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Maps API


TPL Maps Android API provides help to add maps to your application. The API automatically handles access to our TPL Maps servers, data downloading, map display, and response to map gestures. You can do add markers, shapes, show/hide 3D buildings, show/hide point of interests, custom map styles and much more.

Getting Started

This guide is a quick start to adding a map to an Android app. Android Studio is the recommended development environment for building an app with the TPL Maps Android SDK.

Step 1. Download Android Studio

Follow the guides to download and install Android Studio.

Step 2. Create TPL Maps application project

Follow these steps to create a new app project including a map activity:

  1. Start Android Studio.

  2. Create a new project as follows:

    a. If you see the Welcome to Android Studio dialog, choose Start a new Android Studio project, available under 'Quick Start' on the right of the dialog.

    b. Otherwise, click File in the Android Studio menu bar, then New, New Project.

  3. Enter your app name, company domain, and project location, as prompted. Then click Next.

  4. Select the form factors you need for your app. If you're not sure what you need, just select Phone and Tablet. Then click Next.

  5. Select Empty Activity in the 'Add an activity to Mobile' dialog. Then click Next.

  6. Enter the activity name ‘ActivityMaps’, layout name ‘layout_maps.xml’ and title as prompted. Then click Finish.

Android Studio starts Gradle and builds your project. This may take a few seconds. For more information about creating a project in Android Studio, see the Android Studio documentation.

When the build is finished, Android Studio opens the layout_tpl_maps.xml and the files in the editor. (Note that your activity may have a different name, but it will be the one you configured during setup). The next section describes getting the API key in more detail.

Step 3. Configure API key & ORIGIN

Create an account on TPLMaps LBS Portal.

Get the Key (without ORIGIN), from your Dashboard, find API Keys Tab and Generate New Key from the option.

Copy the key put it into meta-tag mentioned below and copy the tag in your project’s AndroidManifest.xml under <application> tag

<meta-data android:name=""
           android:value="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" />

If you generate API Key with the ORIGIN mentioned, you must need to add the ORIGIN in AndroidManifest.xml in the tag mentioned below with API Key.

The tag below is optional for non-origin based API Key.

<meta-data android:name=""
           android:value="YOUR_ORIGIN_HERE" />

Step 4. Setup map in your application

For setting map in your android application, you need to follow the instructions given in Setup Map section of this document

Step 5. Connect an Android device

The simplest way to see your app in action is to connect an Android device to your computer. Follow the instructions to enable developer options on your Android device and configure your application and system to detect the device.

Alternatively, you can use the Android Emulator to run your app. Use the Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager to configure one or more virtual devices which you'll be able to use with the Android Emulator when you build and run your app. When choosing your emulator, ensure that you use Android 4.2.2 or higher, and be careful to pick an image that includes the Google APIs, or the application will not have the requisite runtime APIs in order to execute. Also, take note of the instructions for configuring virtual machine acceleration, which you should use with an x86 target AVD as described in the instructions. This will improve your experience with the emulator.

Step 6. Build and run your app

In Android Studio, click the Run menu option (or the play button icon) to run your app.

When prompted to choose a device, choose one of the following options:

· Select the Android device that's connected to your computer.

· Alternatively, select the Launch emulator radio button and choose the virtual device that you've previously configured.

Click OK. Android Studio will invoke Gradle to build your app, and then display the results on the device or on the emulator. It could take a couple of minutes before the app opens.

You should see a map with a marker positioned over Sydney, Australia. If you don't see a map, confirm that you've completed all the steps described on this page. In particular, check that you've added an API key as described above.

Next steps

You may wish to look at some sample code exists in this repository.

Setup Maps

To setup TPL Maps in your application follow these steps:

  1. Add the following recommended gradle configuration in your root/project level build.gradle file:
buildscript {   
    dependencies {   
        classpath ''   
allprojects {   
    repositories {    
        maven { url "" }   

​ Use distributionUrl for your root/gradle/wrapper/

  1. Add the following gradle dependency in your android application module’s build.gradle file:
dependencies {   
    implementation 'com.tpl.maps.sdk:maps:1.6.3'   
  1. Add required permissions in your manifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />  
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>  
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />  
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />  
  1. Configure API Key for your project. See section Configure API KEY.

  2. Add MapView in your layout file

<com.tplmaps3d.MapView android:id="@+id/map"
                       android:layout_height="match_parent"  />  
  1. Get MapView resource in your Activity’s onCreate() method, also call mapView.onCreate(Bundle) life cycle method by adding the following lines of code
MapView  mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
  1. Call MapView’s life cycle methods into your Activity's
protected void onResume() {   
	if(mapView!= null)

protected void onPause() {
    if(mapView != null)
protected void onStart() {
    if(mapView!= null)
protected void onStop() {
    if(mapView!= null)
protected void onDestroy() {
    if(mapView!= null)
  1. Implement MapView.OnMapReadyCallback interface with your Activity and use the onMapReady(MapController) callback method to get a handle to the MapController object. The callback is triggered when the map is ready to be used. It provides a non-null instance of MapController. You can use the MapController object to set the view options for the map e.g. add a marker. The method will look like this:
public void onMapReady(final  MapController mapController) {
    // TODO:  Write your map tasks here by using the mapController instance
  1. Load Map by adding the below lines of code. The method loads map asynchronously and you will get callback in onMapReady(MapController) when map ready. The method will take a reference of MapView.OnMapReadyCallback instance as parameter.

Note: MapView.loadMapAsync() must be called from the main thread, and the callback will be executed in the main thread

  1. Your Final code will be look like:


<xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""    package="">
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />  
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>  
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />  
	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />    
        <activity android:name=".ActivityTPLMaps "
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
        <meta-data android:name=""
        	android:value="YOUR_API_KEY" /> 

public class ActivityMaps extends AppCompatActivity implements MapView.OnMapReadyCallback {
    private static final String TAG = ActivityTPLMaps.class.getSimpleName();
    private MapView mapView;    
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // Initializing and getting MapView resource
        mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
        // Map View's life cycle
        // Registering listener, loading map asynchronously
    protected void onResume() {
    protected void onPause() {
        if(mapView != null)
    protected void onStart() {
        if(mapView != null)
    protected void onStop() {
        if(mapView != null)
    protected void onDestroy() {
        if(mapView != null)
    public void onMapReady(final MapController mapController) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Map Ready", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        // TODO: Map loaded and ready, write your map tasks here


<xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    <com.tplmaps3d.MapView android:id="@+id/map"
                           android:layout_height="match_parent" />
  1. You will get TPL Maps loaded successfully in your application.
  2. Furthermore, you can view or download/clone our open source samples project repository to get help for sample implementation of features of SDK.

Map Objects

Maps are represented in the API by the MapView and MapController classes.

The map object

The TPL Maps Android SDK allows you to display a map in your Android application. These maps have the same appearance as the maps you see in the TPL Maps for Mobile (TMM) app, and the API exposes many of the same features. Two notable differences between the TMM application and the maps displayed by the TPL Maps Android SDK are:

  • Map tiles displayed by the API don't contain any personalized content, such as personalized smart icons.

  • Not all icons on the map are clickable. For example, transit station icons can’t be clicked. However, markers that you add to the map are clickable, and the API has a listener callback interface for various marker interactions.

In addition to mapping functionality, the API also supports a full range of interactions that are consistent with the Android UI model. For example, you can set up interactions with a map by defining listeners that respond to user gestures.

The key class when working with a map object is the MapController class. The class models the map object within your application. Within your UI, a map will be represented by MapView object.

MapController handles the following operations automatically:

  • Downloading map tiles.

  • Displaying tiles on the device screen.

  • Displaying various controls such as pan and zoom.

  • Responding to pan and zoom gestures by moving the map and zooming in or out.

  • Adding markers and different shapes and their interaction events.

In addition to these automatic operations, you can control the behavior of maps with objects and methods of the API. For example, MapController has callback methods that respond to touch gestures on the map. You can also set marker icons on your map and add overlays to it, using objects you provide to MapController.


MapView, a subclass of the Android FrameLayout class, allows you to place a map in an Android View. A View represents a rectangular region of the screen, and is a fundamental building block for Android applications and widgets.

When using the API, users of the MapView class must forward the following activity lifecycle methods to the corresponding methods in the MapView class: onCreate(), onStart(), onResume(),onPause(), onStop(), onDestroy(), onSaveInstanceState(), and onLowMemory(). The samples project includes the code that demonstrates how to forward the activity lifecycle methods.

Map Mode

There are mode of maps available within the TPL Maps Android SDK. A map's mode governs the overall representation of the map.

The TPL Maps Android SDK offers two modes of maps:

Default (Day)

Typical road map in Day mode. Shows lighter theme of roads, some features built by humans, and important natural features like rivers. Road and feature labels are also visible.


Typical road map in Night mode. Shows darker theme of roads, some features built by humans, and important natural features like rivers. Road and feature labels are also visible.

Change the map mode

To set the mode of a map, call the MapView.setMapMode(MapMode) method, passing one of the type constants defined in MapMode enum e.g. MapMode.DEFAULT or MapMode.NIGHT

For example, to display Night mode:


Note: If you want use this functionality as default then call this method with desired input before calling MapView.loadMapAsync() method. Otherwise, if you want to have this functionality on runtime then you can call this method in OnMapReadyCallback.onMapReady() callback method.

The image below shows a comparison of default (day) and night maps for the same location:

Configure maps state

The Maps API allows you to configure the initial state of the map to suit your application's needs. You can specify the following:

  • The camera position, including: location, zoom, bearing and tilt.

  • The map mode.

  • Whether the zoom buttons, My Location Button and/or compass appear on screen.

  • The map gesture a user can use to manipulate the camera.

You can configure the initial state of the map programmatically for now.


This section describes how to set the initial state of the map if you have added a map to your application programmatically.

If you have Setup Maps successfully, then you can configure its initial state by calling functionalities/method from MapView or MapController class objects your settings specified. You can get a MapController object in MapView.OnMapReadyCallback.onMapReady() callback method like this:

public void onMapReady(final  MapController mapController) {
	// TODO:  Use MapController class object to perform map operations   

Configure Map Mode

Call MapView.setMapMode() as below. This allows you to specify the mode of map to display. Pass MapMode.DEFAULT or MapMode.NIGHT as an argument to the method

mapView.setMapMode(MapMode.NIGHT | MapMode.DEFAULT);

Note: If you want use this functionality as default then call this method with desired input before calling MapView.loadMapAsync() method. Otherwise, if you want to have this functionality on runtime then you can call this method in OnMapReadyCallback.onMapReady() callback method.

Configure Camera Position

First, you need to get a MapController class object as defined above in this section. And then you can call MapController.setCamera(CameraPosition) or MapController.animateCamera(CameraPosition, int) to set camera without or with animation respectively. You need to build a CameraPosition class object with your values and passing it as an argument to both the methods. MapController.animateCamera(CameraPosition, int) will take animation duration in milliseconds as second argument. These allow you to specify the initial camera position.

The code specified below will take camera to the position (Faisal Mosque, Islamabad) on zoom level 17.0F (float) with tilt 1.0F (float) and rotation of 250.0F (float value in degrees) by performing animation duration of 2000 milliseconds:

mapController.animateCamera(new CameraPosition.builder()
    .position(new LngLat(73.037142, 33.729763))
    .rotation((float) Math.toRadians(250.0F))
    .build(), 2000);

Note: Pass rotation value in Radians (Unit)

Configure Map UI Settings

First, you need to get a MapController class object as defined above in this section. And then you can get Map UISettings from MapController by calling MapController.getUiSettings() after you can change or setup the following settings. These allow you to specify the initial Map UI settings.

  • Compass You can show/hide compass by passing true or false value to the method as follow:

  • Zoom Controls You can show/hide zoom controls by passing true or false value to the method as follow:


Configure Map Layers

  • Map Mode You can change MapMode as follows:

    mapView.setMapMode(MapMode.NIGHT| MapMode.DEFAULT);
  • 3D buildings You can show/hide building by passing true or false value to the method as follow:

  • POIs (Point of interests) You can show/hide pois by passing true or false value to the method as follow:

  • Traffic You can hide/show traffic layer as follow:

  • My Location Controls To use or enable My Location functionality and map UI control, See Enable Location on map section below, in this document

Enable Location on map

You can plot your current location on map by calling mapController.setMyLocationEnabled(boolean, MyLocationArg); Map will listen and plot your location through Location marker (Green filled and white outlined circle shaped marker, as screenshot below). The function will require a location runtime permission check above its calling. Add the permission check above this code snippet. Function will work as second param set by the developer, MapController.MyLocationArg is an enum having values NONE, SHOW_MY_LOCATION_BUTTON, ZOOM_LOCATION_ON_FIRST_FIX & ZOOM_LOCATION_UPDATES function will listen and set location as required by the developers,

  • NONE mean just plot the MyLocationLayer (current location marker) on map without camera animation.
  • SHOW_MY_LOCATION_BUTTON mean MyLocationLayer will be plotted normally, but My Location Button will be visible to perform interaction to zoom on layer.
  • ZOOM_LOCATION_ON_FIRST_FIX mean MyLocationLayer will be plotted and zoomed for just first location update received.
  • ZOOM_LOCATION_UPDATES mean MyLocationLayer will be plotted and zoomed for periodic location updates received.

The function will automatically listen for location updates received from location providers and will update the current location marker layer continuously. For more info please consult the API Documentation of MapController class.

You can make map listen and plot your location through Location marker (Green filled and white outlined circle shaped marker). Map will constantly listen your location and give you location updates through OnMyLocationChangeListener interface, implement the functions in onMapReady(MapController) callback method.

// To enable map to listen and plot your location plus it will zoom to your location on map
mapController.setMyLocationEnabled(true, MapController.MyLocationArg.ZOOM_LOCATION_ON_FIRST_FIX);
// You can get your plotted/current location, code snippet
LngLat myLngLat = mapController.getMyLocation(MapView);
// You can get your location in callback methods of the interface 
mapController.setOnMyLocationChangeListener(new mapController.OnMyLocationChangeListener() { 
    public void onMyLocationChanged(Location location) {
        // Everytime when location update received
    public void onMyLocationFirstFix(Location location) {
        // Just for the first time when location change or update received

    public void onMyLastLocationUpdate(Location location) {
        // Everytime when location button pressed and it will get the last location

If you want to change location default configurations, implement it in onMapReady(MapController) callback method. Code snippet,

// Settings map location permission and setting related configuration
    .setPermissionReasonDialog("TITLE", "MESSAGE");

Also implement the Activity's result methods as:

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, 
                                       @NonNull String[] permissions, 
                                       @NonNull int[]grantResults) {
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
    if (mMapController != null) {
        mMapController.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, 
                                @Nullable Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (mMapController != null)
        mMapController.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

Example Screen

Draw markers and shapes


Marker describe a single point or location on a map. They appear on the map as an icon and can display an info window with additional information when clicked. To draw marker on map, user must create MarkerOptions in which user can set different properties including location/point, icon, title, description etc. And then pass MarkerOptions to addMarker() method via MapController.

  1. Add a marker:
    Marker marker = mapController.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                        .position(new LngLat(73.092159, 33.728945))
  2. Customize marker icon User can specify a custom icon by using the IconFactory object and passing it to the marker. If user don’t specify an icon, marker will be given the default marker icon. User can also set size of custom marker with an additional IconSize parameter
marker.setIcon(IconFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.ic_pin_drop, new IconSize(50, 50)));
  1. Set or customize an info window: If user has set title or description of marker, then a default info window will be shown on marker click. But user can also set a custom info window to markers as follow:
    mapController.setCustomInfoWindow(new MapController.CustomInfoWindow() {
        public View onInfoWindow(Marker marker) { return null; }
        public View onInfoWindowContent(Marker marker) {   return view; } 

Custom info window can be set by returning view in two callback methods. Controller first call onInfoWindow() method if returned view is null then onInfoWindowContent() gets called. If both are null then default info window will be shown.

  1. Remove marker: User can remove a specific marker by two ways as follow:
    All markers can also be removed in single call

User can also remove any shape polyline, polygon, and circle in same way


Polyline is a path between two locations. There must be at least two points to draw a polyline. To draw polyline on map, user must create PolylineOptions in which user can set different properties including list of location/point, color, width, outline width, outline color etc. And then pass PolylineOptions to addPolyline() method via MapController.

Polyline polyline = mapController.addPolyline(
     new PolylineOptions()
     .add(new LngLat(73.094177, 33.729113), new LngLat(73.090913, 33.727616))


User can also draw a Polygon shape on map giving list of points. Polygon must have three points. To draw polygon on map, user must create PolygonOptions in which user can set different properties including list of location/point, fill color, outline width, outline color etc. And then pass PolygonOptions to addPolygon() method via MapController.

ArrayList listLngLats = new ArrayList<>();
listLngLats.add(new LngLat(73.092159, 33.728945));
listLngLats.add(new LngLat(73.092620, 33.727624));
listLngLats.add(new LngLat(73.091322, 33.726795));
listLngLats.add(new LngLat(73.092159, 33.728945));
Polygon polygon = mapController.addPolygon(
    new PolygonOptions()


To draw circle on map, user must create CircleOptions in which user can set different properties including center point, radius, fill color, outline width, outline color etc. And then pass CircleOptions to addCircle() method via MapController. Center point and radius must be set to draw a valid circle.

Circle circle = mapController.addCircle(
     new CircleOptions()
     .center(new LngLat(73.092159, 33.728945))

Markers and shapes Events

User can set click listener for markers, info windows and all shapes. Marker and info windows are clickable by default. But to get polyline, polygon and circle click listener, user must setClickable(true). Click listeners can be set as follow:

    new mapController.OnMarkerClickListener() {
        @Override public void onMarkerClick(Marker marker) {} 
    new mapController.OnInfoWindowClickListener() {
        @Override public void onInfoWindowClick(Marker marker) {}
    new mapController.OnPolylineClickListener() {
        @Override public void onPolylineClick(Polyline polyline) {} 
mapController.OnPolygonClickListener() {
    new mapController.setOnPolygonClickListener() {
    	@Override  public void onPolygonClick(Polygon polygon) {} 
    new mapController.OnCircleClickListener() {
        @Override  public void onCircleClick(Circle circle) {} 

Add Style Map JSON Formatted

You can set custom map style by calling this method


All overrides of this method requires json formatted style which is described below:

A JSON style declaration consists of the following elements:

  • featureType - the features to select for this style modification. Features are geographic characteristics on the map, including roads, parks, bodies of water, and more.

  • stylers - the rules to apply to the selected features. Stylers indicate the color, width, visibility, outline color and outline width of the feature. You can apply one or more stylers to a feature.


The following JSON snippet selects all roads on the map:

{    "featureType":"road.motorway"   }  

Features, or feature types, are geographic characteristics on the map, including roads, parks, bodies of water, businesses, and more.

Features contain child features you specify using a dot notation. For example, road.motorway or road.street. You must specify both parent and child the styles you specify for the parent apply to all its children, such as road.motorway and road.highway.

The following features are available:

  • map selects map

    • map.mode selects map modes
    • map.pois selects pois
    • map.buildings selects buildings
  • road selects road.

    • road.motorway selects motorways (e.g. M2, Pakistan)
    • road.highway selects highways (e.g. Kashmir Highway, Islamabad)
    • road.main selects main road (e.g. Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad)
    • road.secondary selects secondary roads (e.g. Nazim ud Din Road, Islamabad)
    • road.tertiary selects tertiary roads (e.g. Service roads)
    • road.street selects streets


Styler is formatting options that you can apply to map features and elements.

The following JSON snippet displays a feature as bright green, using an RGB value:

  "styler":[    { "color":"#99FF33" }  ]  

The following style options are supported:

  • mode sets the mode value of the feature. You can use this method with map.mode feature

  • color (an RGB hex string of format #RRGGBB) sets the color of the feature

    Note: You need to input color’s hex value in apostrophes character e.g. ”color”:”#RRGGBB”

  • width sets the width of the feature Specify value for feature road for different zoom levels for example,


In this value, [[5,0.4px]] tuple defines width 0.4px at zoom level 5 and the next tuple [10,2px] defines width 2px at zoom level 10 and width values between these two zoom levels are linearly interpolated.

  • outline.color sets the outline color of the feature
  • outline.width sets the outline width of the feature
  • Specify outline width for feature road for different zoom levels for example,

In this value, [[5,0.4px]] tuple defines width 0.4px at zoom level 5 and the next tuple [10,2px] defines width 2px at zoom level 10 and width values between these two zoom levels are linearly interpolated.

  • Visible sets the visibility of feature

Sample JSON

      {"featureType":  "map.mode",
        "styler": {
            "mode":  "night"
      },{"featureType": "map.pois",
        "styler": {
            "visible":  "true"
        },{"featureType":  "map.buildings",
        "styler": {
        	"visible":  "true"
          },{"featureType":  "road.motorway",
              "styler": {
              "color":  "'#4194f4'",
              "width": "[[5, 0.4px],[10,2px],[15,5px],[20,65px]]",
              "outline.color":  "'#000000'",
              "outline.width":  "[[5, 0.1px],[10, 0.5px],[15,1px],[20,2px]]",
              "visible":  "true"
            },{"featureType":  "road.street",
               "styler": {
                   "color":  "'#f44141'",
                   "width": "[[14, 1px],[15,3.5px],[20,50px]]",
                   "outline.color":  "'#000000'",
                   "visible":  "true"
              },{"featureType":  "road.main",
                 "styler": {
                   "color":  "'#55f441'",
                   "width": "[[7,  0.5px],[10,1px],[15,4px],[20,100px]]",
                   "outline.color":  "'#000000'",
                   "outline.width":  "[[5, 0.1px],[10, 0.5px],[15,1px]]",
                   "visible":  "true"


Add this rule when using proguard:

-keep class com.tplmaps3d.** { *; } 

API Documentation

You can find API Documentation from here
