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JasperReports 6.20.5

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@teodord teodord released this 10 May 09:06
· 254 commits to master since this release
  • fix historical text measuring truncation by rounding up the AWT measured text height to the upper
    integer value instead of truncating it to the lower integer value and thus causing the text elements
    having dynamic height to be 1 pixel taller to avoid text being cut in PDF exports;
    for minimum disruption in upgrades, the former text measuring behavior is still available through the
    net.sf.jasperreports.legacy.text.measuring boolean configuration property that would need to be set to true;

  • performance improvements for the HTML and RTF text markup processors by replacing the JEditorPane based
    implementations with faster EditorKit implementations and fixing some multi-threading issues;

  • support for CMYK color conversion for text and shapes in PDF export using ICC profiles
    (excluding image color conversion);

  • support for unpatched versions of the OpenPDF library although this is not recommended for as long as
    the following OpenPDF bug remains open: LibrePDF/OpenPDF#676

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;