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Pieter van Ginkel edited this page Nov 21, 2023 · 4 revisions

Techie's Quick Launcher (TQL) is a launcher app for modern software development tools. It's useful for anybody doing software development, from developers to testers and product owners.

The primary use of the app is to quickly navigate to things you need every day, like Agile boards in JIRA or Azure DevOps, work items and issues, Azure Portal resources, and even people if you want to quickly start a teams chat.


  • Support for Azure, Azure DevOps, JIRA, Confluence, GitHub, Outlook and Microsoft Teams.
  • Built in plugin system to be able to add your own plugins.
  • Quick start tutorial to get you up and running quickly.
  • Advanced search capabilities. You'll forget how to use the web apps once you get used to TQL 😀.


You need to download and install the setup to run Techie's Quick Launcher. Go to the latest release page and under Assets, download the MSI file. Have a look at the Getting started page to see how you can get yourself up and running.


Use the following links or the links in the sidebar to navigate to the documentation: