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Command Line Interface for TIBCO Cloud Platform Capabilities


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TIBCO Cloud™ CLI will help you to quickly interact with TIBCO Cloud™ capabilities and manage its resources from your machine. It will also help you to automate your tasks, manage local dev environments or can be a part of CI/CD pipeline.

This CLI can be extended by creating plugins. Checkout plugins developed by TIBCO - Plugins Developed.
You can also create custom CLI plugins for your use cases. For more details on developing plugins, see Developers section of the documentation.

Table of Contents

  1. Installing the CLI
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Install via command
    3. Install manually
    4. Proxy settings
    5. Verify installation
  2. Updating the CLI
  3. Uninstalling the CLI
  4. Command format
  5. Configuring the CLI
  6. Plugins
  7. Plugin configurations
  8. Common command flags
  9. Developers
  10. Known issues
  11. Issues
  12. License

Installing the CLI


Should have libsecret installed for linux based machines. If not, use below commands -

  • Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libsecret-1-dev
  • Red Hat-based: sudo yum install libsecret-devel
  • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S libsecret

NOTE: You don't need above if you are not using profiles feature and just going to set the token as a environment variable or pass it via flag.

Install via command

For Linux and macOS, run below command on your terminal

curl -sL | bash

For Windows, run below command on your Windows powershell

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Install manually

CLI is distributed using tarballs. Below are the builds of the tarball:

OS Build
macOS tibco-cli-mac-x64.tar.gz
Linux tibco-cli-linux-x64.tar.gz

For linux and macOS

  • Download archive from below link

    curl{build name from the above table} -fsSL -O
  • Create a directory to keep installed CLI

    mkdir ~/tibco-cli
  • Extract tar package to the created folder

    tar -xf <build file name> -C ~/tibco-cli --strip-components 1
  • Set up envrionment variables for current terminal session

    export PATH=~/tibco-cli/bin:$PATH

    If you want to set environment variables permanently, find which shell is getting used

    echo $SHELL


    ps -p $$

    As per your shell add these lines in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file


For windows

  • Download archive from above download table or using curl
  • Extract the archive
  • Set path variable to extracted folder's bin folder in environment variables This can be done by navigating to This PC -> Right click -> properties -> Adv System Settings -> Environment variables
    setx /M PATH "%PATH%;<CLI's bin folder's path>"

NOTE: You can use same above steps in case you want to update the CLI manually Or to update it with the specific version.


In case your machine is behind proxy. Set proxy in environment variables

export http_proxy="http://PROXY_SERVER:PORT"
export https_proxy="https://PROXY_SERVER:PORT"

Verify installation

Try to run following command in your terminal

tibco --version

Updating the CLI

  • If you have installed CLI via the command mentioned above, then use same installation command to update the CLI.
  • If you have installed CLI manually, then just download the latest CLI tarball and extract it to the same location (replace) where currently CLI resides.
  • Updating the CLI won’t uninstall your plugins.

Uninstalling the CLI

For MacOS and Linux

tibco clean-all -—confirm
rm -rf ~/tibco-cli     # delete the folder where the main CLI is installed. use `which tibco` to find where it resides.

For Windows

tibco clean-all --confirm
rmdir /s/q %LOCALAPPDATA%\tibco-cli

Command format

Commands can have either of the below formats

tibco <topic>:<command>  [flags] <args>
tibco <topic>:<command>   <args> [flags]
tibco <topic>:<sub-topic>:<command> [flags] <args>

For E.g:

tibco asyncapi:transform --to flogo --from ./myasyncapi.yml

Commands that interact with the same resources/assets are grouped together under a group name. Such groups are called topics.
For E.g: config is a topic(group) that manages all CRUD operations on a config file.

tibco config:set
tibco config:add
tibco config:get

Topics can have sub topics too.
E.g: On our TCI platform we have the capability of running Flogo apps or BusinessWork apps. Commands can be grouped together for each capabilities.

tibco tci:bw:do-something
tibco tci:flogo:add-trigger

Here tci is a topic, flogo is a subtopic and add-trigger is a command.


For long flags use --
For short flags use -
Flags can be mentioned in multiple ways:

tibco apps:create --name myNodeJsAPP
tibco apps:create --name=myNodeJsAPP
tibco apps:create -n myNodeJsAPP
tibco apps:create -n=myNodeJsAPP --force

NOTE: Values (true | false) should not be passed when flags are boolean. Parser will consider that true | false as command arguements.

Configuring the CLI

You can set up the CLI in either of the below ways to interact with the TIBCO Cloud:

  1. Set up the enivronment variable
  2. Pass the token and region flag to the command
  3. Configure and use CLI profiles

Setting up the environment variable

Set the token and region of the TIBCO Cloud as a environment variable before running the CLI commands.
For region - TIBCO_REGION

Token and region flags

Use --token and --flags while running every CLI commands.

Note Try to avoid this approach since passing the token flag on the terminal will save the token on the terminal's session history.

Configure and use CLI profiles

Run the below command that will walk you through the authentication process of the TIBCO Cloud and will generate default CLI profile.

tibco profiles:initialize

Profile is a set of configurations grouped together. Currently org and region of the TIBCO Cloud are grouped together under a profile.This help commands to identify where to interact in the TIBCO Cloud.

Whenever command is executed, it will pick up the configuration(org & region) based on the profile mentioned in the command. If profile is not mentioned then it will fallback to the default profile. Profiles can be mentioned as a command flag. For e.g.: tibco tcam:list-apis --profile eu-user

You can add multiple profiles for different orgs and region using below command

tibco profiles:add

Below are the list of commands to manage profiles in the CLI -

NOTE: Profiles are expired if not used in 14 days. If profile is expired, delete it and create new profile with same name.


This CLI has a plugin-based architecture, that can be extended by creating plugins.
Below are the commands for managing plugins:

Plugins developed

Name Description
cli-plugin-tcapim Plugin to create and manage TIBCO Cloud™ API Management applications.
cli-plugin-tcam Plugin to provide you the ability to run basic commands for TIBCO Cloud API Modeler features.
cli-plugin-asyncapi Plugin to transform your AsyncAPI spec(2.1.0) into sample flogo template.
cli-plugin-tci-flogo Plugin to help you to perform the Flogo® specific tasks.

Plugin configurations

Some plugins and topics might also need persistent configurations. These configurations are maintained in tibco-cli-config.ini file.
Every section and subsection of ini file represents configurations for topics and subtopics of the plugin respectively. Topics are set of commands grouped together in the plugin.
E.g.: suppose we have a plugin for TIBCO Cloud Integration and it has three topics flogo, nodejs and businessworks tibco tci:flogo:<command>
tibco tci:bw:<command>
tibco tci:node:<command>

Then tibco-cli-config.ini should look like below

property=value # some tci level properties and values that may/ may not apply to flogo and bw

[tci.flogo] # subsection to maintain properties for flogo based commands

[] # subsection to maintain properties for bw based commands

[tci.node] # subsection to maintain properties for bw based commands

[tcam] # section to maintain properties for tcam topic of tcam plugin

Files hierarchy

tibco-cli-config.ini can be at local and global level.
Properties of local config file has a higher precendence over a global config file properties.
Command will pick local config file by default if it is present in your current working directory with name as tibco-cli-config.ini.
You can also store local config file with different name and at different location.Then you can pass config file as a flag --config $HOME/downloads/myconfig.ini to the command.
Local config file can be helpful in case any developer wants to share cli config file along with their project code.

Below are the list of commands to manage plugin configurations in the CLI -


Confidential data like tokens, refresh tokens and client secret are stored at:

  • Keychain for macOS
  • Credential vault for Windows
  • Libsecret for Linux

Common command flags

Common flags are availabe to most of the commands of CLI.
They may be disabled for specific commands.


Use profile to quickly switch your configurations (Org or region). If no profile mentioned then default profile is considered.
For E.g.:

tibco tci:show-apps --profile eu-user


Pass the token flag to the command which interacts with TIBCO Cloud. This is alternative way to the profiles.
For E.g.:

tibco tci:show-apps --token CIC~asdfqwerty  --region eu


Specify the region of the TIBCO Cloud. Use this flag along with the token flag.
Possible values are us, eu and au.
For E.g.:

tibco tci:show-apps --token CIC~asdfqwerty --region eu


Path to the local config file if your cwd is not having tibco-cli-config.ini
For E.g.:

tibco asyncapi:transform --config $HOME/desktop/myconfig.ini


Disable warnings from command outputs.
For E.g.:

tibco asyncapi:transform --to flogo from ./spec.yml --no-warnings


See all flags and arguments for the corresponding command.
For E.g.:

tibco asyncapi:transform --help


  • To create a CLI plugin checkout, since this CLI is based on oclif framework.
  • Build Plugins on TIBCO Cloud CLI will guide you to develop your first sample plugin.
  • You will also need a cli-core package to get some features and utilities OOTB (it’s a must dependency).

Known issues

For macOS


In case you get any of these below errors while running command tibco profiles:initialize


  1. Navigate to the path Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General.
  2. Click on Allow anyway button.


In case you find any issue, raise it here via the "Issues" tab of this GitHub repository.
