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BlueSky plugins

The easiest way to extend BlueSky is to create a self-contained plugin. In BlueSky, a plugin can:

Inside a plugin you have direct access to the Traffic, Simulation, Screen, and Navdb simulation objects. In a plugin, you can also import the stack module to interact with the simulation by stacking commands, import settings to get access to application-wide settings (and add your own, plugin-specific settings), and import tools to get access to BlueSky tools such as aerodynamic functions, geographic functions, datalogging, and more. The example below is also available in the plugins folder in the BlueSky distribution, and here.

Using existing plugins

To be able to use a plugin in BlueSky, put it in your plugins directory (in the bluesky root folder when you run BlueSky from source, or in $home/bluesky/plugins when you run a packaged version of BlueSky). On startup, BlueSky automatically detects the available plugins in this folder. You can enable a plugin from the BlueSky command line using the PLUGINS command. If you want to automatically load particular plugins on startup add the following to your bluesky settings file (settings.cfg, situated either in the bluesky root folder when you run from source, or in $home/bluesky):

enabled_plugins = ['plugin_1', 'plugin_2', ..., 'plugin_n']

Here, 'plugin_n' is the name you give your plugin. These names are not case-sensitive.

Creating plugins

BlueSky plugins are basically plain python modules, which have at least an init_plugin() function that, in addition to your own plugin initialisation, defines and returns a specific plugin configuration dict. In addition, BlueSky can use the docstring of the module as a description text of the plugin in the BlueSky interface. Together with any other imports you may have, the first couple of lines of your plugin will look like this:

""" BlueSky plugin template. The text you put here will be visible
    in BlueSky as the description of your plugin. """
# Import the global bluesky objects. Uncomment the ones you need
from bluesky import core, stack, traf  #, settings, navdb, sim, scr, tools

Here, the docstring should be used to describe your plugin. From BlueSky, you can import the navdb, traf, and sim objects as inputs, stack and scr as outputs. You can import the settings module to get access to the global BlueSky settings, and to specify default values for configuration parameters of your plugin that you want stored in the central settings.cfg file. The tools module provides access to BlueSky functions and constants for aerodynamic calculations, geographic calculations, and data logging.

Initialization of your plugin

BlueSky recognises a python script as a plugin if it contains an init_plugin() funtion, which defines and returns a configuration dict when it is called.

### Initialization function of your plugin. Do not change the name of this
### function, as it is the way BlueSky recognises this file as a plugin.
def init_plugin():

    # Addtional initilisation code

The configuration dict specified in the init function is used to define the basic properties of the module, and to connect its update function(s). In this dict, plugin_name and plugin_type specify the name and type of the module, respectively. The plugin name can be anything, but is not case sensitive. The plugin type can be 'sim' for simulation-side plugins, or 'gui' for client-side plugins.

    # Configuration parameters
    config = {
        # The name of your plugin
        'plugin_name':     'EXAMPLE',

        # The type of this plugin.
        'plugin_type':     'sim'

The init_plugin() ends by returning the configuration dict:

    # init_plugin() should always return the config dict.
    return config

After the init_plugin() you can define the actual implementation of your plugin. Although you can make a plugin with only module-level functions, the most powerful way to create new implementations in BlueSky is by creating a new Entity: an object that is only created once (a singleton, like, e.g., the built-in Traffic object, the Simulation object, ...). You can specify its implementation in two ways:

  • By deriving from core.Entity. You do this when you are implementing new functionality for BlueSky.
  • By subclassing an existing implementation in BlueSky. You do this when you want to replace some functionality in BlueSky. (A good example is creating a new Conflict Resolution algorithm, by deriving from bluesky.traffic.asas.ConflictResolution. See the plugins/asas folder for examples).

In this example we will implement new functionality, by inheriting from core.Entity. We will create a class that introduces a new state to each aircraft, storing the number of passengers on board.

class Example(core.Entity):
    ''' Example new entity object for BlueSky. '''
    def __init__(self):

Adding new traffic states in your plugin

In the constructor of your entity you can introduce new per-aircraft states using the settrafarrays() method:

        # All classes deriving from Entity can register lists and numpy arrays
        # that hold per-aircraft data. This way, their size is automatically
        # updated when aircraft are created or deleted in the simulation.
        with self.settrafarrays():
            self.npassengers = np.array([])

In the constructor, we can use Entities settrafarrays() to inform BlueSky that we are specifying one or more new states for each aircraft. We do this using a with statement.

Detailed control over aircraft creation

An Entity class can implement a create function to gain more control over the initialisation of states of new aircraft:

    def create(self, n=1):
        ''' This function gets called automatically when new aircraft are created. '''
        # Don't forget to call the base class create when you reimplement this function!
        # After base creation we can change the values in our own states for the new aircraft
        self.npassengers[-n:] = [randint(0, 150) for _ in range(n)]

In the create function, you generally start by calling the create function of the parent class, to appropriately resize the aircraft states. After that you can make changes to each state for the new aircraft.

Periodically timed functions

In a simulation, often calculations have to be made every timestep, or at a lower periodic interval. You can indicate your own functions as periodic functions using the core.timed_function decorator:

    @core.timed_function(name='example', dt=5)
    def update(self):
        ''' Periodic update function for our example entity. '''
        stack.stack('ECHO Example update: creating a random aircraft')
        stack.stack('MCRE 1')

Optional arguments to this decorator are the name by which the timer of this function becomes visible within bluesky, and the default update interval of this function. You can change this interval during the simulation with the DT stack command.

Defining new stack functions

Stack functions are the core of BlueSky, and provide the means to create and control a simulation. For a list of the default BlueSky stack functions, look here. In a plugin, you can also create new stack commands, using the stack.command decorator:

    def passengers(self, acid: 'acid', count: int = -1):
        ''' Set the number of passengers on aircraft 'acid' to 'count'. '''
        if count < 0:
            return True, f'Aircraft {[acid]} currently has {self.npassengers[acid]} passengers on board.'

        self.npassengers[acid] = count
        return True, f'The number of passengers on board {[acid]} is set to {count}.'

Here, we create a stack command PASSENGERS, which takes two arguments, of which the second argument is optional. We can indicate the type of each argument using python's argument annotations (the colon-syntax: count: int). For this function these are the following annotations:

  • The acid argument takes a bluesky-specific type, annotated with 'acid': This tells bluesky to expect an aircraft callsign, which it converts to the corresponding traffic array index, which is passed on to the function.
  • The count argument takes a default integer.

Inputs and outputs

Its likely that you are designing a plugin to interact in some way with objects in the simulation. By default, you can access data from the simulation as input by directly accessing the corresponding objects. For example, if I want to access the position of all aircraft in the simulation, I would do the following:

from bluesky import traf, scr
import numpy as np
# ...

def update(self):
    # I want to print the average position of all aircraft periodically to the
    # BlueSky console
    scr.echo('Average position of traffic lat/lon is: %.2f, %.2f'
        % (np.average(, np.average(traf.lon)))

For all available inputs, have a look at Traffic, Simulation, and Navdb.

Sending commands through the stack is the default way to output to the simulation. For instance, if the result of a plugin is to add a waypoint to the route of a particular aircraft, you can do the following:

from bluesky import stack
# ...

def update(self):
    # ... exiting stuff happens before here, where an aircraft ID is found, and a waypoint name
    ac  = 'MY_AC'
    wpt = 'SPY'
    stack.stack('ADDWPT %s %s' % (ac, wpt))

Of course it is perfectly possible to avoid going through the stack here, and instead directly modify the data in, e.g., the traf object. In fact, there will be more advanced situations where this is even required. Nevertheless, going through the stack is preferred, as the syntax of stack commands doesn't change, while the layout of the code and objects behind it may, making direct modifications from inside a plugin a brittle implementation.

Subclassing BlueSky core implementations

In BlueSky, several core classes can be subclassed to add or replace functionality. Currently, these are the performance model, Conflict Detection, Conflict Resolution, the Wind model, the Turbulence model, the ADSB model, the Route object, the Autopilot logic, and the ActiveWaypoint object.

Subclassing is performed in a regular manner. For example, subclassing the Route object in a plugin, your code could look like this:

from bluesky.traffic import Route

class MyRoute(Route):
    def __init__(self):
        # my initialisation here

    def delwpt(self,delwpname,iac=None):
        success = super().delwpt(delwpname, iac)
        # do something with your own data
        return success

When running BlueSky, and loading this plugin, the new route implementation becomes available, and can be selected with the IMPLEMENTATION command:


The complete example can be found here, and in the plugins folder in your BlueSky installation.

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