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Icon font set for use with GIS and spatial analysis tools

I've collected in this repo icons and graphics I've been using in my projects. font-tidop-gis icons and font theme is designed mainly for GIS applications and web mapping tools. They can be easily included in a project using the font or svg images.

Getting started

NPM package

font-tidop-gis is availiable on npm:

npm install --save font-tidop-gis

You can access the font or css in the ./font and ./css directory of the package.
The svg sprites are located in the ./dist/font-tidop-gis.svg SVG file.

using font-tidop-gis

You can use font-tidop-gis as a font or as SVG symbols or images.

Use an inline element with a class prefixed with ftg- to add a new icon.

<!-- prefix: fg - icon name: poi -->
<i class="ftg-poi"></i>
<!-- using a <span> is more semantically correct but a little bit verbose. -->
<span class="ftg-polyline-pt"></span>