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This is the material distribution system developed by the Working Group Services Disability and Studies at Dresden University of Technology to provide visually impaired students with the material they need to attend courses.


For the time being, there is no documentation apart from the various annotations in the code base itself and explanatory on-site help texts. I know that this situation is far from being perfect, but that's how things are right now. Proper documentation is to be written as a future work.


MatShare is designed to be deployed using Docker. This allows for reproducible deployments and reliable upgrades with all self-contained dependencies.

The application stack consists of three containers communicating with each other:

  • uWSGI as application server, which serves both the MatShare Python application and git repositories via git-http-backend
  • postgres as DBMS
  • nginx as reverse proxy

The nginx server is configured in the file nginx.conf. The provided settings are necessary for all of MatShare's features to work correctly. Pay particular attention to the included comments should you decide to extend the basic configuration, for instance to have nginx do TLS termination.

Configuration of MatShare itself is done by setting several environment variables, all of which are listed and documented in the bundled docker-compose.yaml. The recommended way of customizing the settings is to create a docker-compose.override.yaml file and override the required settings therein. That way you don't mess with the default values and make future upgrades run smoothly. A sample for development purposes can be found in docker-compose.override-dev.yaml.

Another point for you to customize is corporate identity in the HTML templates. In the directory matshare/ci_templates/matshare_ci, you find a README file explaining how to do it.

When you're all set, bring the whole stack up by running:

docker-compose up -d --build

At first start, a superuser account will be created with the information you configured via the MS_ADMIN_* variables. Check the container's output to verify it all went well:

docker-compose logs uwsgi


In general, all pending database migrations are ran when starting the Docker containers with updated images. To be sure, check before you upgrade. Eventual caveats or additional steps to be taken for existing installations will be listed there.

The general upgrade path is then:

  1. Backup the database contents and all directories in case anything goes wrong.

  2. Update the code base.

  3. Rebuild images and recreate the containers:

    docker-compose pull db
    docker-compose build --pull
    docker-compose up -d
  4. Verify everything looks good:

    docker-compose logs uwsgi


MatShare uses Poetry for dependency management. Therefore you need to install it and then set up the development environment by running this from the repository's root:

poetry install --no-root

Poetry will install all dependencies to a virtual environment to keep your system clean.

Pre-Commit Tasks

Some steps need to be taken before committing changes. These commands have to be ran from the repository's root.

  1. Generate proper database migrations:

    poetry run ./ makemigrations
  2. The code base is formatted using black, so make sure to run it:

    poetry run black .
  3. The translation files need to be updated after making code changes:

    poetry run ./scripts/