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Releases: TCA166/CK3-history-extractor


29 May 23:16
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Timelapse update

Apart from minor fixes and improvements the main feature of this release is the introduction of timelapses.
Now based on fragmentary data from the save file your playthrough progress will be visualised in the form of a gif, assuming you provide the game path of course.
It is in no way perfect, but lack of data keeps my hands tied in that regard.
Full 2.0 release notes here

Full Changelog: v2.1...v2.2


25 May 16:06
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v2 fix 1

Implemented some minor bug fixes and quality of life improvement based on suggestions from users.
For a more detailed description of v2 release go here

Full Changelog: v2...v2.1


24 May 22:46
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Rust rewrite release

I have rewritten the entirety of the original script in Rust, bringing speed, stability and accuracy improvements alongside brand new features!
I will list here all the main changes, but if you aren't interested in that just download the executable version attached to this release that applies to your system and go on your way. The guide on how to use the tool is in the README.

New features

Apart from having ported the entirety of the old feature set, this rewrite brings with it the addition of graphs to the output. Now most pages have their own graphic that aims to help you visualise the game world better, Titles have rendered maps of the de facto extent of each title, characters and faiths display graphs of deaths through time, which allows us to visualise the rise and decline of a culture or faith and the savefile itself has a timeline page with a cool graphic that visualises the lifespans of empires and notable events like holy wars and great conquests. While I might not be able to render portaits I am damn well making sure there are things to look at.

Speed improvements

The old Python script was painfully slow. Now thanks to a better parsing approach and a transition to a faster language the program works surprisingly fast. The old Python script took about 5 mins to go through a file and generate all the html. The Rust version takes about 30 seconds to do the same, but with more characters and graphics in each page. Staggering improvement to say the list. Disabling graphic rendering brings that time down to just 8 seconds on my machine.


I will continue working on this I think. Still plenty of things to improve, fix and implement. I am sure pdx will add new features worth visualising and I still got some ideas for cool graphs.

Full Changelog: v2-pre...v2


16 May 22:06
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V2-pre Pre-release

This is the early version of the rust port of the old Python script.
It works, and is blazing fast compared to the Python version, probably has fewer bugs too!
It's just that it still has a few bugs that need to be squashed, mostly with localization and game data retrieval.
Also haven't done a general review meaning code quality speed and maintainability can still be improved.
But already this is better than the Python version so feel free to use.
Download the exe if you are using Windows.
Read the README on usage notes.

Legacy Python Version

28 Apr 10:14
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Old version in Python

This is the legacy version of the tool written in Python in mid 2023, so before the release of "Legacy of Persia". Doesn't support many of the game's features is fairly slow and has plenty of bugs. Currently I'm rewriting the tool in Rust which will be faster, more reliable and support more features but if you want to use this version feel free to do so. Read the README though to get info on installation and requirements alongside configuration notes.

How to install

  1. Download the .zip of this release using the button below
  2. Unzip the code
  3. Ensure you have python 3 installed
  4. Ensure your ck3 savefile is unencrypted (ironman save files are encrypted)
  5. If your savegame is compressed (by default it is):
    1. Unzip your ck3 file as if it was an archive and get the gamestate file inside
    2. Add ".ck3" to your gamestate file - this is your actual savefile
  6. Prepare your save file in the same directory as
  7. Make sure the template html files are in the same directory as
  8. Make sure the lookup file is in the same directory as
  9. Run in the src directory
  10. Follow the prompts

I have encountered an issue, help!

Try looking in the README file for solutions, if that doesn't work then tough luck.
You can try patching the issue yourself and making a pull request, but I will not be developing this version any further