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Project & Community

Ryan Beasley edited this page May 8, 2015 · 49 revisions

The SPDX Eclipse Plugin team is proud to work with the open source community to deliver a plugin that simplifies the process of finding licensing and copyright information in software files.

How to Contribute --

In order for you to make intellectual property contributions now or in the future to the SPDX Eclipse Plugin, you must agree to and sign our Contributor License Agreement ("CLA"). Once completed, it must be emailed to Once you have submitted your CLI to, please allow up to 5 business days for the SPDX Eclipse Plugin administrators to approve or deny it, via email. If you have any questions about this agreement, licensing, or anything related to intellectual property for the SPDX Eclipse Plugin, please send an email to

If your CLI has been approved, you may begin working on current issues and submit pull requests for the SPDX Eclipse Plugin.

Thank you for your interest in improving and also contributing to the SPDX Eclipse Plugin.

Current Project Administrators

Current Project Contributors

  • None

Configure Development Environment --

In order to contribute to the SPDX Eclipse Plugin your development machine must be running one of the following Distros:

Debian 6.0 "Squeeze"/7.0 'Wheezy"
Ubuntu 12.04/12.10/13.04/13.10/14.04
Fedora 18/19/20

  Install Prerequisite Software     Setup Development Environment  

To simplify the configuration process, please install or ensure the following applications/services have been installed on your in the local development environment by stepping through the listed command(s) or bulleted instructions:

#### Java Development Kit (JDK) -- Version 1.8 The JDK provides a full featured environment for developing and deploying java code using a Java Standard Edition (JavaSE) platform, which includes a Java run-time environment (JRE). To install the JDK follow the instructions below: > Download the Java Platform (JDK) 8u40 `.tar.gz` archive binary from the [Java SE Downloads]( webpage onto your local machine.

Then change directory to the location where you would like the JDK to be installed and move the .tar.gz archive binary to that current directory.

Once placed in the desired location, run the following command to unpack the tarball and install the JDK:

  • tar zxvf jdk-8u40-linux-x64.tar.gz

  • For more information on the JavaSE version 8, visit the Java Platform Standard Edition 8 Documentation webpages.

  • After installing, remember to remove the original .tar.gz file to save on disk space.

Apache Web Server

To utilize FOSSology through it's web UI you will need to have a web server application installed and listening on localhost, port 80. See the Apache download webpage for further installation information.

  • sudo apt-get install apache2

Postgresql Database

The SPDX Eclipse Plugin (and FOSSology in general) utilizes a relational database for accessing, storing and updating scanned licensing information. See the Postgresql install guides for further information.

  • sudo apt-get install postgresql


DoSOCS utilizes a MySQL relational database for caching recently scanned SPDX documents. This functionality significantly improves the efficiency and performance of scanning numerous and/or large files. To install and configure an instance of MySQL, execute the following set of commands:

  • sudo apt-get install mysql-sever-5.6

    • During the install, you should be prompted to set the password for root and it's highly recommended that you take this chance to do so. After the install is finished, verify you can log in to the MySQL database by running the next command
  • mysql -u root -p

    • This will prompt you for root's password and should log you in successfully. Log out with \q and run the next command to ensure the MySQLdb module is installed
  • sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb

Perl Text::Template

FOSSology uses perl's text template capabilities to consistently format documents used for licensing information processing and output. Install perl's text template by following the commands below:

  • sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
  • cpan[1]> install Text::Template
    • To exit the CPAN shell type 'q' or 'quit' and press enter

A Text Editor

A text editor will be needed to modify configuration files during the installation process. Using other text editors besides vim is permitted as this should not affect the FOSSology+SPDX Eclipse Plugin install.

  • sudo apt-get install vim


To ensure that you will be able to properly install the DoSOCS application, please run the following command to install git:

  • sudo apt-get install git

Python v2.7

To install python2.7 run the following command:

  • sudo apt-get install python2.7


To install a local instance of FOSSology application, locate and click on the 'Install/Upgrade' link corresponding to the 'Distro/Version' running on your machine at the FOSSology 2.6 installation webpage, and follow the directions listed.

  • For additional information on FOSSology installation and configuration visit the FOSSology Wiki.


Download and install the DoSOCS Application by performing the steps outlined in the Installation section of the file, located within the DoSOCS Github repository.

To setup your local development environment, please open Eclipse and perform the following steps:

Step #1

Select File and then click Import.

Step #1

Step #2

Open the Git folder, select the Projects from Git option, and click next.

Step #2

Step #3

Select the Clone URI option and click next.

Step #3

Step #4

Enter the following information into their respective sections:

Repository Path: /TCF-30/SPDX_Eclipse_Plugin.git

Protocol: https

User: Your Github Username
Password: Your Github Password

Once this information is filled in, click next.

Step #4

Step #5

Check all checkboxes which reference particular branches for the repository and click next.

Step #5

Step #6

Enter the following information into their respective sections:

Directory: Specify a directory for the SPDX Eclipse plugin source.
Initial Branch: dev

Remote Name: Specify a random remote name which will be used to call Git commands (irrelevant for configuration)

Once this information is filled in, click next.

Step #6

Step #7

Wait for the repository branches to be downloaded locally to the specified location.

Step #7

Step #8

Select Import Existing Projects option under Wizard for project import section and click next.

Step #8

Step #9

Please select all of the checkboxes under the Projects section and click finish.

Step #9

Step #10

Two individual code projects should not appear in the Project Explorer window.

Step #10

Step #11

Select File and then select Switch Workspace and click option.

Step #11

Step #12

Click browse and select the directory where the SPDX Eclipse Plugin source is downloaded. Finally, select the checkbox for Working Sets and then click OK. Your local development environment is now configured.

Step #12