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Cannot create groups in OU's #87

airom opened this issue Apr 15, 2016 · 7 comments

Cannot create groups in OU's #87

airom opened this issue Apr 15, 2016 · 7 comments


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airom commented Apr 15, 2016


When i specify the OU to create the group, it does not honor it and eventually does not create the group.
When using 0.5.1 it does not work. If i downgrade to the windows_ad cookbook version to exactly 0.4.4 it does work.

windows_ad_group "MYGROUP" do
action :create
domain_name node[:ad][:domain][:fqdn]
ou "MYOU"

The debug log indicates that it has been created but it is actually not.
* windows_ad_group[MYGROUP] action create

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airom commented Apr 21, 2016

Any comment ?

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@airom Sorry much have missed this, can you provide the debug log?

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airom commented Apr 21, 2016

@derekgroh Thank you for your response.
Here is the debyg log

$ berks update
Resolving cookbook dependencies...
Fetching 'myad' from source at .
Fetching cookbook index from
Using chef_handler (1.3.0)
Using windows (1.39.2)
Using myad (0.1.0) from source at .
Using windows_ad (0.5.1)
$ kitchen converge -l debug
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.7.2)
D      [Vagrant command] BEGIN (vagrant --version)
D      [Vagrant command] END (0m0.21s)
D      [Vagrant command] BEGIN (vagrant plugin list)
D      [Vagrant command] END (0m0.99s)
D      Berksfile found at /Users/myuser/source/myad/Berksfile, loading Berkshelf
D      Berkshelf 4.3.2 library loaded
D      winrm requested, loading winrm gem (["~> 1.6"])
D      winrm is loaded.
D      winrm-fs requested, loading winrm-fs gem (["~> 0.4.1"])
D      winrm-fs is loaded.
-----> Converging <default-windows-2012r2>...
       Preparing files for transfer
D      Creating local sandbox in /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/default-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160421-31186-hewo1c
       Preparing dna.json
D      Creating dna.json from {:run_list=>["recipe[myad::windows_modules]", "recipe[myad::domain]"]}
       Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 4.3.2...
D      Using Berksfile from /Users/myuser/source/myad/Berksfile
       Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
       Preparing data_bags
D      Using data_bags from /Users/myuser/source/myad/test/fixtures/databags
       Preparing environments
D      Using environments from /Users/myuser/source/myad/test/fixtures/environments
       Preparing secret
D      Using secret from /Users/myuser/source/myad/test/fixtures/databags/databag_secret_key
       Preparing validation.pem
D      Using a dummy validation.pem
       Preparing client.rb
D      Creating client.rb from {:node_name=>"default-windows-2012r2", :checksum_path=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\checksums", :file_cache_path=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\cache", :file_backup_path=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\backup", :cookbook_path=>["\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\cookbooks", "\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\site-cookbooks"], :data_bag_path=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\data_bags", :environment_path=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\environments", :node_path=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\nodes", :role_path=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\roles", :client_path=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\clients", :user_path=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\users", :validation_key=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\validation.pem", :client_key=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\client.pem", :chef_server_url=>"", :encrypted_data_bag_secret=>"\#{ENV['TEMP']}\\kitchen\\encrypted_data_bag_secret", :environment=>"cheftest"}
D      [WinRM] negotiate::<{:user=>"vagrant", :pass=>"vagrant", :no_ssl_peer_verification=>true, :disable_sspi=>false, :basic_auth_only=>false}> ($chef_omnibus_root = "$env:systemdrive\opscode\chef"
$msi = "$env:TEMP\chef-true.msi"
$chef_metadata_url = ""
$pretty_version = "install only if missing"
$version = "true"

Function Check-UpdateChef($root, $version) {
  if (-Not (Test-Path $root)) { return $true }
  elseif ("$version" -eq "true") { return $false }
  elseif ("$version" -eq "latest") { return $true }

  Try { $chef_version = (Get-Content $root\version-manifest.txt  -ErrorAction stop | select-object -first 1) }
  Catch {
    Try { $chef_version = (& $root\bin\chef-solo.bat -v) }
    Catch { $chef_version = " " }

  if ($chef_version.split(" ", 2)[1].StartsWith($version)) { return $false }
  else { return $true }

Function Get-ChefMetadata($url) {
  Try { $response = ($c = Make-WebClient).DownloadString($url) }
  Finally { if ($c -ne $null) { $c.Dispose() } }

  $md = ConvertFrom-StringData $response.Replace("`t", "=")
  return @($md.url, $md.sha256)

Function Get-SHA256($src) {
  Try {
    $c = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed
    $bytes = $c.ComputeHash(($in = (Get-Item $src).OpenRead()))
    return ([System.BitConverter]::ToString($bytes)).Replace("-", "").ToLower()
  } Finally { if (($c -ne $null) -and ($c.GetType().GetMethod("Dispose") -ne $null)) { $c.Dispose() }; if ($in -ne $null) { $in.Dispose() } }

Function Download-Chef($url, $sha256, $dst) {
  Try {
    Log "Downloading package from $url"
    ($c = Make-WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $dst)
    Log "Download complete."
  } Finally { if ($c -ne $null) { $c.Dispose() } }

  if ($sha256 -eq $null) { Log "Skipping sha256 verification" }
  elseif (($dsha256 = Get-SHA256 $dst) -eq $sha256) { Log "Successfully verified $dst" }
  else { throw "SHA256 for $dst $dsha256 does not match $sha256" }

Function Install-Chef($msi) {
  Log "Installing Chef Omnibus package $msi"
  $p = Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/qn /i $msi" -Passthru -Wait

  if ($p.ExitCode -ne 0) { throw "msiexec was not successful. Received exit code $($p.ExitCode)" }

  Remove-Item $msi -Force
  Log "Installation complete"

Function Log($m) { Write-Host "       $m`n" }

Function Make-WebClient {
  $proxy = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebProxy
  $proxy.Address = $env:http_proxy
  $client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient
  $client.Proxy = $proxy
  return $client

Function Unresolve-Path($p) {
  if ($p -eq $null) { return $null }
  else { return $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($p) }

$chef_omnibus_root = Unresolve-Path $chef_omnibus_root
$msi = Unresolve-Path $msi

if (Check-UpdateChef $chef_omnibus_root $version) {
  Write-Host "-----> Installing Chef Omnibus ($pretty_version)`n"
  if ($chef_metadata_url -ne $null) {
    $url, $sha256 = Get-ChefMetadata "$chef_metadata_url"
  } else {
    $url = $chef_msi_url
    $sha256 = $null
  Download-Chef "$url" $sha256 $msi
  Install-Chef $msi
} else {
  Write-Host "-----> Chef Omnibus installation detected ($pretty_version)`n"
D      [WinRM] opening remote shell on
D      [WinRM] remote shell DEBE1D30-FEE2-4410-8CB6-1F83A1B00147 is open on
D      creating hash for file $env:TEMP/default-windows-2012r2-long_script.ps1
D      Running check_files.ps1
D      @{
D        "d6775db06103908f0154c1cb3b8153a7" = @{
D          "target" = "$env:TEMP/default-windows-2012r2-long_script.ps1";
D          "src_basename" = "default-windows-2012r2-long_script.ps1";
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP/default-windows-2012r2-long_script.ps1"
D        }
D      }
D      Parsing CSV Response
D      "chk_exists","src_md5","dst_md5","chk_dirty","verifies","target_is_folder"

D      Uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/kitchen-long-script20160421-31186-1js29vt/default-windows-2012r2-long_script.ps1 to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-d6775db06103908f0154c1cb3b8153a7.txt
D      Finished uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/kitchen-long-script20160421-31186-1js29vt/default-windows-2012r2-long_script.ps1 to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-d6775db06103908f0154c1cb3b8153a7.txt (4.148 KB over 1 chunks) in (0m0.03s)
D      Running decode_files.ps1
D      @{
D        "$env:TEMP\b64-d6775db06103908f0154c1cb3b8153a7.txt" = @{
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP/default-windows-2012r2-long_script.ps1"
D        }
D      }
D      Parsing CSV Response
D      "src_md5","tmpzip","verifies","tmpfile","dst_md5","dst"

D      Uploaded 1 items dirty_check: (0m1.65s) stream_files: (0m0.03s) decode: (0m1.63s)
-----> Installing Chef Omnibus (install only if missing)

       Downloading package from

       Download complete.

       Successfully verified C:\Users\vagrant\AppData\Local\Temp\chef-true.msi

       Installing Chef Omnibus package C:\Users\vagrant\AppData\Local\Temp\chef-true.msi

       Installation complete

D      [WinRM] negotiate::<{:user=>"vagrant", :pass=>"vagrant", :no_ssl_peer_verification=>true, :disable_sspi=>false, :basic_auth_only=>false}> (
$dirs = @("$env:TEMP\kitchen\clients", "$env:TEMP\kitchen\cookbooks", "$env:TEMP\kitchen\data", "$env:TEMP\kitchen\data_bags", "$env:TEMP\kitchen\encrypted_data_bag_secret", "$env:TEMP\kitchen\environments", "$env:TEMP\kitchen\roles")
$root_path = "$env:TEMP\kitchen"

Function Delete-AllDirs($dirs) {
  $dirs | ForEach-Object {
    if (Test-Path ($path = Unresolve-Path $_)) { Remove-Item $path -Recurse -Force }

Function Unresolve-Path($p) {
  if ($p -eq $null) { return $null }
  else { return $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($p) }

Function Make-RootPath($p) {
  $p = Unresolve-Path $p
  if (-Not (Test-Path $p)) { New-Item $p -ItemType directory | Out-Null }

Delete-AllDirs $dirs
Make-RootPath $root_path
       Transferring files to <default-windows-2012r2>
D      creating hash for directory $env:TEMP\kitchen
D      Populating files
D      === All files added.
D      creating hash for file $env:TEMP\kitchen
D      creating hash for directory $env:TEMP\kitchen
D      Populating files
D      +++ Adding chef_handler/
D      +++ Adding chef_handler/attributes/default.rb
D      +++ Adding chef_handler/files/default/handlers/README
D      +++ Adding chef_handler/libraries/helpers.rb
D      +++ Adding chef_handler/libraries/matchers.rb
D      +++ Adding chef_handler/metadata.json
D      +++ Adding chef_handler/providers/default.rb
D      +++ Adding chef_handler/recipes/default.rb
D      +++ Adding chef_handler/recipes/json_file.rb
D      +++ Adding chef_handler/resources/default.rb
D      +++ Adding myad/
D      +++ Adding myad/attributes/default.rb
D      +++ Adding myad/metadata.json
D      +++ Adding myad/recipes/default.rb
D      +++ Adding myad/recipes/domain.rb
D      +++ Adding myad/recipes/windows_modules.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/
D      +++ Adding windows/attributes/default.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/files/default/handlers/windows_reboot_handler.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/feature_base.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/matchers.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/powershell_helper.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/powershell_out.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/registry_helper.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/version.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/windows_architecture_helper.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/windows_helper.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/windows_package.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/windows_privileged.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/libraries/wmi_helper.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/metadata.json
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/auto_run.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/batch.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/certificate.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/certificate_binding.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/feature_dism.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/feature_powershell.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/feature_servermanagercmd.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/font.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/http_acl.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/pagefile.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/path.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/printer.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/printer_port.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/reboot.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/registry.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/shortcut.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/task.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/providers/zipfile.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/recipes/default.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/recipes/reboot_handler.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/auto_run.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/batch.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/certificate.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/certificate_binding.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/feature.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/font.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/http_acl.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/pagefile.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/path.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/printer.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/printer_port.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/reboot.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/registry.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/shortcut.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/task.rb
D      +++ Adding windows/resources/zipfile.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/libraries/cmd_helper.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/libraries/matchers.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/metadata.json
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/providers/computer.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/providers/contact.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/providers/domain.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/providers/group.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/providers/group_member.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/providers/ou.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/providers/user.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/recipes/contoso.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/recipes/contoso_replica.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/recipes/default.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/resources/computer.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/resources/contact.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/resources/domain.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/resources/group.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/resources/group_member.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/resources/ou.rb
D      +++ Adding windows_ad/resources/user.rb
D      === All files added.
D      creating hash for directory $env:TEMP\kitchen
D      Populating files
D      +++ Adding cheftest/domain.json
D      +++ Adding databag_secret_key
D      === All files added.
D      creating hash for file $env:TEMP\kitchen
D      creating hash for file $env:TEMP\kitchen
D      creating hash for directory $env:TEMP\kitchen
D      Populating files
D      +++ Adding cheftest.json
D      === All files added.
D      creating hash for file $env:TEMP\kitchen
D      Running check_files.ps1
D      @{
D        "76cdb2bad9582d23c1f6f4d868218d6c" = @{
D          "target" = "$env:TEMP\winrm-upload\";
D          "src_basename" = "cache";
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen\cache"
D        };
D        "9936e851303beada925804deb2f2cec9" = @{
D          "target" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen";
D          "src_basename" = "client.rb";
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen"
D        };
D        "d40e5d70904ebc101025921b6be3d83c" = @{
D          "target" = "$env:TEMP\winrm-upload\";
D          "src_basename" = "cookbooks";
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen\cookbooks"
D        };
D        "2d8ff584f6fa690990eb66024023686d" = @{
D          "target" = "$env:TEMP\winrm-upload\";
D          "src_basename" = "data_bags";
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen\data_bags"
D        };
D        "d63dcef19c56e935a952ce485a4ed724" = @{
D          "target" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen";
D          "src_basename" = "dna.json";
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen"
D        };
D        "96d316033c6aa81ccba16dc5d0e6e989" = @{
D          "target" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen";
D          "src_basename" = "encrypted_data_bag_secret";
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen"
D        };
D        "cc2fc782a6892bbd6761637db6313d96" = @{
D          "target" = "$env:TEMP\winrm-upload\";
D          "src_basename" = "environments";
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen\environments"
D        };
D        "49abb94825cb80b9a9cd59e5f76daf4a" = @{
D          "target" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen";
D          "src_basename" = "validation.pem";
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen"
D        }
D      }
D      Parsing CSV Response
D      "chk_exists","src_md5","dst_md5","chk_dirty","verifies","target_is_folder"

D      Uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/ to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-76cdb2bad9582d23c1f6f4d868218d6c.txt
D      Finished uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/ to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-76cdb2bad9582d23c1f6f4d868218d6c.txt (0.028 KB over 1 chunks) in (0m0.12s)
D      Uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/default-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160421-31186-hewo1c/client.rb to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-9936e851303beada925804deb2f2cec9.txt
D      Finished uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/default-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160421-31186-hewo1c/client.rb to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-9936e851303beada925804deb2f2cec9.txt (1.084 KB over 1 chunks) in (0m0.04s)
D      Uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/ to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-d40e5d70904ebc101025921b6be3d83c.txt
D      Finished uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/ to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-d40e5d70904ebc101025921b6be3d83c.txt (171.604 KB over 22 chunks) in (0m0.48s)
D      Uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/ to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-2d8ff584f6fa690990eb66024023686d.txt
D      Finished uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/ to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-2d8ff584f6fa690990eb66024023686d.txt (6.288 KB over 1 chunks) in (0m0.07s)
D      Uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/default-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160421-31186-hewo1c/dna.json to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-d63dcef19c56e935a952ce485a4ed724.txt
D      Finished uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/default-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160421-31186-hewo1c/dna.json to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-d63dcef19c56e935a952ce485a4ed724.txt (0.092 KB over 1 chunks) in (0m0.03s)
D      Uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/default-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160421-31186-hewo1c/encrypted_data_bag_secret to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-96d316033c6aa81ccba16dc5d0e6e989.txt
D      Finished uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/default-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160421-31186-hewo1c/encrypted_data_bag_secret to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-96d316033c6aa81ccba16dc5d0e6e989.txt (7.284 KB over 1 chunks) in (0m0.08s)
D      Uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/ to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-cc2fc782a6892bbd6761637db6313d96.txt
D      Finished uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/ to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-cc2fc782a6892bbd6761637db6313d96.txt (0.388 KB over 1 chunks) in (0m0.08s)
D      Uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/default-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160421-31186-hewo1c/validation.pem to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-49abb94825cb80b9a9cd59e5f76daf4a.txt
D      Finished uploading /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/default-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160421-31186-hewo1c/validation.pem to encoded tmpfile $env:TEMP\b64-49abb94825cb80b9a9cd59e5f76daf4a.txt (2.236 KB over 1 chunks) in (0m0.03s)
D      Running decode_files.ps1
D      @{
D        "$env:TEMP\b64-76cdb2bad9582d23c1f6f4d868218d6c.txt" = @{
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen\cache";
D          "tmpzip" = "$env:TEMP\winrm-upload\"
D        };
D        "$env:TEMP\b64-9936e851303beada925804deb2f2cec9.txt" = @{
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen/client.rb"
D        };
D        "$env:TEMP\b64-d40e5d70904ebc101025921b6be3d83c.txt" = @{
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen\cookbooks";
D          "tmpzip" = "$env:TEMP\winrm-upload\"
D        };
D        "$env:TEMP\b64-2d8ff584f6fa690990eb66024023686d.txt" = @{
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen\data_bags";
D          "tmpzip" = "$env:TEMP\winrm-upload\"
D        };
D        "$env:TEMP\b64-d63dcef19c56e935a952ce485a4ed724.txt" = @{
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen/dna.json"
D        };
D        "$env:TEMP\b64-96d316033c6aa81ccba16dc5d0e6e989.txt" = @{
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen/encrypted_data_bag_secret"
D        };
D        "$env:TEMP\b64-cc2fc782a6892bbd6761637db6313d96.txt" = @{
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen\environments";
D          "tmpzip" = "$env:TEMP\winrm-upload\"
D        };
D        "$env:TEMP\b64-49abb94825cb80b9a9cd59e5f76daf4a.txt" = @{
D          "dst" = "$env:TEMP\kitchen/validation.pem"
D        }
D      }
D      Parsing CSV Response
D      "src_md5","tmpzip","verifies","tmpfile","dst_md5","dst"

D      Cleaned up src_zip /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/
D      Cleaned up src_zip /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/
D      Cleaned up src_zip /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/
D      Cleaned up src_zip /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/
D      Uploaded 8 items dirty_check: (0m2.54s) stream_files: (0m0.93s) decode: (0m3.89s)
D      Transfer complete
D      [WinRM] negotiate::<{:user=>"vagrant", :pass=>"vagrant", :no_ssl_peer_verification=>true, :disable_sspi=>false, :basic_auth_only=>false}> (
$env:PATH = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH","Machine")

& $env:systemdrive\opscode\chef\bin\chef-client.bat --local-mode --config $env:TEMP\kitchen\client.rb --log_level auto --force-formatter --no-color --json-attributes $env:TEMP\kitchen\dna.json --chef-zero-port 8889)
       Starting Chef Client, version 12.9.38
       Creating a new client identity for default-windows-2012r2 using the validator key.
       resolving cookbooks for run list: ["myad::windows_modules", "myad::domain"]
       Synchronizing Cookbooks:
         - myad (0.1.0)
         - windows (1.39.2)
         - windows_ad (0.5.1)
         - chef_handler (1.3.0)
       Installing Cookbook Gems:
       Compiling Cookbooks...
       Converging 27 resources
       Recipe: myad::windows_modules
         * log[@@@@@@@@@@@ MY DOMAIN IS contsco @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] action write

         * log[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PowerShell modules import @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] action write

         * windows_feature[RSAT-AD-PowerShell] action install

         * windows_feature[AD-Domain-Services] action install

         * windows_feature[RSAT-AD-Tools] action install (up to date)
         * windows_feature[RSAT-ADDS] action install

         * windows_feature[RSAT-AD-AdminCenter] action install (up to date)
         * execute[net user "administrator" "Password1!"] action run
           - execute net user "administrator" "Password1!"
       Recipe: myad::domain
         * log[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ build/Join Domain contsco.local @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] action write

         * windows_ad_domain[contsco.local] action create

D      [WinRM] retrying receive request after timeout
         * powershell_script[create_domain_contsco.local] action run
           - execute "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -InputFormat None -File "C:/Users/vagrant/AppData/Local/Temp/chef-script20160421-608-1pcd6xu.ps1"
         * log[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Create groups/OUs based on ENV @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] action write

D      [WinRM] opening new shell since the current one was deleted
D      [WinRM] opening remote shell on
D      [WinRM] remote shell 84323F3E-AA88-462E-9634-D956CFC907B7 is open on
         * windows_ad_ou[APP] action createStarting Chef Client, version 12.9.38
       resolving cookbooks for run list: ["myad::windows_modules", "myad::domain"]
       Synchronizing Cookbooks:
         - windows (1.39.2)
         - windows_ad (0.5.1)
         - chef_handler (1.3.0)
         - myad (0.1.0)
       Installing Cookbook Gems:
       Compiling Cookbooks...
       Converging 27 resources
       Recipe: myad::windows_modules
         * log[@@@@@@@@@@@ MY DOMAIN IS contsco @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] action write

         * log[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PowerShell modules import @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] action write

         * windows_feature[RSAT-AD-PowerShell] action install (up to date)
         * windows_feature[AD-Domain-Services] action install (up to date)
         * windows_feature[RSAT-AD-Tools] action install (up to date)
         * windows_feature[RSAT-ADDS] action install (up to date)
         * windows_feature[RSAT-AD-AdminCenter] action install (up to date)
         * execute[net user "administrator" "Password1!"] action run
           - execute net user "administrator" "Password1!"
       Recipe: myad::domain
         * log[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ build/Join Domain contsco.local @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] action write

         * windows_ad_domain[contsco.local] action create (up to date)
         * log[@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Create groups/OUs based on ENV @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] action write

         * windows_ad_ou[My_Company_Computers] action create

         * log[########## Created OU My_Company_Computers] action write

         * windows_ad_ou[MY_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS] action create

         * log[########## Created OU MY_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS] action write

       Running handlers:
       Running handlers complete

       Deprecated features used!
         Using an LWRP provider by its name (WindowsFeatureDism) directly is no longer supported in Chef 12 and will be removed.  Use, resource, action) instead. at 1 location:
           - C:/Users/vagrant/AppData/Local/Temp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/windows/resources/feature.rb:32:in `initialize'
         Using an LWRP provider by its name (WindowsFeaturePowershell) directly is no longer supported in Chef 12 and will be removed.  Use, resource, action) instead. at 1 location:
           - C:/Users/vagrant/AppData/Local/Temp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/myad/recipes/windows_modules.rb:19:in `block (2 levels) in from_file'

       Chef Client finished, 18/27 resources updated in 51 seconds
$$$$$$ C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/x64-mingw32/ warning: already initialized constant DL::RUBY_FREE
$$$$$$ C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/net-ssh-3.1.1/lib/net/ssh/authentication/pageant.rb:16: warning: previous definition of RUBY_FREE was here
$$$$$$ DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle
D      Cleaning up local sandbox in /var/folders/8y/mm9ws3td7nzf4wxxqj00srrj3tkj7l/T/default-windows-2012r2-sandbox-20160421-31186-hewo1c
       Finished converging <default-windows-2012r2> (8m55.00s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (8m57.35s)
D      [WinRM] closing remote shell DEBE1D30-FEE2-4410-8CB6-1F83A1B00147 on
D      [WinRM] closing remote shell 84323F3E-AA88-462E-9634-D956CFC907B7 on
D      [WinRM] remote shell 84323F3E-AA88-462E-9634-D956CFC907B7 closed

@derekgroh derekgroh mentioned this issue Apr 22, 2016
Copy link

@airom RuboCop errors, addressed with v0.5.3 release #89 #90

Will attempt to get it uploaded to Supermarket later today.

Copy link

airom commented Apr 22, 2016

@derekgroh Thank you!

Copy link

airom commented Apr 26, 2016

@derekgroh I used the cookbook out of the github with the v0.5.3 tag and worked. Thank you again.
Are you planning to upload it to Supermarket?

Copy link

@airom Done, sorry for the delay

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