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Punyo Soft-Bubble Sensor

Overview // Installation // Demos // License

Universal Robot e-Series family


The Punyo Soft-Bubble Sensor is a visuotactile sensor developed as part of TRI’s effort to push manipulation capabilities in soft robotics. Soft robotics with integrated sensing opens up many possibilities.

Using a highly compliant material that is inflated to form a bubble, sensors are used on the inside to measure deformation of the material. Measurements of the material (in the form of pressure, depth, and image data) provide high-density contact geometry and force information that can enable applications in areas like:

  1. Human-Robot Interaction such as a smooth object handover from a robot to a human,
  2. Robust gripping where the nature of the compliant material gives added grip strength, and
  3. Pose estimation that can assist when grabbing a tool or item.

This repository contains code to work with the Punyo Soft-Bubble Sensor. It's made available to enable researchers and developers to work with it using ROS2.


  • connectors
  • construction
    • gripper - build instructions to make your own gripper. Note that these instructions are for the bubble based on the pico flexx (1) sensor.
    • pattern - a pattern generator for the pico flexx (1) sensor.
  • depth_sensors - supported depth sensors
    • intel_realsense_d405 - Interface with an Intel D405 camera.
  • pressure_sensors - collection of firmware for pressure sensors
    • micro_ros_bubble - A micro-ROS client using micro_ros_arduino as a pre-compiled binary. Cconnects with a micro-ROS agent running on a PC. Reads one MPRLS pressure sensor and controls one neopixel LED.
  • scripts
    • start_flow - Reads in camera data and uses optical flow to estimate shear force
    • start_demo - Music demo using pressure readings


rectangle "Soft-Bubble Sensor on ROS2" {

	package [microcontroller] {

	(Pressure Sensor as Publisher) -- (micro-ros-client)
	(LED as Subscriber) -- (micro-ros-client)

	package [ROS_agent] {

	(micro-ros-client) -- (Micro_XRCE_DDS_Agent)

	package [Realsense_ROS_Wrapper] {

	(D405 Camera) -- (Wrapper)

	package [ROS_topics] {
		package [depth_camera] {
			(depth image)
			(rgb image)
			(point cloud)
		package [mc] {
	(Micro_XRCE_DDS_Agent) -- (DDS)
	(Wrapper) -- (DDS)

	package [ROS_tools] {
	' (pressure) -- [rqt]
	' (depth image) -- [rviz]
	' (rgb image) -- [rviz]
	' (point cloud) -- [rviz]

	package [subscribers] {
		[optical flow]
	(optical flow) -u- (rgb image)
	[rqt] -u- (DDS)
	[rviz] -u- (DDS)


Installation Overview

We've tested the Punyo Bubble Kit using:

  • Ubuntu 20.04
    • ROS2 Foxy or Galactic
  • Ubuntu 22.04
    • ROS2 Humble
  • Camera Sensor SDK
    • Intel RealSense SDK 2.0
  • Arduino IDE (optional)
  • Punyo Soft-Bubble Sensor Kit package
  • Micro XRCE agent


Step 1: Install the ROS2 distribution

Step 2: Install the SDK to use a D405 stereo depth camera

Step 3: Clone the project

Note 1: the use of recurse-submodules to get the Intel Realsense package as a submodule. Note 2: the target folder is punyo-bubble (to match what's expected in the scripts)

git clone --recurse-submodules punyo-bubble

Step 4: Prep to build

cd punyo-bubble-kit/ros2_ws

Install the build dependencies for colcon

sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions

Install the dependencies for the RAFT optical flow algorithm

pip3 install torch
pip3 install torchvision
pip3 install --upgrade typing-extensions

Install the dependencies for RealSense

(these are the steps from

sudo apt-get install python3-rosdep -y

sudo rosdep init

rosdep update --include-eol-distros # galactic EOL was Nov-2022

# Be sure to change the distro as needed on your machine
# rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro galactic --skip-keys=librealsense2 -y
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro humble --skip-keys=librealsense2 -y

Step 5: Build the workspace

# Be sure to change the distro as needed on your machine
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
cd punyo-bubble-kit/ros2_ws

# Build the packages
colcon build

# If you need to build specific packages, you can select them.
# colcon build --packages-select punyo

Using the Bubble Sensor

ROS2 Components

1. Publish Depth Data: RealSense

The easiest method is to use the following script to launch a publisher for the camera.

Option 1

$ cd punyo-bubble-kit/scripts
$ ./

Or, if you want to set the initial parameters for the camera, you can use launch the ros2 package with arguments for realsense.

Option 2

cd punyo-bubble-kit/ros2_ws
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
source install/setup.bash

# Using localhost only, to stay consistent with the other scripts
ros2 launch realsense2_camera pointcloud.enable:=false

# Not all filter parameters appear to work via the command line.
ros2 launch realsense2_camera colorizer.enable:=true colorizer.color_scheme:=3 depth_module.enable_auto_exposure.1:=false depth_module.profile:=640x480x30 depth_module.exposure:=10000 depth_module.gain:=128 pointcloud.enable:=false 

# For some additional notes on the post_processing filters:
# See

2. Modify the RealSense camera parameters, using:

Option 1: rqt (dynamic reconfigure UI panel)

Running RQT is fairly straightforward. You can use the convenience script if you like.

Option 1.A Open a new terminal window.

$ cd punyo-bubble-kit/scripts
$ ./

Option 1.B

cd punyo-bubble-kit/ros2_ws
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
# Using localhost only, to stay consistent with the other scripts

Now that you RQT is running, you can then navigate to:

Plugins > Configuration > Dynamic Reconfigure

Under the Parameter Reconfigure panel, there is an option to set the camera properties. Make the following changes:

colorizer.enable: true
depth_module.enable_auto_exposure: false
depth_module.gain 128
depth_module.exposure 20000

Option 2: using ros2 param set

You can also set parameters without launching RQT. Use your terminal to run commands like:

NOTE: Make sure to use the right path for your camera. Intel's Realsense wrapper defaults to /camera/camera but that can be edited using the script.

ros2 param set /camera/camera colorizer.enable true
ros2 param set /camera/camera depth_module.enable_auto_exposure false
ros2 param set /camera/camera depth_module.gain 128
ros2 param set /camera/camera depth_module.exposure 20000

Visualizing the Depth Data

Option 1: RQT

RQT is handy because it has built-in plots and image views. It also allows you to launch the dynamic reconfiguration and send specific messages.

cd ros2_ws
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash


The main panels to use for the bubble are: plot: pressure data image: color image image: depth image image: optical flow plot: shear magnitude

Option 2: ROS2 RViz

RViz also allows you to visualize the incoming data. It supports point clouds.

You can enable pointcloud data by changing: pointcloud.enable:=false to pointcloud.enable:=true in the (and script

This should show you 2 image panels (RS depth and RGB) and a point cloud window.

cd ros2_ws
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
source install/setup.bash

ros2 run rviz2 rviz2 -d config/punyo.rviz

If the punyo.rviz configuration file does not work, you can set up the pointcloud visualizer by setting the following:

  • Add a PointCloud2 element
  • Global: Fixed Frame

You may need to reboot after installation if you get an error about failing to create an opengl context

Image Processing Node

This is an example of processing the image data to compute optical flow.

Option 1

$ cd punyo-bubble-kit/ros_ws
$ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
$ source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run punyo bubble_image_subscriber --ros-args --params-file src/punyo/punyo/config/bubble.yaml

Option 2

$ cd punyo-bubble-kit/scripts
$ ./

This will show two image panels. One shows the RGB image with superimposed flow vectors. The other shows the optical flow for the current frame relative to the baseline frame using a colorwheel visualization.

The optical flow image is published as: /bubble_1/flow

The flow vectors can be used to estimate shear force. These shear force estimates may be used to trigger events.

These shear estimates are published on a topic called: /bubble_1/force and the x and y values of the shear force torque wrench are available as:


To get the magnitude of the largest shear vector, the value is available as:


You can switch between two optical flow algorithms.

In src/punyo/punyo/config/bubble.yaml you can switch:


    optical_flow_parameter: 1

RAFT - You can also set the Pytorch device mode

    optical_flow_parameter: 2
    device_parameter: cpu or cuda

ROS2 + Micro-ROS

1. Getting Pressure Data into ROS 2

To get pressure data into ROS 2, we need to connect the Micro-ROS client running on the microcontroller with the ROS 2 distributed data service with the help of a XRCE-DDS agent.

Start the Micro-ros agent to publish the data received from the microcontroller (MC).

** IMPORTANT: Before running the agent** The client running on the MC uses the references style of creating ROS2 entities. This means that you need to update the ros.ref to match the serial number of your microcontroller. If you run the agent without updating the ros.ref file, you will see an error stating that the entity was not found.

For more details on the refs format, see or check the contents of the script. To find out the serial number you should be using, you can run the script as-is, and an error will appear in the logs indicating the serial number of your MC. Alternatively, you can check your devices under /dev/serial/by-id on your pc.

There isn't variable support in the refs format, and so you will need to copy/paste the serial number into 8 locations. e.g. change bubble_35A4E5A250555733362E3120FF091A1E to bubble_yourserialnumber

Be sure to keep the prefixes (rt/) and suffices (__dr __dw __t) intact

IMPORTANT: Configuring whether to broadcast topics or keep them on localhost

By default, the start_... scripts and the ros.ref configuration file will keep the topics local to the pc you are running on. You can keep the localhost only mode:

localhost option in ref file


localhost option in script


You can switch to the broadcasting mode with:

localhost option in ref file

<!-- Remove or comment out the following block -->

localhost option in script


Option 1: Using a locally-installed Micro XRCE-DDS agent.

To install it, go the section "Installing the Agent standalone" at

NOTE: Ubuntu 22.04/jammy users You may run into a build issue as jammy uses Openssl 3.x and the full Micro XRCE-DDS agent build references Openssl 1.1.1 (used for Ubuntu 20.04)

To work around this, you can just build the uagent target as follows:

git clone
cd Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make uagent # <---- note the specific target
# sudo make install # <--- run this if you want to install it systemwide, otherwise just run it from your build directory 

Once installed, run the following:

$ MicroXRCEAgent serial --dev /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 -v 6 -r ros.ref

Make sure that the user you are running this under is a member of the dialout group. If you are unable to add the user to that group, you can run the command using sudo.

If there is a problem reading data from the serial port, your user may need to be a part of the dialout group for permissions on your serial port.

To add the current user to the dialout group:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USERNAME

You must log out and log in again for updated group permissions to take effect.

See the latter half of for more info.

If you can't install the MicroXRCEagent, you can use a docker image to run the agent.

Option 2: Using a docker image to run the Micro XRCE-DDS agent

Note: As of Jan-4-2023, there isn't a docker image built for jammy yet.

$ sudo apt install
$ sudo docker run -it --rm -v /dev:/dev --privileged --net=host microros/micro-ros-agent:galactic serial --dev /dev/ttyACM0 -v6 -r ros.ref

2. Viewing the pressure data in ROS 2

In RQT: Navigate to Plugins > Visualization > Plot to get a plot panel added to the RQT screen.

With the plot placeholder in RQT, you can then add the pressure data in one of two ways:

  1. In the Topic path shown in the plot panel that you just added, start entering /bubble (note that the leading slash may already by there) so that RQT will auto-populate the drop-down with the topics that start with /bubble. Once you see entries, you can hit down-arrow to scroll through the options. Pick the one that ends in pressure and add /data to the full topic name so that the pressure data is plotted. If you don't add /data, the data will not be plotted.
  2. You can use RQT's Topic Monitor to drag and drop the pressure data over to the plot panel. Go to Plugins > Topics > Topic Monitor. Click the expand arrow to expand the pressure topic. You should then see data. Drag and drop the data over to the plot. The plot should be updated automatically.


ROS2 localhost publishing


To see the topics being published:

cd punyo-bubble-kit/scripts
ros2 topic list

Pressure data

Sometimes the micro-ros client on the microcontroller may need to be reset, especially if pressure data is not being sent. Check the for more details.

Unplug and plug the USB hub back into your PC.

Use the reset button on the microcontroller.

Restart the ./ script. (ctrl-c then run it again)

Camera data

Restart the ./ script. (ctrl-c then run it again)

Launch script

For convenience, you may want to try a shell script that launches the pressure agent, camera and flow scripts, and eventually rviz.

$ cd punyo-bubble-kit/scripts
$ gnome-terminal --window -- ./


If you are trying the sound demo, you will need to install the pygame package.

And confirm that the pressure topic is valid in the script.

pip3 install pygame
cd punyo-bubble-kit/scripts


This repository is released under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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