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Tea Reader: an eBook reader for Firefox OS

Tea Reader makes it very easy for everyone to read eBooks, online or offline. ANY ebook in epub format can be read (v2 & v3), and only DRM-free books are supported for now. Once you downloaded/imported an eBook, you can read it anywhere, anytime, on- or offline, with or without coffee.


  • Get the code : git clone --recursive
  • Install node.js modules: npm install
  • Install readium node.js modules: cd readium-js/; npm install
  • Install gulp, bower and grunt:
    • npm install -g gulp
    • npm install -g bower
    • npm install -g grunt
  • Download js modules: bower install

How to build the app?


  1. Build readium: gulp readium
  2. Build the app: gulp build

Build options

  • tasks:
    • default: build app with local env, no debug and open default browser
    • build: build app with local env by default
    • debug: build app with local env, debug activated and --nobrowser
    • tests: run mocha/chai tests
  • args:
    • --debug: sources are not minified and livereload server activated
    • --env: local / demo / prod (includes ./app/conf/{env}.js)
    • --nobrowser: prevent from opening browser at the end of the build

Deploy and run the app

On a Firefox OS device with WebIDE

  • Run the server: node server/server.js
  • Plug your device to your computer
  • Open WebIDE in Firefox
  • Click on Project > Open Packaged App…
  • Select the dist directory in your local copy of the github project
  • Click on Select Runtime (in WebIDE, top right corner) and choose your device
  • Click on the Play button

On a Firefox OS device with gulp

  • Activate the Developer menu on your phone (Settings > Device information > More information > Developer Menu checkbox)
  • Set the Debugging via USB to ADB and DevTools (Settings > Developer)
  • Run gulp push and voilà!
  • If you want to get rid of the debugging prompt, you need to root your phone first:
    • Go to WebIDE > Runtime > Runtime Info and click on the link to get higher DevTools privileges
    • Then go to Runtime > Device Preferences and uncheck devtools.debugger.prompt-connection (you may need to root your phone)

On the Firefox OS simulator

  • Run the server: node server/server.js
  • Open WebIDE in Firefox
  • Click on Select Runtime (in WebIDE, top right corner) and choose your device
  • Click on Install Simulator and install the Firefox OS 2.0 Simulator (stable) simulator
  • Once installed, close this window
  • Select the simulator you just installed
  • Then click on Project > Open Packaged App…
  • Select the dist directory in your local copy of the github project
  • Click on the Play button

With Chrome

  • Run the server: node server/server.js
  • Edit your local IP in the following file: app/conf/local.js
  • Run the following gulp command: gulp --debug
  • Open the dev tools and toggle the device mode and select the Google Nexus 4 for example
  • Refresh the page to update the app screen rendering

How to contribute?

Please read the Contributing guide.