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File List

Ashish Bokil edited this page Dec 24, 2020 · 113 revisions

File List and per file remarks

Module Names

  1. SSL/TLS communication (SSL/TLS)
  2. TCP/IP communication (TCP/IP)
  3. Hashing (Hash)
  4. Random number generation (RNG)
  5. Symmetric cipher (Cipher)
  6. Public Key cryptography (PK)
  7. X.509 public key infrastructure (X.509)

Other. 8. PSA-crypto -- need to figure out if this is an integral part of mbed-TLS (PSA crypto layer on top of Mbed TLS crypto)

S No #LOC File Name Module/Category Remarks Remarks By (github id) Dependency Graph
1 7579 ssl_tls.c
2 6177 psa_crypto.c psa-crypto PSA crypto layer on top of Mbed TLS crypto alvg
3 5946 ssl_msg.c SSL/TLS This file contains generic SSL/TLS messaging layer functions (record layer + retransmission state machine). amanc
4 4573 ssl_srv.c SSl/TLS This file contains SSLv3/TLSv1 server-side functions. amanc
5 4285 ssl_cli.c SSL/TLS Provides SSL/TLS Client functionalities. Provides functions to connect to an SSL server (write requests ) and parse the SSL responses from server. Not in documentation. Had to read from config.h shashankatgit -
6 3502 ecp.c Public Key Elliptic-curve cryptography is an approach to public-key cryptography based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields. This file provides an API for Elliptic Curves over GF(P) (ECP). amanc
7 3399 x509_crt.c X.509 public key infrastructure (X.509) Implements X.509 certificates parsing and verification gaurishg
8 3010 bignum.c Common/Helper Provides math operations over MPIs(Multi Precision Integers like BigIntegers in java). Can be used in implementing enc/dec algos like RSA etc shashankatgit
9 2759 rsa.c Cipher This file provides an API for the RSA public-key cryptosystem. pvimal816
10 2406 cipher_wrap.c crypto brief Generic cipher wrapper(key encrypting ) for mbed TLS AshishBokil
11 2367 ssl_ciphersuites.c SSL/TLS Provides a variety of cipher suits to secure SSL/TLS connections. Uses all kinds of cipher files (symmetric enc) and asymmetric encryption files underneath it. Read More on Cipher Suites shashankatgit Link
12 2228 aes.c Cipher This file contains AES definitions and functions pvimal816
13 1746 certs.c X.509/Internal Use Sample certificates and DHM parameters for testing pvimal816
14 1533 pkparse.c Public Key Public Key layer for parsing key files and structures. Contains prespecified structures to parse objects (eg: public/private key) tanmaysule
15 1519 cipher.c Cipher Provides a common interface to all of the available cipher operations. pvimal816
16 1484 ecp_curves.c Public Key Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) is an approach to public-key cryptography based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields. This file contains curve-specific data and functions for implementation of Elliptic curves over GF(p). amanc
17 1135 ecjpake.c Cipher Implements Elliptic Curve J-PAKE(Password Authentication Key Exchange by juggling) protocol which provides authentication based on shared password,without using Public Key Infrastructure Darshikatiwari
18 1108 camellia.c Cipher Implements Camellia block cipher goxul
19 1073 cmac.c Encryption/Decryption This file contains implementation of cipher based message authentication code devarajuvinoda
20 1073 aria.c Cipher Implements the ARIA block cipher goxul
21 1067 x509.c X.509 X.509 generic defines and structures pvimal816
22 1058 des.c Cipher Provides DES Block Cipher Implementation shashankatgit
23 1057 pk_wrap.c Public Key Public Key abstraction layer: wrapper functions. Contains functions used by RSA/Elliptic Curve key-pair etc tanmaysule
24 1015 gcm.c Encryption/Decryption This file contains implementation of Galois counter mode(GCM) of operation. There are functions written to perform authenticated encryption and authenticated decryption. devarajuvinoda
25 1002 ecdsa.c Cipher This file contains ECDSA definitions and functions pvimal816
26 978 error.c Common Contains all the error strings, and a switch statement which throws the error based on an error code ashishkankal
27 890 md.c Hashing This file contains the generic message-digest wrapper pvimal816
28 848 version_features.c Common/Internal Use(Optional) Checks if a feature is enabled for a particular feature ashishkankal
29 810 ctr_drbg.c RNG Contains functions for generating random numbers interacts with AES sub module ashishkankal
30 768 x509_crl.c X.509 X.509 certificate revocation list parsing pvimal816
31 767 oid.c X.509 Generates OIDs(object identifiers) for various object types and stores them together in a database Darshikatiwari
32 750 nist_kw.c Cipher Key wrapping encryption algorithm ashishkankal
33 744 memory_buffer_alloc.c Common Contains thread safe memory allocator and de-allocator functions ashishkankal
34 735 dhm.c Protocol - Key Exchange Key exchange is done while initiating a secure session. may need bignum support alvg
35 729 ecdh.c SSL Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol, contains functions related to key manipulation ashishkankal
36 724 entropy.c RNG Entropy is the used as a measure of randomness. There can be multiple sources of the entropy, entropy collector combines them all into one. This file contains functions related to that. ashishkankal
37 690 blowfish.c Cipher Blowfish is a symmetric-key cipher algorithm used for encryption and decryption ashishkankal
38 680 net_sockets.c TCP/IP or SSL/TLS. I am not sure Provides a BSD-style sockets API abstraction for Mbed TLS i.e. uses the mbed tls ssl/tls functions to expose a BSD-style sockets API shashankatgit Link
39 674 sha512.c Hashing Contains implementation of SHA-2 family of hash functions (512 bit digest) goxul
40 635 pk.c X.509 Contains function related to public key, operations it can perform, verification of signature, encryption and decryption ashishkankal
41 623 pkwrite.c Public Key Public Key layer for writing key files and structures for RSA/EC key tanmaysule
42 620 hmac_drbg.c RNG/ Hash Hashing algorithm, contains entropy and internal functions related to the algorithm ashishkankal
43 581 sha256.c Hashing Contains implementation of SHA-2 family of hash functions (256 bit digest) goxul
44 568 sha1.c Hashing SHA-1 is a cryptographic hash function which takes an input and produces a hash value known as a "message digest". The central function in this source file take a data block (stored in an input buffer) as input and produces the message digest as, output = SHA-1(input buffer). amanc
45 568 chacha20.c Cipher Implementation of ChaCha20 Stream Cipher shashankatgit
46 557 poly1305.c Cipher This file contains Poly1305 definitions and functions (for chacha). Poly1305 is a one-time message authenticator that can be used to authenticate messages. tanmaysule Link
47 554 ripemd160.c Hashing Contains implementation of RIPEMD family of hash functions - in particular RIPEMD-160 goxul
48 547 ccm.c Cipher Recommendation for Block Cipher modes of Operation for a symmetric key key block cipher algorithm, used to provide assurance of the confidentiality and the authenticity of computer data bby combining the techniques of the Counter (CTR) mode and the Cipher Block Chaining-Message Authentication Code(CMC-MAC)algorithm Showkat
49 544 x509write_crt.c X.509 public key infrastructure (X.509) Implement X.509 certificate writing gaurishg
50 538 chachapoly.c Cipher Chachapoly is an algorithm for Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) that can be used to encrypt and authenticate data. Seems to be a very specialized algo implementation file. shashankatgit Link
51 530 timing.c Common Portable interface to timeouts and to the CPU cycle counter. Setting a CPU alarm, fetching elapsed cycles etc shashankatgit
52 509 psa_crypto_storage.c psa-crypto PSA persistent key storage alvg
53 493 md5.c Hashing Implements MD5 hash function goxul
54 486 rsa_internal.c Public Key This file contains RSA helper functions. These functions make it easy for designers of alternative RSA implementations to use them in their own code, as the functionality they provide will be necessary for most complete implementations. End-users of Mbed TLS who are not providing their own alternative RSA implementations should not use these functions directly, and should instead use only the functions declared in rsa.h. amanc
55 485 pem.c X.509 Certificates Implements Pem(Privacy Enhanced Mail)context setup,decodes pem data and defines the pem error codes Darshikatiwari
56 481 asn1parse.c ASN-format asn1 parser -- looks like only DER encoding is handled alvg
57 480 asn1write.c ASN-format asn1 format writer alvg
58 479 md4.c Hashing Implements MD4 hash function goxul
59 464 aesni.c Cipher - Optional For hardware acceleration of AES (Symm Enc) on Intel processors. This seems to be an optional functionality shashankatgit
60 433 debug.c Common/Internal Use Contains functions for printing debug messages & setting debug levels. For internal use within library. shashankatgit
61 414 x509_csr.c X.509 public key infrastructure (X.509) X.509 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) parsing gaurishg
62 414 pkcs5.c Public Key PKCS#5 functions. PKCS #5 is the Password-Based Cryptography Specification. (pkcs5 pbkdf2 hmac) tanmaysule
63 408 ssl_ticket.c SSL Implementation of various server ticket callbacks like ticket write,ticket parse etc. darshikatiwari
64 386 platform.c Common Contains the definitions and functions of the Mbed TLS platform abstraction layer; the layer removes the need for the library to directly link to standard C library functions or operating system services, making the library easier to port and embed More-details tanmaysule
65 383 psa_crypto_se.c psa-crypto TODO alvg
66 374 x509_create.c X.509 public key infrastructure (X.509) Contains base functions for creating X.509 certificates and CSRs gaurishg
67 360 pkcs12.c Public Key PKCS #12 defines an archive file format for storing many cryptography objects as a single file. It is commonly used to bundle a private key with its X.509 certificate tanmaysule
68 358 md2.c Hash Contains md 2 hash function implementation ashishkankal
69 347 ssl_cache.c SSL/TLS Implements SSL Session Caching. SSL Session Caching is a concept/method to permit a closed SSL connection to be resumed for a fixed period of time to escape costly SSL handshake. Read More shashankatgit Link
70 341 x509write_csr.c X.509 public key infrastructure (X.509) Implement X.509 certificate signing request writing gaurishg
71 309 psa_crypto_slot_management.c psa-crypto PSA key slot reservation, initialization, slot management alvg
72 287 base64.c Common Provides Base64 encoding/decoding of data. Will be used to serialize keys and certificate data. shashankatgit
73 276 entropy_poll.c RNG - Optional Contains custom entropy polling functions ashishkankal
74 271 xtea.c Encryption/Decryption This file contains implementation of 32 bit extended tiny encryption algorithm devarajuvinoda
75 259 psa_its_file.c
76 249 ssl_cookie.c SSL/TLS Provides function callbacks for Datagram Transport Layer Security which provides SSL over UDP instead of TCP by using some cookie mechanism to remember state as UDP is stateless. Read More shashankatgit Link
77 238 pkcs11.c Public Key Wrapper file for Public-Key Cryptography Standards#11. Implements functions of pkcs#11 tanmaysule
78 237 havege.c RNG [Not sure] User level software to generate random number - link goxul
79 195 arc4.c Cipher Implements the ARCFOUR stream cipher goxul
80 189 hkdf.c Hashing HKDF is a simple key derivation function (KDF) based on a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) AshishBokil
81 181 threading.c Common Ensures thread safety by implemneting global mutexes Darshikatiwari
82 164 padlock.c Encryption/Decryption Provides padlock ACE(Advanced Cryptographic Encryption)for faster harware encryp./decryp. Darshikatiwari
83 133 platform_util.c Common Common and shared functions used by multiple modules in the Mbed TLS library tanmaysule Link
84 44 version.c Common/Internal Use Contains util function to get the mbedTLS version number ashishkankal
85 388 psa_crypto_storage.h psa-crytpo key storage to persistent memory,  crypto transaction data definition alvg
86 188 psa_crypto_se.h psa-crypto TODO alvg
87 164 psa_crypto_core.h psa-crypto PSA crypto core internal interfaces -- small file having internal psa module functions for locks etc alvg
88 145 psa_crypto_its.h psa-crypto TODO alvg
89 126 psa_crypto_slot_management.h
90 100 ssl_invasive.h SSL/TLS Interfaces for invasive testing. (Testing purposes only) shashankatgit
91 77 psa_crypto_invasive.h psa-crypto/INTERNAL these functions MUST not be available to clients. only for internal testing. currently only one API related to entropy. alvg
92 53 common.h Common Contains utility macros for internal use in the library Darshikatiwari
93 39 psa_crypto_service_integration.h psa-crypto

Notes about PSA crypto

the psa_* files are missing from the page.

Working towards Mbed TLS 3.0 Last updated: May 2, 2019

Impacts on Mbed TLS Mbed TLS will be split into two projects:

The Mbed TLS library itself, dedicated to provide the network security layer, including X.509 support The Mbed Crypto library project, dedicated to support the PSA Crypto API and provide support for pluggable device drivers for crypto hardware and architecture-specific implementations. The split will be effective with the Mbed TLS 3.0 release, expected in June 2019.

some extra info about PSA

google for "PSA_ITS_API_VERSION_MAJOR" will give more info about PSA crypto project

PSA ITS API == "PSA Internal Trusted Storage" API