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What It Does

Small project to check if there's any desired items on sale on the Guild Wars 2 Gemstore at the moment and if so, send a discord webhook to a given channel. Leverages the information provided by the community on the GW2 Wiki.

Usage Notes

Create desired_items.txt. desired_items.txt.example contains instructions for what this file should look like. You will also need to provide your Discord webhook, either as a command line option or as the environment variable (recommended). To modify the environment variable, rename .env.example to .env in the main project folder and replace "REPLACE_ME" with your webhook.

This script is written in Python 3, therefore I recommend installing the latest version of Python to run it. Once installed, do the following:

  • Open a Terminal / Command Line / Powershell prompt in the folder the script is in and type python3 -m venv .venv to build a virtual environment for the scripts to run in.
  • Activate the virtual environment with .\.venv\Scripts\activate.bat in Windows Command Line, .\.venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 in Windows Powershell or source \.venv\Scripts\activate on Linux or Mac.
  • Load the required libraries with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • type python3 [discord webhook] to run the program, obviously replacing [discord webhook] with your actual webhook (unless provided in the .env file).

I'd recommend setting up a task / cron to run every day or two to ensure you don't miss out on a deal. Eg, To run the script every evening at 8pm (local time) in Linux, you will need to run crontab -e and insert the line 0 20 * * * cd \[PATH-TO-/GW2-Gemstore-Notifier/\] && .venv/bin/python to the end of the file.

It's recommended that you delete last_updated.txt (if it exists) after editing desired_items.txt as you won't be notified if any added items until the API is updated, potentially missing sales.


Checks for desired items on sale on the Guild Wars 2 Gemstore.






