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Web5 Wallet

Built with React Native and Expo

Application Setup

Note that most things are not installed using Homewbrew. Homebrew is nice for personal projects but doesn't scale well for teams.


  • nvm (installed not using homebrew)
  • rvm (installed not using homebrew)
  • using rvm, install ruby-3.2.2 and select it
  • using nvm, install node v20.9.0 and select it
  • corepack enable turned on
  • watchman (brew install watchman)

Install steps:

  1. Install nvm (if you don't have it)
  2. Install Node v20.9.0 into nvm, select it, and if helpful to you make it the default version
  3. Run corepack enable (if necessary to turn on corepack for this node version if you haven't already turned it on)
  4. Run corepack install to install yarn pkg manager
  5. Run yarn to install node_modules
  6. Install rvm (if you don't have it)
  7. Install ruby-3.2.2 into rvm, select it, and if helpful to you make it the default version
  8. cd ios and bundle install
  9. cd android and bundle install
  10. In the root folder run yarn pods to install pods
  11. Install XCode with the latest SDK if necessary
  12. Install Android Studio with the latest SDK if necessary

The project should now be ready to run.

To Run iOS: Inside the ios folder, open the .xcworkspace and run the build. To Run Android: Open the android folder in Android Studio and run the build.

Using the debugger

The application can be debugged through VSCode

  1. Download the Expo Tools VSCode Extension.

  2. Use the "Run and Debug" menu in VSCode to run the script "Debug Expo App."

  3. Fire up a simulator so that the session attaches to the debugger.

  4. Set your breakpoints as needed.

    Caution: Reused breakpoints don't work. Make sure to clear breakpoints in between sessions.

Troubleshooting install

  • which yarn should be /Users/{USER}/.yarn/bin/yarn

  • which rvm should be /Users/{USER}/.rvm/bin/rvm

  • which node should be /Users/{USER}/.nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/bin/node

  • which npm should be /Users/{USER}/.nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/bin/npm

  • nvm list should include -> v20.9.0

  • rvm list should include =* ruby-3.2.2 [ arm64 ]

Further troubleshooting install

  • Run npx expo-env-info@latest and send that info to a maintainer or post it in an issue