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This documentation is published together with the codebase for the 'TNO Modelchain for Groningen' (or 'modelchain' for short).
The modelchain code allows you to perform a Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis (SHRA) for the Groningen area in the Netherlands.
The code is written in Python and is published through the following repositories:

All these repositories are licensed under the EUPL.

Included models

This document is meant to assist code users and developers to get SHRA calculations running on their machines.
It does not contain extensive background documentation of the models which are implemented, or on particular implementation choices.
The body of literature on models for SHRA in Groningen is extensive. The models that are included in the modelchain are:

GMM model V5 is only partially implemented for reference, and not accommodated in the entire chain. For models V5 and V6, TNO recommendations regarding the period-to-period correlation structure at site-response level according to TNO report R11961, 2022 are implemented as an option.

FCM models V5 and V6 are only partially implemented for reference, and not accommodated in the full chain.

  • The SHRA-Groningen-chaintools repository does not contain models, but generic functionality that is used in both the seismic_source_model and hazard_risk_models code repositories.

Setting up

For the purposes of this document, we will assume that the user has access to a Linux environment. Specifically, the code has been tested under Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS. We judge it likely that there will be no or limited problems using other Linux-based platforms, WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), macOS, or Windows environments. Some additional information on this is included under Setting up virtual Python environment

Obtaining the code

First, the code needs to be obtained from the relevant code repositories:
- SHRA-Groningen-seismic_source_model - SHRA-Groningen-hazard_risk_models

The recommended approach is to clone these repositories through git by running:
git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules <repository-address>
When using this approach, the chaintools repository is automatically included in the correct manner and there is no need to obtain it separately.

Alternatively, a copy of the code can be obtained by using the 'download' buttons of the repositories. In this case, the 'chaintools' folder in seismic_source_model and hazard_risk_models is downloaded as an empty folder. This folder should be replaced with the full chaintools repository which has to be downloaded separately (this means that the project should contain the folder chaintools/chaintools, the lower of which contains an file).

Setting up virtual Python environments

To run the code, the user needs to set up Python environments. We highly recommend using mamba or conda as your package manager, as this ensured that any required binaries are taken care of (this is not the case for the default Python package manager pip). Mamba and Conda also ensure that Python is available on the system, if this was not already the case.

The repositories seismic_source_model and hazard_risk_model both contain an environment.yml file which can be used to set up a Python environment which contains all the relevant packages (and their correct versions) required to run the code as intended. Two virtual environments are required, one for each repository. We do not recommend using a single Python environment to run the code from both repositories

To set up the virtual environments, the following commands are run (conda and mamba may be used interchangably):
mamba env create --f <path_to_seismic_source_model_environment.yml>
mamba env create --f <path_to_hazard_risk_models_environment.yml>

This creates virtual environments with the names 'seismic_source_model' and 'hazard_risk_model'.

At this point, it may be useful to run 'mamba env list' to obtain the locations where the virtual environment are installed on your machine (see Performing a run).

The provided environment.yml files has references to the exact versions of packages used by the developers, which are not available under operating systems other than Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS. In these cases, the less comprehensive environment_light.yml can be used instead. However, it should be stressed that this has not been tested extensively and may require some custom solutions.

Obtaining required inputfiles

The datafiles that are required as input into the modelchain are published at Zenodo

Performing a run

For convenience, the calculation of seismicity, seismic hazard, and seismic risk is split up into multiple smaller steps. This allows re-use of results that are time-consuming to calculate, and intermediate results can be inspected.

Each step in the modelchain is performed with the same basic command structure:
<python_executable> <> <configuration_file.yml>

<python_executable> is replaced with the path to the appropriate python executable (in one of the two virtual environments)
<> is replaced with the path to the python file for that particular step, and
<configuration_file.yml> is replaced with the path to the configuration file for that particular step.

For example, the first step in running the modelchain is parsing the inputfiles to the seismic source model. The code for that step is seismic_source_model/ Since we're running code in seismic_source_model, we need to use the corresponding Python environment. The python executable can be called directly (run 'mamba env list' to obtain the locations of the virtual environment), or through mamba activate. An example for a configuration file is provided in the folder seismic_source_model/example_configs. The way to run the first step of the modelchain is then either:

Option 1:
.../mambaforge/envs/seismic_source_model/bin/python example_configs/parser_config.yml
Option 2:
mamba activate seismic_source_model
python example_configs/parser_config.yml

Note that for both the *.py files and the configuration files, both full and relative paths can be used.

Creating the lookup tables and prep-files

Being able to re-use previously calculated results also allows us to benefit from working with lookup tables. These contain intermediate results that can be pre-calculated, since they do not depend on gas production or source model calibration. Specifically, in order to be able to calculate hazard and risk based on a source model, the following lookup tables and prep-files need to be pre-calculated:

  • rupture prep
  • gmm tables (ground motion model tables, required for hazard prep and im_prep)
  • fcm tables (fragility and consequence tables, required for risk prep)
  • im prep (intensity measure prep, required for risk prep)
  • hazard prep
  • risk prep
  • exposure prep

mamba activate hazard_risk_models
python hr_config.yml
python hr_config.yml
python hr_config.yml
python hr_config.yml
python hr_config.yml
python hr_config.yml
python hr_config.yml
python hr_config.yml

An example hr_config.yml file is provided in the hazard_risk_models repository.

Running the 'backbone' chain

Once the lookup tables are available, the calculation of hazard and risk (conditional on a source model, which is in turn conditional on a gas pressure scenario) can be performed relatively rapidly:

The following lines parse the input files required for the source model (earthquake catalogue, pressure grids, etc), calibrate the source model on the available earthquake data, and create a forecast.
mamba activate seismic_source_model
python parser_config.yml
python ssm_calibration_config.yml
python ssm_forecast_config.yml

We switch Python environment and then combine the seismicity forecast with the pre-calculated lookup tables to generate results for hazard and risk.
mamba activate hazard_risk_models
python hr_config.yml (this step requires a rupture prep and an exposure prep to be available)
python hr_config.yml (this step requires a hazard prep and an exposure prep to be available)
python hr_config.yml (this step requires a risk prep and an exposure prep to be available)

Visualizing the results

The calibration and forecast of the seismicity can be visualized with the scripts and

The hazard and risk results can be visualized in a variety of ways. There are currently no specific tools provided to this end. This is foreseen in the upcoming update.


Licensed under the EUPL

Copyright (C) 2023 TNO