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Comparing the supported endpoints of the different JS wrappers

Taevas edited this page Apr 22, 2024 · 2 revisions

Please note that not only may those tables contain mistakes or be outdated, they also simplify how things actually are and only show the endpoints that are featured in the osu!web Documentation (which includes lazer-scoped endpoints); it's important to keep in mind every package has a different focus and approaches things differently!

  • ✅ means the endpoint is supported
  • ⚠️ means the endpoint is supported but not tested
  • ❌ means the endpoint is not supported

Beatmap Packs Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /beatmaps/packs
GET /beatmaps/pack/{pack}
Beatmaps Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /beatmaps/lookup
GET /beatmaps/{beatmap}/scores/users/{user}
GET /beatmaps/{beatmap}/scores/users/{user}/all
GET /beatmaps/{beatmap}/scores
GET /beatmaps/{beatmap}/solo-scores
GET /beatmaps
GET /beatmaps/{beatmap}
POST /beatmaps/{beatmap}/attributes
Beatmapset Discussion Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /beatmapsets/discussions/posts
GET /beatmapsets/discussions/votes
GET /beatmapsets/discussions
Beatmapsets Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /beatmapsets/search
GET /beatmapsets/lookup
GET /beatmapsets/{beatmapset}
GET /beatmapsets/{beatmapset}/download
Changelog Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /changelog/{stream}/{build}
GET /changelog
GET /changelog/{changelog}
Chat Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
POST /chat/ack
POST /chat/new ⚠️
GET /chat/updates
GET /chat/channels/{channel}/messages
POST /chat/channels/{channel}/messages
PUT /chat/channels/{channel}/users/{user}
DELETE /chat/channels/{channel}/users/{user}
PUT /chat/channels/{channel}/mark-as-read/{message}
GET /chat/channels
POST /chat/channels ⚠️ (tested for PMs) ⚠️
GET /chat/channels/{channel}
Comments Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /comments
POST /comments
GET /comments/{comment}
PUT /comments/{comment}
DELETE /comments/{comment}
POST /comments/{comment}/vote
DELETE /comments/{comment}/vote
Events Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /events
Forum Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
POST /forums/topics/{topic}/reply ⚠️
POST /forums/topics ⚠️
GET /forums/topics/{topic}
PUT /forums/topics/{topic} ⚠️
PUT /forums/posts/{post} ⚠️
Home Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /search
Multiplayer Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /rooms/{room}/playlist/{playlist}/scores/users/{user}
GET /rooms/{room}/playlist/{playlist}/scores
GET /rooms/{room}/playlist/{playlist}/scores/{score}
GET /rooms
News Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /news
GET /news/{news}
Notification Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /notifications
POST /notifications/mark-read
Ranking Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /rankings/kudosu
GET /rankings/{mode}/{type}
GET /spotlights
Undocumented Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
POST /session/verify
POST /session/verify/reissue
POST /beatmaps/{beatmap}/solo/scores
PUT /beatmaps/{beatmap}/solo/scores/{token}
GET /beatmapsets/events
POST /beatmapsets/{beatmapset}/favourites
GET /chat/presence
GET /matches
GET /matches/{match}
POST /reports
PUT /rooms/{room}/users/{user}
DELETE /rooms/{room}/users/{user}
GET /rooms/{room}/leaderboard
POST /rooms/{room}/playlist/{playlist}/scores
PUT /rooms/{room}/playlist/{playlist}/scores/{score}
POST /rooms
GET /rooms/{room}
GET /seasonal-backgrounds
GET /scores/{score}/download
GET /scores/{rulesetOrScore}/{score}/download
GET /scores/{rulesetOrScore}/{score?}
GET /friends
GET /me/download-quota-check
Users Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /me/{mode?}
GET /users/{user}/kudosu
GET /users/{user}/scores/{type}
GET /users/{user}/beatmapsets/{type}
GET /users/{user}/recent_activity
GET /users/{user}/{mode?}
GET /users
Wiki Endpoints osu-api-v2-js v1.0.3 osu.js v2.0.4 osu-api-extended v2.7.0
GET /wiki/{locale}/{path}
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