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Use following in your local repo:

git config core.eol native
git config core.autocrlf true

Usage as python application

Step 1: Clone TIDE-CLI repository

Step 2: Modify src/tidecli/ BASE_URL to correspond the TIM-server being used

Step 3: Python 3.10 or higher is required

Step 4: Run pip install poetry to install Poetry tool for dependency management and packaging

Step 5: Run poetry shell to enter virtual environment

Step 6: Run poetry install to install dependencies. If Poetry install fails, run first poetry lock

Step 7: Go to correct folder: cd src/tidecli

Step 8: To run the application, run python login to login to the application

Step 9: Run python to see the list of commands available

Building CLI tool to executable

There may be a need for build the CLI tool into an executable using user's own operating system. If that is the case, please follow these after above steps are completed untill Step 6.

Build the CLI tool

Step 1: poetry run build

Step 2: cd dist && ls -la, file permissions should look like -rwxr-xr-x

Step 3: Move app named 'main' as 'tide' to some folder that is in PATH. E.g. mv main /usr/bin/tide.

Step 4: Start use, please refer user instructions in TIM.

Running unit tests

After cloning and starting the Poetry environment:

Step 1: Navigate to test folder cd tests

Step 2: Run unit tests with command python -m unittest