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Merge pull request #22 from TACC-Cloud/tutorials_getting_started
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Tutorials getting started
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joestubbs committed Nov 1, 2019
2 parents 3f2eb8f + 7314457 commit 7a3cf35
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Showing 9 changed files with 633 additions and 3 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions docs/agave/introduction/Creating aloe-sampleapi in Eclipse.rst
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Creating an Aloe Web App

This page describes how to create a sample web application in Aloe. The web application aloe-sampleapi ( can be used as a skeleton for an real application. The sample application supports these capabilities when run on the localhost:

*. Implements a static service page: http://localhost:8080/sample/
*. Implements a GET REST call: http://localhost:8080/sample/v2/hello
*. Populates the aloe.version, build.time and resource files at compile time.
**Creating aloe-sampleapi in Eclipse**

The aloe-sampleapi project was created in Eclipse by performing the following steps. The same procedure can be followed to create a new REST API project in Aloe by just changing the project and path names appropriately.

1. Click File→New→Maven Project.
a. Check the "Create a simple project (skip archetype selection)" checkbox.
b. Make sure the project is created in a subdirectory of the aloe root directory. For example, if your new project is going to be named aloe-newapi, then previously from the command line you should have created the subdirectory aloe-newapi in the aloe directory.
2. Click Next.
a. Fill in the new project group and artifact values.
b. Set packaging to war.
c. Fill in the parent project group, artifact and version values.
3. Click Finish.
a. The src and target directories are created under the aloe-sampleapi project directory.
b. The following subdirectories are created under src/main: java, resources and webapp.
4. Edit pom.xml.
a. Remove the version element under the new artifactId (the parent's version is all that's needed).
b. Add the javax-servlet-api and jersey-container-servlet dependencies.
c. Add the build stanza after the dependencies element.
i. Add the sourceDirectory and finalName elements.
ii. Add the build-maven-plugin plugin for capturing compile-time information.
5. Right click the project name in the Navigator view.
a. Select Properties→Project Facets.
b. The Dynamic Web Module, Java, JavaScript and JAX-RS (REST Web Services) boxes should be checked.
i. Make sure the JAX-RS version is 2.0.
6. Add web application files.
a. Create webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml as shown.
b. Create webapp/index.html as shown.
7. Add Java class files.
a. Create the src/main/java/edu/utexas/tacc/aloe/sample/api directory.
i. Create the file in the new directory.
8. Create the src/main/java/edu/utexas/tacc/aloe/sample/api/resources directory.
Create the file in the new directory.
Add resource files.
Add the aloe.version, build.time and files to the src/main/resources directory.
From the command line outside of Eclipse issue the following commands to generate a WAR file.
cd to the aloe-sampleapi project directory.
Make sure Java and Maven are on the PATH.
mvn clean install
From inside Eclipse, select the aloe-sampleapi project directory.
Right click→Refresh
Add the aloe-sampleapi web app to your Tomcat configuration.
Run the web app in Tomcat.
From a browser, issue the two URLs given in the introduction.
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions docs/agave/introduction/creating-a-storage-system.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
.. role:: raw-html-m2r(raw)
:format: html

Non-members: Creating a storage system
.. raw:: html

#. You have a TACC account and email
#. You already have a host on the public internet to use
#. You have an Oauth client
#. You have an access token

Create your RSA key pair from your local terminal:

ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<your_tacc_email>"

Copy your newly created RSA public key to your destination host:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/authorized_keys/<public key file> <your_tacc_username>@<host_on_public_internet>

SSH into your host (make sure it doesn't ask you for credentials anymore)

ssh -i ~/.ssh/authorized_keys/<private key file> <your_tacc_username>@<host_on_public_internet>


Create a file named <storage_name>-storage-ext.json in your home directory

Populate it with the following and replace the bold text with the respective information:


"id": "**<storage_name>**-storage-ext-01",

"name": "System Configured as Storage System",



"description":"creating a Storage System for …",











"publicKey": "**<your_public_key>**",

"privateKey": "**<your_private_key>**",

"type": "SSHKEYS"




**You can get your public key by executing**:

cat ~/.ssh/**<your_public_key>**

Private key:

cat ~/.ssh/**<your_private_key>**

From your home directory, do a post request to the TACC tenant, uploading your storage-ext file:


curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer **<access_token>**" -X POST -F 'fileToUpload=@**<storage_name>**-storage-ext.json'

Verify that everything worked by attempting a file listing:

curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer **<access_token>**"**<storage_name>**-storage-ext.json?pretty=true

This should return a successful JSON response containing objects representing the files on your new storage system.
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions docs/agave/introduction/getting-started.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
Getting started


#. Introduction to Linux:


*. SSH with keys to a host
*. List files
*. Navigate to directories
*. Additional basic commands
*. Open, edit, save a text file
*. File/Dir permissions
*. Intro to APIs, HTTP and basics of REST (replace python.requests with curl):
#. Intro to HTTP authentication:

#. OAuth tutorial:

**Tutorial: Part 1 Creating Storage System**

#. Login to the TACC VPN.

#. SSH to the execution host ( with your TACC credentials
ssh <tacc-id>
You will be prompted to enter password.

#. Install the required public key by issuing the following commands from your home directory.
a. mkdir .ssh
b. chmod 700 .ssh
c. cd .ssh
d. touch authorized_keys
e. chmod 600 authorized_keys
f. Copy the following text as is into the authorized_keys file:


g. Save the file.

#. There are two methods to create storage system. One using curl command and other using agavepy. In this tutorial we will discuss to create storage system using curl command.

**Create Storage system (using curl)**

#. Download sterry1-storage-ext-testuser1.json from attachments to your project directory (on your workstation) and rename it as <userid>-storage-ext.json .

#. Make following changes in <userid>-storage-ext.json
a. Change the system-id to identify your storage system
b. Change home dir to your home directory on the host (/home/<userid>)
c. Change username:testuser1 to username:<your tacc userid>

#. Run following curl command in the terminal by giving absolute or relative path of the file <userid>-storage-ext.json. (The token used in the curl command below is a forever token generated for 'test-client' app in the develop environment.)

curl -k -H "Authorization:Bearer bc696aa76a5b77199d1a451d2b6d64" -F 'fileToUpload=@/<path>/<userid>.storage-ext.json'

#. If storage system creation is successful, you should see a response containing status: success

#. You can get the details of newly created system by making a GET request to the Systems service giving your storage_system_id:

export dev_tok=bc696aa76a5b77199d1a451d2b6d64

curl -k -H "Authorization:Bearer $dev_tok"<storage_system_id>?pretty=true

**Tutorial: Part 2 Creating Execution System**

**Create Compute system (using curl)**

#. Download sterry1-compute-ext-testuser<userid>.json from attachments to your project directory and rename to <userid>-compute-ext.json.

#. Create scratch, work and data directories in /home/<userid> on

#. Make following changes in <userid>-compute-ext.json, after which "testuser1" should not appear in the file.

a. Change the system-id to identify your compute system
b. Change username:testuser1 to username:<your tacc-id> (2 occurrences)
c. Change scratchDir to home/<userid>/scratch (2 occurrences)
d. Change workDir to home/<userid>/work (2 occurrences)
e. Change homeDir to home/<userid>/data

#. Run the following curl command in terminal by giving absolute or relative path of the file <userid>-compute-ext.json. (The token used in the curl command below is a forever token generated for 'test-client' app in the develop environment.)

curl -k -H "Authorization:Bearer bc696aa76a5b77199d1a451d2b6d64" -F "fileToUpload=@/<path>/<userid>compute-ext.json"

#. If compute system creation is successful, you should see a response containing status: success

#. You can get the details of newly created system by making a GET request to the Systems service giving your execution_system_id:

export dev_tok=bc696aa76a5b77199d1a451d2b6d64

curl -k -H "Authorization:Bearer $dev_tok"<execution_system_id>?pretty=true

**Tutorial: Part 3 Registering Hello World app**

#. Download helloworldapp.json from attachments to your project directory.

#. Create file inside home/data folder on

#. Copy the contents of from attachments to it. (You can also choose to upload the file to home/data folder using agave files upload service).

#. Make following changes in helloworldapp.json

a. Suffix your initials to the app name, so you can identify your app later.
b. Change the executionSystem to your execution system id created in Tutorial Part 2.
c. Change the deploymentSystem to your storage system id created in Tutorial Part 1.

#. Run following curl command to register app:

curl -k -H "Authorization:Bearer $dev_tok" -X POST -F "fileToUpload=@/<path>/helloworldapp.json"

#. Once the app is created successfully, you should see a response containing **status:success **
#. Save the app **id** as it will be used in the next tutorial for job submission.

**Tutorial: Part 4 Running app by submitting job**

#. Download file helloworldjob.json from attachments to your project directory.

#. Make following changes in your helloworldjob.json:

a. Change job name.
b. Change app id to one you saved in Tutorial Part 3.

#. Run curl command to submit job:

curl -k -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST "--data@/<path>/helloworldjob.json"

#. Once the job is successfully submitted, you should see response status:success

#. Save the job id to check the status. Use the curl command below to check if the job is complete and status is FINISHED (this may not happen instantaneously, retry until job completes):

curl -k -H "Authorization:Bearer $dev_tok"<job-id>?pretty=true

#. Note the workPath element in the result from the last command. Go to the indicated directory to see the output Agave generated. You should see 7 files, one of which is the script that you provided. The .ipcexe file is the actual file that Agave generated and ran on the execution system. The other files with normal visibility capture stdout, stderr and the process id of the program that executed. The final two files, .agave.log and .agave.archive, contain information about how the job executed.

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