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ZhihuRec Dataset

Note: We cleaned and republished the dataset because we found some errors in the original dataset.

ZhihuRec dataset is constructed by the Information Retrieval group of Tsinghua Unversity (THUIR) and Zhihu company, and it is for research purposes only.

ZhihuRec dataset is collected from a knowledge-sharing platform (Zhihu), which is composed of around 100M interactions collected within 10 days, 798K users, 165K questions, 554K answers, 240K authors, 70K topics, and more than 501K user query logs. There are also descriptions of users, answers, questions, authors, and topics, which are anonymous. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest real-world interaction dataset for personalized recommendation.

As the ZhihuRec dataset contains about 100M user-answer impression logs, it is also called ZhihuRec-100M. Two smaller datasets randomly sampled from ZhihuRec-100M dataset called ZhihuRec-20M and ZhihuRec-1M are also constructed to facilitate various application requirements. They contain about 20M and 1M user-answer impression logs and can be viewed as a medium-size dataset and a relatively small-size dataset.

Files in the dataset

Filename Size Description
inter_impression.csv 2.6GB user clicks and impressions
inter_query.csv 111MB user queries
info_user.csv 135MB the features of the users occured in the dataset
info_answer.csv 917MB the features of the answers occured in the dataset
info_question.csv 14MB the features of the questions occured in the dataset
info_author.csv 3.1MB the features of the authors occured in the dataset
info_topic.csv 413KB the IDs of the topics occured in the dataset
info_token.csv 409MB the features of the tokens occured in the dataset

Statistics of the dataset

Dataset ZhihuRec-100M ZhihuRec-20M ZhihuRec-1M
#impressions * 99,978,523 19,999,857 999,970
#clicks 26,981,583 5,402,345 268,656
#clicks : #non-clicks 1 : 2.71 1 : 2.70 1 : 2.72
#queries * 3,899,553 776,201 38,422
#users * 798,086 159,642 7,974
avg #impressions per user 125.27 125.28 125.40
avg #clicks per user 33.81 33.84 33.69
#users with queries 501,893 100,271 5,047
avg #queries per user 7.77 7.74 7.61
#answers * 554,976 343,103 81,563
#questions * 165,012 104,130 29,340
#authors * 240,956 167,796 47,888
#topics * 72,318 54,785 22,897
#tokens * 556,546 428,334 249,586

* The two smaller datasets can be generated by taking the top $N$ lines in the eight files.

Fields in the dataset

Some fields in the data set are null, which are represented by empty strings in the file.


Index Nullable Description
0 user ID
1 answer ID
2 impression timestamp
3 click timestamp (0 for non-click)


Index Nullable Description
0 user ID
1 token IDs in the query (separated by spaces)
2 query timestamp


Index Nullable Description
0 user ID
1 register timestamp
2 gender
3 login frequency
4 #followers
5 #topics followed by this user
6 #questions followed by this user
7 #answers
8 #questions
9 #comments
10 #thanks received by this user
11 #comments received by this user
12 #likes received by this user
13 #dislikes received by this user
14 register type
15 register platform
16 from android or not
17 from iphone or not
18 from ipad or not
19 from pc or not
20 from mobile web or not
21 device model
22 device brand
23 platform
24 province
25 city
26 $\sqrt{}$ topic IDs followed by this user (separated by spaces)


Index Nullable Description
0 answer ID
1 $\sqrt{}$ question ID
2 anonymous or not
3 $\sqrt{}$ author ID (null for anonymous)
4 labeled high-value answer or not
5 recommended by the editor or not
6 create timestamp
7 contain pictures or not
8 contain videos or not
9 #thanks
10 #likes
11 #comments
12 #collections
13 #dislikes
14 #reports
15 #helpless
16 $\sqrt{}$ token IDs in the answer (separated by spaces)
17 $\sqrt{}$ topic IDs of the answer (separated by spaces)


Index Nullable Description
0 question ID
1 create timestamp
2 #answers
3 #followers
4 #invitations
5 #comments
6 $\sqrt{}$ token IDs in the question (separated by spaces)
7 $\sqrt{}$ topic IDs of the queation (separated by spaces)


Index Nullable Description
0 author ID
1 is excellent author or not
2 #followers
3 is excellent answerer or not


Index Nullable Description
0 topic ID


Index Nullable Description
0 token ID *
1 word vector trained by word2vec (64 dimensions, separated by spaces)

* ZhihuRec can't provide the corresponding text of tokens for privacy reasons. Researchers can use word vectors in the dataset or train word vectors from scratch.


ZhihuRec dataset can be downloaded from here, and it is for the paper:

Bin Hao, Min Zhang, Weizhi Ma, Shaoyun Shi, Xinxing Yu, Houzhi Shan, Yiqun Liu and Shaoping Ma, 2021, A Large-Scale Rich Context Query and Recommendation Dataset in Online Knowledge-Sharing. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.06467.

please cite the paper if you use this dataset:

@misc{hao2021largescale, title={A Large-Scale Rich Context Query and Recommendation Dataset in Online Knowledge-Sharing}, author={Bin Hao and Min Zhang and Weizhi Ma and Shaoyun Shi and Xinxing Yu and Houzhi Shan and Yiqun Liu and Shaoping Ma}, year={2021}, eprint={2106.06467}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.IR} }


This dataset is for research use only. If you have any problem about this work or dataset, please contact with Bin Hao at


No description, website, or topics provided.






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