appreciation for this feature. The player approved of the social media page game mechanic. They also mentioned that it would be helpful to receive information about the purpose of the tasks and why accuracy is crucial.

Positive Feedback:

  • cleverly made
  • likes that you learn from it

Negative Feedback:

  • not immediately clear what to do
  • no feedback on as to why what they chose was wrong
  • legitimacy of antivirus not clear
  • why the player is doing these tasks is not clear


  • The "Play Alone" button in the main menu does not function, causing confusion for players who want to play solo. Clear instructions are needed for filling in the player name and navigating the lobby creation process.

  • Some players may tend to focus on the quick join field and may need guidance to locate the "create room" button. For some people an explanation about the concept of a "room" in multiplayer games is necessary for better understanding.

  • Player understand the process of choosing a team and starting the game without explicit instructions. The laptop and mock social media page capture the player's attention, but further guidance is required to proceed.

  • Clear instructions are needed for dismissing incorrect answers and understanding the correct action. The clickable nature of buttons on the taskbar should be highlighted to avoid confusion.

  • The purpose and legitimacy of the antivirus should be explained to the player.

  • The quiz and email systems are easily understandable, but players desire feedback on incorrect answers.

  • The inclusion of tips accessed through the phone is well-received by the player.

  • Providing information about the tasks' objectives and the importance of accuracy would maybe enhance the player's experience.

User Test by Miguel

  • Name tester: Justin
  • Date: 7-06-2023, 21:38
  • Version: 1.4.3

tester was given no prior experience or context on the game

During the user testing session, the player did not provide any specific feedback regarding the intro cinematic. However, upon reaching the main menu, the player's initial instinct was to click on the options button. Unfortunately, due to a merge issue in this version, the options functionality was not functioning correctly. Despite this setback, the player proceeded to explore the controls section, which effectively clarified how to play the game. It was evident that the player easily understood how to access the game from the main menu, particularly in single-player mode.

The first interactive object the player engaged with was the laptop featuring a social media page. The player seemed to thoroughly enjoy this aspect of the game. Notably, the toggle privacy button on the social media's settings page was intuitive and clear to the player. However, the player encountered a minor issue when attempting to click the mail icon button, as it did not have any effect since the mail area was always open. Some guidance was required to instruct the player to press the start button first. Apart from this initial confusion, the workings of the quiz system were straightforward and easily understood by the player.

One area of concern arose when the player encountered a popup explaining why they had answered a question incorrectly. Unfortunately, the player did not have sufficient time to read the explanation before the next question loaded. Additionally, the player attempted to interact with the "afwijzen" button, assuming it was clickable. However, only the cross in the corner of the popup served as a button to close it.

Overall, apart from the aforementioned issues, the player navigated the game smoothly and found the gameplay mechanics and interactive elements clear and engaging.

Positive Feedback:

  • besides the few negative points they liked the game

Special remarks:

  • found the color choices a bit questionable

Negative Feedback:

  • no in game menu
  • no way to close the game without alt+F4
  • didn't know how many questions they had to answer

conclusion: The player had difficulty assessing their progress in the game and expressed frustration about the lack of an in-game menu for pausing, exiting, or returning to the main menu. Clearer progress indicators and the implementation of an in-game menu would greatly improve the player experience.

  • Implement an in-game menu allowing players to pause, return to the main menu, and exit the game more conveniently.
  • Provide a dedicated game exit button or option to improve usability.
  • Clearly communicate the number of questions the player needs to answer, either through a counter or a progress indicator.
  • Evaluate and adjust color choices to ensure they are more visually appealing and intuitive for the players.

User Test by Miguel

  • Name tester: Annemarie
  • Date: 8-06-2023, 11:29
  • Version: 1.4.6

tester has played 1.0.0 and 1.4.3 before

When the player encountered the controls page at the start of the game, they expressed appreciation for its inclusion, as it ensured that players would see the controls. The main menu was clear to the player, and no specific remarks were made about it.

Once in the game, the player was pleased to find the addition of a hider panel that focused their attention on the main monitor where the game started. This feature was particularly enjoyed because it was a request made by the player. As the core quiz gameplay remained unchanged, the player had no difficulties answering questions. They appreciated being able to take their time to scroll through and read the explanations provided for incorrect answers. Additionally, the player liked having visibility on the number of correct answers and the remaining questions. However, they required guidance to find the in-game pause menu, later acknowledging that they had not read the controls page thoroughly despite having sufficient time to do so.

Positive Feedback:

  • we listened to their feedback from previous test
  • like how controls page was shown immediately upon starting the game
  • liked the new hiders which made her focus on the important monitor

Negative Feedback:

  • Didn't like they were unable to skip the intro call explaining what to do.

conclusion: Overall, these observations suggest that the inclusion of the controls page and the hider panel positively impacted the player's experience. Encouraging players to familiarize themselves with the controls and providing clear visual cues enhanced their engagement with the game.

  • Overall, the inclusion of the controls page and the hider panel had a positive impact on the player's experience, enhancing engagement and clarity.
  • Taking into account player feedback and implementing requested features contributed to a more enjoyable gameplay experience.

Addressing the negative feedback by considering alternative options for the introductory call or providing the ability to skip it may further enhance the player experience.

User Test by Teun

  • Name tester: Tom
  • Date: 8-06-2023, 18:48
  • Version: 1.4.9

tester had not seen any previous versions

As the player started the game he initially got quite the scare when he realized his sound was turned up too high and the cinematic played too loud for him. As he quickly skipped the cut scene and checked the controls he noticed it could have been a bit more spaced out and a different font could have made it more readable. After that he made a lobby and selected medewerker as his role.

Once the player loaded into the game scene and started listening to the phone's tip line he mentioned not being able to skip it or lower its volume as he found it took a long time to finish. It was clear to him how he could interact with his environment but was not aware how to actually finish the game. Only finding out after answering a lot of the question to be prompted a win screen. During the answering he appreciated the feedback to why he got some of his answers wrong, and actually learned a few new things he thought weren't harmful. After going back to the main menu screen he did point out the fact that he had to rewatch the intro cinematic although he was happy he could skip it again.

Positive Feedback:

  • The user did not mention most of previously mentioned negative feedback

Negative Feedback:

  • Thought there could have been some small layout adjustments to the controls page as well as a clearer font.
  • Didn't like they were unable to skip or lower the volume of the intro call explaining what to do.
  • Was not sure about needing 20 correct answers to the main questions to finish the game.

conclusion: This shows previous changes and additions in terms of end goal for the player has definitely improved but could receive some small adjustments. Also small improvements could be made to quality of live in terms of making the sound easily adjustable and adding skips.