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Simple Docker Enabler used with TIBCO Silver Fabric to manage Docker Containers

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Simple Docker Enabler User Guide


Simple Docker Enabler is used in conjunction with TIBCO Silver Fabric to manage a related set of Docker containers.

This Silver Fabric Enabler uses Docker CLI, Docker Remote API and TIBCO Silver Fabric Jython Scripting API. This Enabler was developed using Docker version 1.9.0 and Silver Fabric Scripting API version 5.7.1. However, it is expected to work with other earlier or later compatible versions of Docker CLI, Remote API and Silver Fabric. It has been tested with Docker version 1.10.1.

This Enabler is compatible with Docker Compose and Docker Swarm.

Building the Enabler

This Enabler project builds a Silver Fabric Enabler Grid Library. The Enabler Grid Library can be built using Maven. The Grid Library file is created under target directory created by Maven.

Installing the Enabler

Installation of the Simple Docker Enabler is done by copying the Simple Docker Enabler Grid Library from the target project folder to the SF_HOME/webapps/livecluster/deploy/resources/gridlib folder on the Silver Fabric Broker.

Enabling Docker on the Silver Fabric Engine host

Silver Fabric Engine host needs to be Docker enabled before it can run Silver Fabric Components that use this Enabler. The main steps for Docker enabling a Silver Fabric Engine host are as follows:

  1. Install Docker 1.9.0 or later runtime on Silver Fabric Engine host
  2. Configure Password-less sudo or non-root Docker access for the OS user running Silver Fabric Engine so the OS user running Silver Fabric Engine is able to run Docker CLI commands without password prompting:
    • If sudo is not required, the password-less requirement still holds
  3. Configure Docker Remote API to run on a TCP port
  4. Configure Docker Daemon storage-driver Option
  5. Configure Docker Daemon selinux-enabled Option
    • Configure Docker dameon selinux-enabled appropriately. During the development and testing of this Enabler, --selinux-enabled=false options was used.
    • See Docker and SELinux for additional information

After you have completed the steps noted above, restart Silver Fabric Engine Daemon so that it will register the host with Silver Fabric Broker as Docker Enabled. It is recommended that you setup and enable systemd services for Silver Fabric Engine Daemon and Docker Daemon so both these services automatically startup when the host operating system is booted up.

Configuring Main Docker Daemon on the Silver Fabric Engine host

Create a file /etc/sysconfig/docker and specify Docker OPTIONS in this file.

Note the name of the default bridge in the Docker OPTIONS is set to sfdocker0 and not docker0. The reason for this is that the default docker0 name interferes with Silver Fabric Engine Daemon startup, which, by default, is configured to use the first network interface available in the alphabetical order. To avoid this interference, one solution is to create a network bridge named sfdocker0 using following commands (tested on Centos 7):

  • sudo brctl addbr sfdocker0
  • sudo ip addr add dev sfdocker0
  • sudo ip link set dev sfdocker0 up

To make this bridge persistent on reboot, create a file named [/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-sfdocker0] (scripts/ifcfg-sfdocker0)

In /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service file add /etc/sysconfig/docker as the EnviornmentFile. Enable Main Docker daemon service using the command shown below:

  • sudo systemctl enable docker.service

Docker Container Feature Support

This Docker Enabler does not restrict any native Docker container features, except that the Docker containers must be run in detached mode.

Configuring Silver Fabric Engine Resource Preference

Since not all Silver Fabric Engine hosts managed by a single Silver Fabric Broker may be Docker enabled, a Resource Preference rule using Docker Enabled engine property must be configured in any Silver Fabric Component using this Enabler. This enables Silver Fabric Broker to allocate Components that are based on this Enabler exclusively to Docker enabled hosts. Failure to use the suggested Resource Preference rule may result in the Components to be allocated to hosts that are not Docker enabled, resulting in Silver Fabric Component activation failure. In addition, you may optionally use the Docker VersionInfo engine property to select Docker enabled hosts with a specific Docker version.

Pulling Docker Images from a Docker Registry

If the value of the DOCKER_IMAGE variable points to a Docker repository:tag image, the relevant image is pulled down to the Docker enabled host. This assumes there is appropriate network and security configuration in place on the Docker enabled host such that the image can be pulled down from the specified Docker registry given by the value of the runtime context variable DOCKER_REGISTRY. If no Docker registry is specified, default Docker Hub registry is used by the Enabler.

Building Docker Images

If the specified DOCKER_IMAGE runtime context variable points to an image that does not exist in the specified Docker registry, and if DOCKER_CONTEXT variable points to a folder containing a Dockerfile and other optional Docker context files, a new Docker image is built locally on the Docker enabled host and is tagged with the value specified in the DOCKER_IMAGE variable.

Silver Fabric Enabler Features

This Enabler supports following Silver Fabric Enabler features:

  • HTTP Support
  • Application Logging Support
  • Component Notification Support
  • Archive Management Support

The Enabler currently does not implement any of the methods required for archive management. It is assumed that the application archives are managed directly through appropriate in the image or are managed by using a Dockerfile.

If needed, archive management can be implemented using Component Scripting methods inside a Component Jython script.

Silver Fabric Enabler Statistics

Components using this Enabler can track following Docker container statistics:

Docker Container Statistic Description
Docker CPU Usage % Docker CPU usage percentage
Docker Memory Usage % Docker memory usage percentage
Docker Memory Usage (MB) Docker memory usage (MB)
Docker Memory Limit (MB) Docker Memory Limit (MB)
Docker Network Input (MB) Docker network input (MB)
Docker Network Output (MB) Docker network output (MB)
Docker Block Output (MB) Docker block device output (MB)
Docker Block Input (MB) Docker block device input (MB)

If a Component using this Enabler specifies multiple Docker containers, the Enabler statistics contain a sum of the statistics from all the managed Docker containers.

Docker Container Logs

Docker container logs are periodically retrieved and written to the file path specified by the Runtime Context variable DOCKER_CONTAINER_LOGS.

Silver Fabric Runtime Context Variables

This Enabler supports two mutually exclusive approaches for specifying the Docker container set managed by the Component using this Enabler:

  • Docker containers may be specified in a Docker Compose file included within the Component. Under this approach, the variable DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE must be specified, and other DOCKER_COMPOSE variables may be used to specify appropriate values.

  • Alternatively, the Docker container set maybe specified using Enabler runtime context variables without the DOCKER_COMPOSE prefix. Under this approach, DOCKER_IMAGE must be specified.

If both approaches are specified, Docker Compose approach takes precedence. The relative folder containing Docker compose file within the Component must contain all the Docker compose context files.

Components using this Enabler may need to configure one or more of following Enabler runtime context variables.

All Enabler Runtime Context variables below marked with the tag [CSV] under description can be specified as comma separated value list, with each comma separated value applicable to corresponding image list entry.

If comma separated value list is specified for DOCKER_IMAGE, then all other variables marked [CSV] must have matching number of entries, except if an entry is also marked DEFAULT whereby a single value can apply across all image list entries. If an entry in the values list is empty it can be marked with just a comma. If a single value is specified, no comma is needed at the end of the value.

There is a special implicitly runtime context variable named DOCKER_HOST_IP. If the host has multiple secondary IP addresses associated with the primary network interface, then this Enabler assigns the secondary IP corresponding to the Silver Fabric engine instance number to the DOCKER_HOST_IP variable.

Multiple values in a CSV list entry corresponding to a single image must be separated with SPACES, NOT commas.

Runtime Variable List:

Variable Name Default Value Type Description Export Auto Increment
DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE String Docker compose (docker-compose.yml) file relative path in the Component. false None
DOCKER_COMPOSE_PROJECT String Docker compose project name. Defaults to component name. false None
DOCKER_COMPOSE_PATH /usr/local/bin/docker-compose String Docker compose executable path false None
DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME String [CSV] Leave this blank, if you want unique name to be auto-generated false None
DOCKER_REGISTRY String [CSV] [DEFAULT] Docker registry for fetching image. For example, https://registryhost:5000/ false None
DOCKER_IMAGE String [CSV] Docker registry for fetching image. For example, Docker image e.g centos:latests false None
DOCKER_CONTEXT String [CSV] Docker context path or URL used for building new image false None
DOCKER_COMMAND String [CSV] Docker command executed in Docker container at startup false None
DOCKER_COMMAND_ARGS String [CSV] Docker command args false None
DOCKER_CONTAINER_HOSTNAME String [CSV] Docker container hostname false None
DOCKER_CONTAINER_WORK_DIR String [CSV] Docker container work directory false None
DOCKER_CONTAINER_LOGS ${CONTAINER_WORK_DIR}/docker.log String Docker container logs file false None
DOCKER_CONTAINER_NETWORK_MODE [CSV] [DEFAULT] --net=bridge String Docker container network mode false None
DOCKER_EXTRA_RUN_OPTIONS --detach=true String [CSV] [DEFAULT] Docker run options (--detach=false option is not supported) false None
DOCKER_PUBLISH_PORTS String [CSV] Docker publish ports --publish ${LISTEN_ADDRESS}:hostPort:containerPort false None
DOCKER_EXPOSE_PORTS String [CSV] Docker expose ports --expose port false None
DOCKER_MOUNT_VOLUMES String [CSV] Docker mount volumes --volume hostdir:containerdir false None
DOCKER_VOLUMES_FROM String [CSV] Docker volumes from --volume-from foo false None
DOCKER_ADD_HOST String [CSV] Docker add host --add-host=host:ip false None
DOCKER_ENV_VARIABLES String [CSV] Docker environment variables --env var=value false None
DOCKER_ENV_FILE String [CSV] Docker environment file --env-file=file false None
DOCKER_LINK String [CSV] Docker container links, e.g --link foo false None
DNS_SEARCH_DOMAINS String [CSV] DNS search domains format: --dns-search= false None
DNS_SERVERS String [CSV] Custom DNS server e.g. --dns server false None
DOCKER_EXTRA_BUILD_OPTIONS --quiet=false --no-cache=true --rm=true String [CSV] [DEFAULT] Docker build options false None
DOCKER_STOP_OPTIONS --time=30 String Docker stop options false None
DOCKER_REMOVE_OPTIONS --force=true --volumes=true String Docker remove container options false None
DOCKER_REMOVE_IMAGE_OPTIONS --force=true String Docker remove image options false None
APP_RUNNING_PORTS --force=true String [CSV] Docker container port used to check if container app is running false None
USE_SUDO false String Run Docker with sudo. The sudo must not prompt for password! false None
REUSE_DOCKER_IMAGE true String Reuse existing local Docker image if it exists false None
REUSE_DOCKER_CONTAINER false String Reuse existing local Docker container if it exists false None
REMOVE_DOCKER_CONTAINER true String Remove Docker container on component shutdown false None
REMOVE_DOCKER_IMAGE false String Remove Docker image on component shutdown false None
DOCKER_PORT 2375 String Docker daemon port on local host false None
HTTP_STATIC_ROUTES String space separated list: ContextUrl:http://${LISTEN_ADDRESS}:port false None
BIND_ON_ALL_LOCAL_ADDRESSES false Environment Specify if all network interfaces should be bounded for all public port access false None
LISTEN_ADDRESS_NET_MASK Environment A comma delimited list of net masks in CIDR notation. The first IP address found that matches one of the net masks is used as the listen address. Note that BIND_ON_ALL_LOCAL_ADDRESSES overrides this setting. false None

Example Variables:

Variable Name Value
DOCKER_IMAGE boss, oracle, foo
DOCKER_PUBLISH_PORTS --publish ${DOCKER_HOST_IP}:8080:8080 --publish ${DOCKER_HOST_IP}:1521:1521, --publish ${DOCKER_HOST_IP}:389:389, --publish ${DOCKER_HOST_IP}:17080:17080

Native Linking of Docker Containers

To link Docker containers through Docker native Link capability, use DOCKER_LINK Runtime variable specified in the variable list.

Component Examples

Below are screenshot images from example Silver Fabric Component configurations using this Enabler. Note the use of custom Silver Fabric Runtime Context variables used to define and export (export is set to true) Docker container configuration from one Docker container to another Docker container using Silver Fabric Runtime Context variables export mechanism.


Simple Docker Enabler used with TIBCO Silver Fabric to manage Docker Containers






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