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This package is the base for creating CSS frameworks (e.g. Twitter Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation, etc.) to be used with Diazo. They are useful for creating themes based on CSS frameworks. A Diazo framework should provide the framework resources and diazo rules to reuse and add to in a Diazo theme.

How to setup a Diazo Framework

A framework package is set up as follows:

  I tend to use paster to create the package scaffolding.
  _ diazoframework
    _ name
      _ framework  
        This folder is registered through configure.zcml
        as the framework and will be traversable through 
        _ resources  
          The resources are the files you get in the framework
          zip you download. In my opinion it is best to change
          as little as possible for future upgrading of 
          the files. All changes you make here you will also 
          have to make in future versions of the framework.
        _ rules
          CSS frameworks generally work by delivering styles
          and functionality for specific html structures.  
          The rules folder contains diazo rule snippets, that 
          mold the plone html into blocks the framework 
          expects. These rules are often a little more complex
          than the regular put my content div in that theme div
          and remold the html in a generic way.  
          The rules files can be included through XIncludes 
          into a diazotheme.
        _ preview.png
          I like to provide a generic thumbnail for the theme
    _ configure.zcml
    _ version.txt
_ docs
  _ HISTORY.txt
  _ INSTALL.txt
  _ LICENSE.txt

This is not your typical framework package

This package is the parent of all frameworks and provides rules and resources that are practical to use in other frameworks as well as themes.


_ classic
  Provides the resources from *plonetheme.classic*.
_ css
  _ decogrids-12.css
  _ decogrids-16.css
  _ respond.css
_ favicon
_ img
  Plone icons and logo's to restructure *portal-logo*.
_ js
  _ respond.min.js
_ rules
  _ head
    _ base.xml
    _ css.xml
    _ icons.xml
    _ ie-classes.xml
    _ js.xml
  _ icon
    _ black-128.xml
    _ black-192.xml
    _ black-256.xml
    _ black-32.xml
    _ black-40.xml
    _ black-48.xml
    _ black-56.xml
    _ black-64.xml
    _ blue-128.xml
    _ blue-192.xml
    _ blue-256.xml
    _ blue-32.xml
    _ blue-40.xml
    _ blue-48.xml
    _ blue-56.xml
    _ blue-64.xml
    _ default-128.xml
    _ default-192.xml
    _ default-256.xml
    _ default-32.xml
    _ default-40.xml
    _ default-48.xml
    _ default-56.xml
    _ default-64.xml
    _ white-128.xml
    _ white-192.xml
    _ white-256.xml
    _ white-32.xml
    _ white-40.xml
    _ white-48.xml
    _ white-56.xml
    _ white-64.xml
  _ logo
    _ black-128.xml
    _ black-192.xml
    _ black-256.xml
    _ black-32.xml
    _ black-40.xml
    _ black-48.xml
    _ black-56.xml
    _ black-64.xml
    _ blue-128.xml
    _ blue-192.xml
    _ blue-256.xml
    _ blue-32.xml
    _ blue-40.xml
    _ blue-48.xml
    _ blue-56.xml
    _ blue-64.xml
    _ default-128.xml
    _ default-192.xml
    _ default-256.xml
    _ default-32.xml
    _ default-40.xml
    _ default-48.xml
    _ default-56.xml
    _ default-64.xml
    _ white-128.xml
    _ white-192.xml
    _ white-256.xml
    _ white-32.xml
    _ white-40.xml
    _ white-48.xml
    _ white-56.xml
    _ white-64.xml
  _ utility
    _ clean.xml
    _ responsify.xml
    _ structures.xml
    _ toolbar.xml
_ sunburst
  Provides the resources from *plonetheme.sunburst*.
_ index.html
  An empty html file to fill. It contains a 
  `<html>`, `<head>`, `<title>` and `<body>`,
  nothing more.

Examples of typical frameworks and themes

For a typical diazoframework check diazoframework.amazium, with typical diazotheme diazotheme.amazium

A theme that leans towards the complex is diazoframework.bootstrap with diazotheme.bootstrap. You can then see the power of childthemes at work in diazotheme.bootswatch.

Current frameworks

Current themes


Base Diazo Framework for Plone






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