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Create DivaSlideLED1_0
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TT3D committed Aug 2, 2018
1 parent d801ed9 commit 0e9d8e5
Showing 1 changed file with 324 additions and 0 deletions.
324 changes: 324 additions & 0 deletions DivaSlideLED1_0
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
//Current issues, direction output latches sometimes. pos[] is being used at the moment
//to filter latched commands

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/power.h>

//NeoPixel Strand pin
#define led_pin 8

Adafruit_NeoPixel led_strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(24, led_pin, NEO_RGBW + NEO_KHZ800);

// IMPORTANT: To reduce NeoPixel burnout risk, add 1000 uF capacitor across
// pixel power leads, add 300 - 500 Ohm resistor on first pixel's data input
// and minimize distance between Arduino and first pixel. Avoid connecting
// on a live circuit...if you must, connect GND first.

#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_MPR121.h"

//the number of pads being used in the slider
#define N_SENSORS 48

//The number of "0" that must be counted to detect the end of the first touched zone
#define DEADZONE_MAX 3

//Used for loops as a baseline number and comparison to detect no pins are touched
#define NO_TOUCH -1

//Define the NeoPixel slider

//Define the objects

Adafruit_MPR121 mprA = Adafruit_MPR121();
Adafruit_MPR121 mprB = Adafruit_MPR121();
Adafruit_MPR121 mprC = Adafruit_MPR121();
Adafruit_MPR121 mprD = Adafruit_MPR121();

//Define the output pins to the PS4 controller board
byte L1 = 4;
byte R1 = 5;
byte L2 = 6;
byte R2 = 7;

//Array for storing the sensor values
int positionArray[N_SENSORS] = {};

/*arrays for storing the values from the current touched and last touched pads
in the read_sensors loop*/
int lasttouched[4] = {};
int currtouched[4] = {};

//No touch flag used to clear direction data, 0 is no touch
uint8_t no_touch = 0;

/*Used for reading the sensor field, using this variable allows for one
multiplication per quadrant read instead of 12, adding speed*/
byte sensorOffset;

char strOut[N_SENSORS+2];

char pos[2] = {NO_TOUCH, NO_TOUCH};
char posPrev[2] = {NO_TOUCH, NO_TOUCH};
char dir[2] = {0 ,0}; //1 right, -1 left, 0 no direction

//The beginning and ends of each "touched zone"
char startDetectPos;
char endDetectPos;

//stores the count of how many "0" have been read since startDetectPos
byte zeroCount;

void setup() {


//Set the output pins to output mode
pinMode(L1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(L2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(R1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(R2, OUTPUT);

//Output written high is off. Sets all outputs off as default
digitalWrite(L1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(R1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(L2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(R2, HIGH);

//Start the MPR121 boards

led_strip.begin();; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'


void loop() {




//runs the detection for each finger



//Not needed for upload version, comment in to use the debug function

//Delay is needed as the program runs too fast, slowing down to approx 60Hz

/*Set all array values to 0*/
void clear_array (){

//Set all array values to 0
memset(positionArray, 0, sizeof(positionArray));


/* Fills the 48 bit array with a 1 if a touch was detected at that "coordinate"*/
void read_sensors (){

// Read the data from all four sensors
currtouched[0] = mprA.touched();
currtouched[1] = mprB.touched();
currtouched[2] = mprC.touched();
currtouched[3] = mprD.touched();

//write the data from the sensors to the array

//starting at sensor 0 (A), write any touched values to the array as a "1"
for (byte sensor = 0; sensor < 4; sensor++) {
sensorOffset = 12 * sensor;
//Run this loop for 12 counts for the 12 values per sensor
for (byte i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

* if a pad is being touched, it will be indexed in the positionArray as a 1
add the following code " && !(lasttouched[sensor] & _BV(i)) to the end of
the line below and it will zero (0) out any pads being held
if (currtouched[sensor] & _BV(i)) {

//writes the one (1) values to the array + offset
positionArray[i + sensorOffset] = 1;

//comment out if using lasttouched functionality
//lasttouched[sensor] = currtouched[sensor];

/*Reads the array and looks for two groups of "1". When it finds the first group it
will average the central position and store it and move to finding the central point
of the second finger. only two fingers are calculated and any extra are not calculated
void readPositions(){


if(startDetectPos > 0){
pos[0] = (startDetectPos + endDetectPos) >> 1;

positionDetection(endDetectPos + DEADZONE_MAX);
if(startDetectPos > 0){
pos[1] = (startDetectPos + endDetectPos) >> 1;
pos[1] = -1;
pos[0] = -1;

/*An internal function of readPositions which is responsible for the array scanning
and deadzone detection*/
void positionDetection(byte scanOffset){ //scanOffset is start index of detection algorithm

//a state of -1 means no touch and skips loops
startDetectPos = -1;
endDetectPos = -1;

//reset number of deadzone "0" to 0
zeroCount = 0;

//Reads data until the first "1" is found and then goes to the else statement
for(byte i=scanOffset; i<N_SENSORS; i++){
if(startDetectPos < 0){ //look for touch start position
if(positionArray[i] != 0){
startDetectPos = i;

/*looks for three "0" to define the deadzone, this allows a stuck pad reading "0" constantly
to not cause a single touch to register as two. when it finds the deadzone it marks the end*/
if(endDetectPos < 0){ //look for touch end position
if(positionArray[i] == 0){
if(zeroCount >= DEADZONE_MAX){
endDetectPos = i - DEADZONE_MAX;
zeroCount = 0;
if(endDetectPos < 0){ //if no end detection was found,
endDetectPos = N_SENSORS-1; //set end position at end of array

/*This function takes the coordinates from readPositions and calculates the direction of
each finger as either Left (-1), Right (1), or no movement (0)*/
void direction_detection(byte i) {
if((pos[i] > 0) && (posPrev[i] < 0)){
posPrev[i] = pos[i];
//compares the current position to the last recorded position
if(pos[i] > 0){
if(pos[i] > posPrev[i]){
dir[i] = 1;
}else if(pos[i] < posPrev[i]){
dir[i] = -1;
dir[i] = 0;
//sets the current position to the last for the next loop to compare to
posPrev[i] = pos[i];

/*Takes the data from direction_detection and outputs it to the L1,R1,L2, and R2 pins*/
void send_output1() {
if(pos[0] < 0){
digitalWrite(R1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(L1, HIGH);

}else if(dir[0] > 0){
digitalWrite(R1, LOW);

}else if(dir[0] < 0){
digitalWrite(L1, LOW);


void send_output2() {
if(pos[1] < 0){
digitalWrite(R2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(L2, HIGH);
}else if(dir[1] > 0){
digitalWrite(R2, LOW);
}else if(dir[1] < 0){
digitalWrite(L2, LOW);

void led_output() {


This area is for serial pringing and other "debug code" to keep it seperate
in its own function so the program does not slow when testing. It may be
necessary to add debug code in other locations for testing so make sure to
keep the code clean by removing or commenting out afterwards.
void debug(){

for(int i = 0; i < N_SENSORS; i++) {
strOut[i] = positionArray[i] ? '1' : '0';


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