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Releases: TTT-2/TTT2


20 Jun 09:11
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  • Fixed low karma autokick convar
  • Fixed multi-layer inheritance by introducing a recursion based approach


19 Jun 15:54
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  • Fixed shop convars not being shared / breaking the shop


19 Jun 13:37
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  • All new roundend menu
    • new info panel that shows detailed role distribution during the round
    • info panel also states detailed score events
    • new timeline that displays the events that happened during the round
    • added two new round end conditions: time up and no one wins
  • Added ROLE_NONE (ID 3 by default)
    • Players now default to ROLE_NONE instead of ROLE_INNOCENT
    • Enables the possibility to give Innocents access to a custom shop (shopeditor)
  • Karma now stores changes
    • Is shown in roundend menu
  • Added a new hook TTT2ModifyLogicCheckRole that can be used to modify the tested role for map related role checks
  • Added the ConVar ttt2_random_shop_items for the number of items in the randomshop
  • Added per-player voice control by hovering over the mute icon and scrolling


  • Updated French translation (by @MisterClems)
  • Fixed IsOffScreen function being global for compatibility
  • Fixed a German translation string (by @Farlezz)
  • Fixed a Polish translation by adding new lines (by @wuker)
  • Fixed a data initialization bug that appeared on the first (initial) spawn
  • Fixed silent Footsteps, while crouched bhopping
  • Fixed issue where base innocents could bypass the TTT2AvoidGeneralChat and TTT2AvoidTeamChat hooks with the team chat key
  • Fixed issue where roles with unknownTeam could see messages sent with the team chat key
  • Fixed the admin section label not being visible in the main menu
  • Fixed the auto resizing of the buttons based on the availability of a scrollbar not working
  • Fixed reopening submenus of the legacy addons in F1 menu not working
  • TTT: Fixed karma autokick evasion
  • TTT: Fixed karma being applied to weapon damage even though karma is disabled


  • Microoptimization to improve code performance
  • Converted roles, huds, hudelements, items and pon modules into libraries
  • Moved bind library to the libraries folder
  • Moved favorites functions for equipment to the equipment shop and made them local functions
  • Code cleanup and removed silly negations
  • Extended some ttt2net functions
  • Changed bees win to nones win
  • By default all evil roles are now counted as traitor roles for map related checks
  • Changed the ConVar ttt2_random_shops to only disable the random shop (if set to 0)
  • Shopeditor settings are now available in the F1 Menu
  • Moved the F1 menu generating system from a hook based system to a file based system
    • removed the hooks TTT2ModifyHelpMainMenu and TTT2ModifyHelpSubMenu
    • menus are now generated based on files located in lua/terrortown/menus/gamemode/
    • submenus are generated from files located in folders with the menu name
  • Menus without content are now always hidden in the main menu
  • Moved Custom Shopeditor and linking shop to roles to the F1 menu
  • Moved inclusion of cl_help to the bottom as nothing depends on it, but menus created by it could depend on other client files
  • Shopeditor equipment is now available in F1 menu
  • Moved the role layering menu to the F1 menu (administration submenu)
    • removed the command ttt2_edit_rolelayering
  • moved the internal path of lang/, vskin/ and events/ (this doesn't change anything for addons)
  • Sort teammates first in credit transfer selection and add an indicator to them


  • Removed the custom loading screen (GMOD now only accepts http(s) URLs for sv_loadingurl)

Breaking Changes

  • Adjusted Player:HasRole() and Player:HasTeam() to support simplified role and team checks (no parameter are supported anymore, use Player:GetRole() or Player:GetTeam() instead)
  • Moved global roleData to the roles library (e.g. INNOCENT to roles.INNOCENT). INNOCENT, TRAITOR etc. is not supported anymore. ROLE_<ROLENAME> is still supported and won't be changed.
  • Shopeditor function ShopEditor.ReadItemData() now only updates a number of key-parameters, must be given as UInt. Messages were changed accordingly (TTT2SESaveItem,TTT2SyncDBItems)
  • Equipment shop favorite functions are now local and not global anymore (CreateFavTable, AddFavorite, RemoveFavorite, GetFavorites & IsFavorite)


26 Mar 15:37
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  • TTT: fix instant reload of dropped weapon (by @svdm)
  • TTT: fix ragdoll pinning HUD for innocents (by @Flapchik)
  • Fixed outline library not working


  • Added global alias for IsOffScreen function to util.IsOffScreen
  • Updated Japanese localization (by @Westoon)
  • Moved rendering modules to libraries
  • Assigned PvP category to the gamemode.


19 Feb 08:55
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  • Inheriting from the same base using the classbuilder in different folders did not work
  • Fixed a docstring in the vskin module
  • Made TTT2CanTransferCredits hook a part of GM for API Documentation sanity


06 Feb 19:23
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  • Added a new vgui system
    • Introduced new development interfaces to easily create menues and settings for addons
  • Introduced a global scale factor based on screen resolution to scale HUD elements accordingly
  • Added automatical scale factor change on resolution change that works even if the resolution was changed while TTT2 wasn't loaded
  • Added drawsc library featuring scalable draw functions
  • Added Drag&Drop role layering VGUI, accessible with the console command ttt2_edit_rolelayering
  • Added a new event system
    • Added a cancelable hook TTT2OnTriggeredEvent that is called once an event is about to be added
    • Added a hook TTT2AddedEvent that is called after an event was added
  • Added orm library to simplify database access
  • Added French translation (by @MisterClems)
  • Added a few table module functions
  • Added a few LANG module functions
  • Added a new classbuilder that can be used to create classes from files
  • Added a targetid library, that can be used to draw TargetIDs for entities
  • Added a hook TTT2CanTransferCredits that is called before credits are transferred
  • Credits can now be transferred across teams and from roles whom the recipient does not know


  • The F1 menu is completely overhauled
  • Cleaned up language files, they are now identical on a line by line comparison
  • Inverted some convars to have a uniform "Enable feature X", not a mixture of enable and disable
  • TargetID text is now scaled with the global scale factor
  • Cleaned up draw function files
  • Changed several functions' scopes
  • Added minimal documentation to every datastructure
  • Removed C4 defuse restriction for teammates
  • Moved role specific score variables into the role base
  • Changed the language identifiers to generic english names
  • Moved functions from sh_util into their respective library files
  • Updated the list of troublesome addons used by the addonchecker
  • Updated Simplified Chinese localization (by @TheOnly8Z)
  • Updated Italian localization (by @ThePlatynumGhost)
  • Updated English localization (by @Satton2)
  • Updated Russian localization (by @scientistnt and @Satton2)
  • Updated German translation (by @Creyox)


  • Fixed weapon pickup bug, where weapons would not get dropped but stayed in inventory
  • Fixed a roleselection bug, where forced roles would not be deducted from the available roles
  • Fixed a credit award bug, where detectives would receive a pointless notification about being awarded with 0 credits
  • Fixed a karma bug, where damage would still be reduced even though the karma system was disabled
  • Fixed a roleselection bug, where invalid layers led to skipping the next layer too
  • Fixed Magneto Stick ragdoll pinning instructions not showing for innocents when ttt_ragdoll_pinning_innocents is enabled
  • Fixed a bug where the targetID info broke if the pickup key is unbound


28 Sep 16:44
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  • Added ConVar to toggle double-click buying
  • Added Japanese translation (by @Westoon)
  • Added table.ExtractRandomEntry(tbl, filterFn) function
  • Added a team indicator in front of every name in the scoreboard (just known teams will be displayed)
  • Added a hook TTT2ModifyCorpseCallRadarRecipients that is called once "call detective" is pressed


  • The weapon pickup system has been improved to increase stability and remove edge cases in temporary weapon teleportation
  • Updated Spanish translation (by @DennisWolfgang)


  • Fixed foregoing fetch fix
  • Fixed HUD savingKeys variable not being unique across all HUDs
  • Fixed drawing web images, seamless web images and avatar images
  • Fixed correctly saving setting a bind to NONE, while a default is defined
  • Fixed a weapon pickup targetID bug where the +use key was displayed even though pickup has its own keybind
  • Fixed DNA scanner crash if using an old/different weapon base
  • Fixed rare initialization bug in the speed calculation when joining as a spectator


09 Aug 19:39
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  • Added a new custom file loader that loads lua files from lua/terrortown/autorun/
    • it basically works the same as the native file loader
    • there are three subfolders: client, server and shared
    • the files inside this folder are loaded after all TTT2 gamemode files and library extensions are loaded
  • Added Spanish version for base addon (by @Tekiad and @DennisWolfgang)
  • Added Chinese Simplified translation (by @TheOnly8Z)
  • Added double-click buying
  • Added a default avatar for players and an avatar for bots


  • Roles are now only getting synced to clients if the role is known, not just the body being confirmed
  • Airborne players can no longer replenish stamina
  • Detective overhead icon is now shown to innocents and traitors
  • moved language files from lua/lang/ to lua/terrortown/lang
  • Stopped teleporting players to players they're not spectating if they press the "duck"-Key while roaming
  • Moved shop's equipment list generation into a coroutine
  • Removed TTT2PlayerAuthedCacheReady hook
  • Internal changes to the b-draw library for fetching avatars


  • Fixed death handling spawning multiple corpses when killed multiple times in the same frame
  • Radar now shows bombs again, that do not have the team property set
  • Fix HUDManager not saving forcedHUD and defaultHUD values
  • Fixed wrong parameter default in EPOP:AddMessage documentation
  • Fixed shop switching language issue
  • Fixed shop refresh activated even not buyable equipments
  • Fixed wrong shop view displayed as forced spectator


26 Jun 21:42
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  • Added Hooks to the targetID system to modify the displayed data
    • GM:TTTModifyTargetedEntity(ent, distance): Modify the entity that is targeted. This is useful for addons like an "Identity Disguiser".
  • Added Hooks to interact with door destruction
    • GM:TTT2BlockDoorDestruction(doorEntity, activator): Hook to block the door destruction.
    • GM:TTT2DoorDestroyed(doorPropEntity, activator): Hook that is called after the door is destroyed.
  • Added a new function to force a new radar scan: ply:ForceRadarScan()
  • Added a new convar to change the default radar time for players without custom radar times: ttt2_radar_charge_time
  • Added a new client ConVar ttt_crosshair_lines to add the possibility to disable the crosshair lines


  • Moved the disguiser icon to the status system to be only displayed when the player is actually disguised
  • Reworked the addonchecker and added a command to execute the checker at a later point
  • Renamed RADAR.SetRadarTime(ply, time) to ply:SetRadarTime(time)
  • Updated Italian translation (Thanks @ThePlatinumGhost)
  • Removed Is[ROLE] functions of all roles except default TTT ones
  • Moved legacy item initialization to the items module (items.MigrateLegacyItems())
  • ttt_end_round now resets when the map changes
  • Reworked the SWEP HUD help (legacy function SWEP:AddHUDHelp is still supported)
    • allows any number of lines now
    • visualization of the respective key
  • Players who disconnect now leave a corpse


  • Fixed shadow texture of the "Pure Skin HUD" for low texture quality settings
  • Fixed inno subrole upgrading if many roles are installed
  • Fixed and improved the radar role/team modification hook
  • Fixed area portals on servers for destroyed doors
  • Fixed revive fail function reference reset
  • Removed the DNA Scanner hudelement for spectators
  • Fixed a rare clientside error that happens if a player connects in the moment the preparing time just started
  • Fixed the image in the confirmation notification whenever a bot's corpse gets identified
  • Fixed bad role selection due to RNG reseeding
  • Fixed missing role column translation
  • Fixed viewmodel not showing correct hands on model change


02 Jun 14:12
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  • Fixed max roles / max base roles interaction with the roleselection. Also does not crash with values != 0 anymore.