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General modelchain documentation


Seismic source model documentation

The recommended approach is to clone this repository through git by running:
git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules <repository-address>
When using this approach, the chaintools repository is automatically included in the correct manner and there is no need to obtain it separately.

Alternatively, a copy of the code can be obtained by using the 'download' button. In this case, the 'chaintools' folder is downloaded as an empty folder. This folder should be replaced with the full chaintools repository which has to be downloaded separately (this means that the project should contain the folder chaintools/chaintools, the lower of which contains an file).

Setting up virtual Python environments

To run the code, the user needs to set up a Python environment. We highly recommend using mamba or conda as your package manager, as this ensured that any required binaries are taken care of (this is not the case for the default Python package manager pip). Mamba and Conda also ensure that Python is available on the system, if this was not already the case.

The repository contains an environment.yml file which can be used to set up a Python environment which contains all the relevant packages (and their correct versions) required to run the code as intended.

To set up the virtual environment, the following command is run (conda and mamba may be used interchangably):
mamba env create --f <path_to_environment.yml>

The provided environment.yml files has references to the exact versions of packages used by the developers, which are not available under operating systems other than Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS. In these cases, the less comprehensive environment_light.yml can be used instead. However, it should be stressed that this has not been tested extensively and may require some custom solutions.

This creates a virtual environment with the name 'seismic_source_model'.

Obtaining required inputfiles

The datafiles that are required as input into the modelchain are published at Zenodo

Running the seismic source model

mamba activate seismic_source_model
python parser_config.yml
python ssm_calibration_config.yml
python ssm_forecast_config.yml

Example config.yml files are provided in example_configs


Licensed under the EUPL

Copyright (C) 2023 TNO