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Introduction to Structural Steel

This is the official repository of the book Introduction to Structural Steel.



The master branch is regularly updated after each semester. For the latest version of the current semester, please go to the corresponding revision branch.

To Compile

In order to compile the book, one needs to generate some design charts.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 ./

Then, use latexmk to compile the book.

latexmk -pdf INTRO.tex

To Collect Figures

All figures are stored under the ./PIC folder. Various forms are used, including .png, .svg, .pdf, .jpg and some others.

A script is provided to collect all .tex figures in the book.

# collect all .tex files in the book
python3 ./
# compile the tex file 
latexmk -pdf IMAGES.tex
# convert each page to a png file
python3 ./

See CI/CD for more details.


Any comments/suggestions are welcome. Please feel free to suggest improvements by creating new issues.

If you are familiar with LaTeX, pull requests can be created if you are willing to contribute.